Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting- Agenda 3/25/2015 9:30am Attendance: Kelli, Pat, Ron, Jessica, Fred, Ray, Rick, Kevin T, Kevin K, Doug 1. Current Projects a. Vangstad i. There was a delay in pouring concrete in the lower level and Ron is working with the contractor’s on getting the change orders approved. ii. Kevin T will flag the sprinkler heads when the pump truck comes in. b. Student Center Upper Lounge i. No update c. Flood Wall i. The City called for locates for the tree removal. Ron will visit with Swanberg today to get any updates on the timeline. ii. May not have water to water main campus this summer while the project is going on- Ron is working with KLJ on this issue. d. Climate Control Upgrade i. Have first invoice. Need to know if we are creating a project number. e. President’s Office i. Moved yesterday. There are still a few touchup items that will need to be addressed. Rhonda ordered blinds, but they will take a while for them to get here. f. Field House Lower Level & Lobby i. Lobby is complete. Richard has started on the lower level. g. McCoy/Snoey Basketball Court i. No update h. Back Alley i. Ron is looking at getting a water truck from the City to wash the alley. Will need volunteers to help when the truck is here. i. Hill slide Waterfall i. No update 2. Future Projects a. Fine Arts Building i. No update b. Heat Plant i. RFQs are due today at 2pm. The committee will have until March 31st to score them to decide who will be interviewed. ii. The committee members are Ron, Doug, Pat, Fred and the scientist (Steve Benson) from UND. c. Wellness Center i. KLJ called Ron and told him they will be cutting our driveway and putting in a storm drain for the new Wellness Center. Ron made sure that they will be putting concrete back in- not gravel. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ii. Bids will be opened on April 1st. VC Parks and Rec is leading the construction committee on that building. Other Projects a. Track i. No update b. Field House Addition i. Meeting got moved from last Friday to this Friday (meeting with Fieldhouse staff) c. Graichen Gym and Field House Floors i. No update Events a. Would like to discuss billing for future events b. Kelli is still working on the summer marketing plan and will be ready to present to Cabinet at the end of the month c. Science Olympiad is this Thursday d. Viking Visit Day this Saturday Safety a. Safety Training Modules in Blackboard (demo) FAMIS a. Job billing for labor/labor rates i. Need to discuss with Doug Other a. Department Awards i. Implement the award process starting April 1st. Quarterly award of $300. Selection committee will be volunteers this first time. Would like to include one person from each crew. The winner of the award will automatically be on the next selection committee. b. Circle Hall Parking i. Kevin still plans to paint when the weather allows. c. Budget i. Need to transfer funds from Campus Beautification into the Circle Hall project. d. Other i. CPR/AED class- while not required, it’s highly recommended. There are three different days/ times that you can sign up for. If you have questions, please contact Jessica. ii. Safety/ ladders: Ron mentioned a man in Fargo fell off an 8 foot ladder and broke many bones so please continue to be safe. iii. Rick: will Power House be involved early in the heat plant process? Ron: yes, they will be. iv. Rick: conduit hanging off the east wall of the student center (outside). Should be installed back. Kelli will enter the work order.