Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting

Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting
Attendance: Kevin K, Rick, Wayne, Loren, Drew, Kevin T, Daryl, Jessica, Ron, Pat, Kelli
9:30 am
1. Current Projects- Overview
a. Vangstad
i. We got a list back from Rodger- plans were made to get the list done. Most
things will be completed Spring Break week.
ii. Seats in the auditorium will be vacuumed this week.
iii. Floor will be redone the week of the 7th. Kelli will get Ron a list of events to
make sure we are working around it.
iv. Will need to clean out the offices over Spring Break to get at the radiators.
b. Wellness Center
i. Larry got a tour today- says it’s looking good and coming along.
ii. We (FS) will be responsible for moving furniture from Graichen to there when
the time comes.
c. Heat Plant
i. ONE coming Friday morning to look at the electrical more.
ii. McGough coming with Voight Construction Friday to look at demo.
d. Flood Wall (Spring ’16)
1. Ron had a meeting yesterday morning- they will temporarily put up
panels on the Viking Drive section during Spring Break.
2. Ron addressed that Viking Drive will NEED to be open for graduation.
3. Parking lots will all be disturbed again this summer. The levees will be
4. Kelli will get Ron a list of events over the summer to help plan.
2. Safety/Training
a. Had someone fall in a Handicapped space yesterday. We need to start doing ice melt in
those spots when we are doing them.
b. Please make sure when you are opening doors for buildings they are staying locked but
the doors are open so if they were pulled shut it would be locked.
a. No updates
4. Building Services
a. No updates
5. Maintenance
a. No updates
6. Power House
a. No updates
7. Other- Employee Survey results- action items
a. Education/training on FAMIS self-service for office staff to better know how to channel
their complaints
b. “Town hall” meetings with building services crew and staff of that building to help
educate on what we do and how the FS employee would like things handled (example:
coming to the FS employee first for things or submitting them to the office)
i. When Drew first started, new FS employees were taken around and introduced
to people in the area they’d be working.
c. Rick- doesn’t think that it’s 100% FS problem. Professional people are complaining but
they aren’t held responsible for their own actions either.
d. Welcome Week- could FS do a presentation?
e. Student population has increased, faculty/staff has increased. Daily duties become more
because of that increased but our staff hasn’t increased. Daily duties, rotational duties,
events, summer things, etc. are all things that have to be done. This should be
expressed to campus.
f. Beautification Committee- not in existence just to complain about things. Have a
“charter” of sorts.
g. Professionalism- should people be allowed to cook, sleep, and basically live in their
offices? Is there any sort of standard in place? Should there be?
h. Education of what we do and what they do. We can furnish supplies for things if needed
for example. We don’t clean their personal items/space.
i. Add to our facilities “welcome pack” new employees get when they come get keys- who
is in their building, how to submit work orders, etc.
j. Perhaps send an email to different areas- “happy new semester, here’s your staff and
some facts them.”
k. Example of what’s worked: we send emails in December when all of our people take
vacation and it’s helped with the issues we used to have around that time.