Facilities Services Weekly Project Update Minutes 2/18/2015 at 9:30am Attendance: Jessica, Rick, Wayne, Kevin T, Pat, Ray, Fred, Rose, Kelli 1. Projects a. Vangstad- Structural issues: brick unstable so they will put 2x6 walls to encase the current brick- will be less costly than to remove brick. Seats will be pulled by contractor from auditorium- will be stored at building. Will allow for more room between audience and stage. Mechanical rooms need updates in basement. Emergency funds cannot be used because other funding would be cut from projects elsewhere. i. Suggestion by Rose to remove tables from seats ii. Suggest to educate and update people on the update- structural repairs needed to be done before the beautification issues. b. McCoy/Snoey Basketball Court- Ron working with students. Put 26 x 40ft slab in and potentially remove hoops from tennis court area and replacing there. Plan to put in benches/ picnic tables. c. McCarthy/McFarland Alley- still trying to get contractors to back alley and off the front yard. Ron spoke with them and they will move as soon as possible. We need to keep scraping ice as well from back alley. d. President’s Office- Sprinklers will be done today, electricians doing lights and baseboards today. Richard got the door yesterday. Shooting to get it done by March 1. Still have issues with the ceiling tiles not lying flat. Ray tried to lay regular tiles and it didn’t help. Looking to put clips on and order extras for replacement in future. e. Student Center- Hepper Olson rep met with Kari last week. Doing drawings for re-decorating upper lounge. Working to get a ramp in there for handicap accessibility. f. Hill slide waterfall- keep chopping ice until the end of this winter. i. No Update g. Flood Wall i. No Update h. Track Repairs i. No Update i. Field House Addition- Ron will have prices by Friday i. No Update j. Graichen Gym/Field House Floors- Ron met with them on Monday. They told him there is enough floor there to be re-done. They would then stain the floor different colors instead of painting which could chip or scratch. Ron will be getting pictures that he can hopefully share next week. Also got a number for Jack to add to his budget report on the bubble. They want to keep the volleyball court and multiple lines for the basketball courts. Cabinet will hopefully make prioritization in budget requests by May. k. Spring Break Projects i. Field House Lower Level Bathrooms- Pat looking to get organized on that to have it done during break. ii. Field House Lobby- Have an electrical bid from Grotberg to replace lights. iii. Other 2. Future Projects a. Fine Arts Building- no update. b. Heat Plant i. RFQ for Architects- Doug has been working on this to go out by the end of the month. ii. Fred brought up that they would like to get a jump on cleaning out the powerhouse but there isn’t places to put it. It’s most likely that the old PH will stay while the other one is being built. There is possibility that new technology would be incorporated so we have to look to expanding our property (purchasing houses near Metals Lab). c. Wellness Center- no update. d. Pat got Jack a quote for painting the arena which we would look to do over the summer if possible. 3. Eventsa. Music festival April 24th- Dr. Dahlberg is looking to cancel classes that are held in McFarland but will keep McCarthy and Rhoades open for now. Dr. Redfearn is meeting with Dr. Dahlberg soon to discuss further. b. 4H March 7th- Will be using McFarland, McCarthy and Graichen 4. Other a. Meeting for Staff Senate Survey (tentative date 3/12)- Rick: only a 10 question survey- faculty senate is also going to implement at the same time. Will ask what we could do to make improvements- the tentative date of 3/12 we would meet as a group (Facilities) and discuss what we could do to help make a change and discuss things that are good and are working. Rick really encourages filling it out- don’t just delete! Staff put it together and Cabinet is really looking forward to it. This is another avenue to be able to give feedback. i. May be coming out Monday- will be a private, online survey. ii. Jessica will send out a meeting invite for the survey and change the date of the regular monthly meeting. The monthly meeting will be a discussion from Jennifer Larson and Doug Dawes about market value.