
Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting- Agenda
Attendance: Kevin T, Kevin K, Pat, Dennis, Loren, Jessica, Ron, Kelli, Ray, Rick
1. Current Projects
a. Vangstad
i. Working on more structural issues concerning the footings.
ii. Will start 2x6 framing on 2nd floor this week.
iii. There is a construction meeting this morning at 11am.
1. Discuss how they are going to get the trucks to building to pour the
b. McCoy/Snoey Basketball Court
i. No update
c. Field House Lower Level & Lobby (Spring Break)
i. Richard O’Brien won the bid and he is ready to start the 13th. The grid work has
been pre-ordered.
d. Student Center Upper Lounge
i. We haven’t received anything from Hepper-Olson-Kari will call
e. Back Alley
i. We will continue to scrape mud and ice.
ii. We are looking into putting up a shelter over the parking area once it is paved
and the State Fleet cars are placed over there.
iii. Safety will put out a message about the roll-off dumpster being by Circle Hall to
be aware that people will be walking out of that area and drivers won’t see
them as well.
f. President’s Office
i. Carpet is currently being installed.
ii. Ray picked up the trim for the door. It will need to be stained, installed and the
door knob needs to be cut in.
iii. Pat worked with Rhonda on move-in days. Rhonda will start moving next week
and Dr. Mason will move in the week following Spring Break.
g. Hill slide Waterfall
i. Ice is still backed up to the top of the hill.
ii. Pat talked with Kevin T and he laid a bag of salt and dug a trench so now the
water is diverted and is draining away from the road. A dome grate will be
placed over it once it all thaws.
2. Future Projects
a. Fine Arts Building
i. No update
b. Heat Plant
i. Ron continues to meet with architects. 10 RFQs were sent out.
c. Wellness Center
i. Relocation of greenhouse to the back of University Housing has been planned. It
was marked out yesterday. The jungle gym and merry-go-round will be
removed. Pat discussed this plan with Stephanie already.
ii. Drew and Kevin T have been getting all the metal cleaned out.
3. Other Projects
a. Flood Wall
i. No update
b. Track
i. Ron received the soil testing results and will distribute once he makes copies.
Top soil is ok, bottom will need to be replaced. Will need to look into
replacement options. (Ron)
ii. Ron will send report to Gordy and see what he recommends and what it would
cost to repair.
c. Field House Addition
i. Ron met with Michael Burns and showed him the drawings from Wick to get an
estimate from him for the architect fees.
ii. Won’t have to worry about fire upgrades in the rest of the building with the
addition because we can just put a fire-rated door and wall and it will cover the
d. Graichen Gym and Field House Floors
i. No updates
4. Events
a. Science Olympiad March 28th, Music Contest is April 24th.
b. 4-H Event- look in to having Building Services staff work overtime to make sure the
building is cleaned up for next year.
c. Summer Marketing- working with Greg Vanney. Kelli will work with Doug on presenting
to Cabinet towards the end of March.
5. Other
a. Building Supervisor Position
i. Wayne, Janet, Kayla Evenson (Housing), Kim Hesch (Foundation) are on the
search committee.
ii. Pat met with the Building Service group last Friday. There seems to be mixed
feelings on the position. Doug: this position will allow for additional upward
mobility. Very keen on having additional training for all the building services
people so the individual selected for this position will train and bring back some
best practices. Would still be a working supervisor- would be responsible to
cover any buildings if people were to be absent. Any questions, comments,
concerns can be directed at Doug.
b. Theatre Storage
i. McFarland 411 will need to be cleaned out someday and will use that storage
for the items.
ii. Pat talked to Kim about saving some to use for selling at the auction.
iii. We will keep around 10 for replacement parts.
c. Heating Plant Operator
i. Information was sent to Fred to submit the request to recruit. Ron will talk to
Fred about getting the form submitted without the committee information.
Department Awards
i. Kelli scheduled the meeting for after this week’s update meeting (today). Plan
to get ideas together to brainstorm. Discussion points will be brought to the
next meeting.
Air Handlers
i. McFarland has been getting really warm. Loren and Fred went around and
turned down the air handlers to keep it cooler over there. Fred set the valves
yesterday to help with the issue as well.
i. New cables were hooked up yesterday
125 Celebration Lip Dub
i. Groups have been asked to participate in this.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Idl7KxucjLw is an example of what this
entails. They would like all of campus to participate and based off group
decision today, Facilities will participate. Any ideas for songs/ lead singer can be
directed at Kelli. She will send our proposal of that info on Friday.
Circle Hall Parking issue
i. People are parking on the new stamped concrete and it isn’t meant to hold that.
We are looking for ideas on how to get people to NOT park there. Kevin
suggests to paint the blue handicap line further down the curb. Rick suggests a
large planter. Ron says we could put paint now if we have the paint already.
Concerns with group
i. Loren: with Jeff being gone, Fridays and Mondays will just be Fred or Loren now.
1. Jessica will still assign work orders but there is understanding that PH is
short-staffed right now so if they don’t get done right away, she is
aware that PH will get to it when they are able.
2. Jessica could open work orders to more people on Mondays and Fridays
to help PH out while they are short staffed. i.e: changing ballasts.
ii. Kevin T needs access to dorms with his Viking ID Card. Pat, please request.
iii. Meeting with Jennifer is today at 2:45.
iv. Rick: staff senate survey meeting is cancelled for tomorrow, will be rescheduled.
Cabinet needs to review yet before we meet as a group.