
Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting
Attendance: Ray, Kelli, Loren, Rick, Ron, Jessica, pat, Kevin T, Kevin K
Current Projects
a. Vangstad
i. Still working on change orders.
ii. All of the floors up to the new entryway are poured in the basement.
iii. Electrical and General are the only contractors who are able to continue
working at this time.
iv. Climate Control is over there beginning their work now.
v. Update on schedule: no earlier than end of November for the auditorium.
Potentially move offices to be ready for Spring Semester 2016.
b. Student Center Upper Lounge
i. Meeting scheduled for 5/6 with Student Center staff.
c. Flood Wall
i. Ron had a meeting yesterday. The work will begin on Monday for the lift station.
ii. The music building, parking lot lighting, walk bridge lighting, sprinkler system
will all be down until it can be re-piped.
iii. Parking
1. All equipment will be parked east of the gravel science center lotshould not interfere with parking.
2. College Street will be closed starting Monday. An email will be sent to
campus later this week.
d. Climate Control Upgrade
i. No Update
e. McCoy/Snoey Basketball Court
i. Ron is meeting with Vitaliano and the group tomorrow at 3pm to discuss if
funding is available.
f. Back Alley
i. Received a price from Enterprise for $38,000 to build a canopy over the top of
the parking area.
g. Hill slide Waterfall
i. No Update
h. McFarland 1st floor Water-proofing
i. Contracts have been signed with Sandman Consulting. Sub-contractors to be
2. Future Projects
a. Fine Arts Building
i. See the email from Dr. Mason that was sent yesterday. This building is
contingent upon a specific number of revenue.
b. Heat Plant
i. This project will move forward.
c. Wellness Center
i. Force Main Project
1. Our staff is still working on moving equipment. Concrete for the
greenhouse was poured yesterday. Move greenhouse tomorrow.
2. The weather station has been moved.
Other Projects
a. Bathrooms in Bubble
i. Grid is up on both sides, electrician installed lighting yesterday morning. Will be
completed soon.
ii. Basement bathroomb. Track
i. Ron met with some people from the High School and others from VCSU to
discuss how to move forward with funding of the track.
c. Field House Addition
i. No Update
d. Graichen Gym and Field House Floors
i. No Update
a. Special Olympics is this Sunday.
b. Earth Day/ 125th festival is May 6th. We will set up that afternoon but please come enjoy,
bring your families- there will be free food!
c. We will set up for graduation a few days early so we can make any necessary changes if
need be.
Safety | Security Crew
a. Safety Modules
i. Jessica sent out the list for what she had planned for each crew. No changes or
comments were made so we will plan to start those July 1.
b. Security Training
i. Jessica is working with a security consulting company out of Fargo. They could
provide specialized training and basic security training. Ron will finalize plans
with Doug tomorrow as well.
a. Q & A meeting scheduled for 5/5 at 3:00pm.
b. Be aware that if there is no wireless your timecard (and other things) will not update.
Building Services Crew
a. Rick: one of the new cleaning products isn’t working as well. It smells nice but it doesn’t
work great. Rick please have a conversation with Wayne to discuss if there’s any fixes
we can try with dilution.
Maintenance Crew
a. Ray: basement bathrooms in the bubble- will be putting in push button knobs so they
can lock. Jessica will research sign options.
Power House Crew
a. Student Center boiler is ready to switch over- will need to talk to Food Services to make
sure it doesn’t interfere with their operations. All of the water heaters in the dorms
have been switched over.
a. Circle Hall
i. Ron got a quote from Enterprise for an awning. He will give the drawing to the
Campus Beautification committee for approval.
b. Comm. Arts- 4th floor McFarland
i. There is a meeting scheduled for 5/4 at 1pm. Will know more after the meeting.
ii. We should start planning to haul stuff out- will need to get a lift and we will
continue to update as we know more.
c. Department Openings
i. Building Services- Rhoades
1. Will open next week for review.
2. Rick Clark is chairing the committee. Still need to finalize the rest of the
search committee members. (Heidi Lindemann (STEM) Faculty will be
voting on a member this week, and another BS staff member- Rick
suggested Michelle)
ii. Power House position
1. No update