September 9, 2015

Facilities Services Weekly Update Meeting
1. Current Projects
a. Vangstad
i. Paint, mud and tape.
ii. The main pad is poured for the front entrance so they can start building the
structural support.
iii. Electrical and mechanical are all caught up- waiting for general
iv. $5800 to remove asbestos from the auditorium plaster- working on a timeline.
b. Flood Wall
i. One wall is set up to pour and will set up another today- both will be poured.
ii. Backfilling is coming along, but had to stop because we will be cutting the
service lines to the houses that we purchased for the Heat Plant Replacement.
iii. Pull our telephone cables back and switch over to BEK going out to the Field
House. They are starting the flood wall construction tomorrow.
c. Climate Control Upgrade
i. Climate Control has been out troubleshooting the upgrade- we feel that we have
the bugs worked out, but will continue to work with Climate Controls on any
issues that come up.
1. Rhoades is the only building experiencing issues at this time.
d. Back Alley
i. On hold.
e. Field House Addition
i. On hold.
f. Wellness Center
i. Pre-cast walls will be going up soon.
g. Heat Plant
i. Meeting last week with CMaR, ONE, and JLG. There is another meeting this
Thursday- meeting with City building inspector, electrical, etc. Also meeting with
CMaR, ONE, and JLG to work on getting drawings figured out.
ii. We are unlikely able to purchase the final property across the street- this is
where the activated carbon site would go so it won’t be an issue at this point in
the project.
h. Training Room Accreditation
i. Field House
1. Ron will still try to contact Anna about the new accreditation.
i. Housing
i. Working on University Housing.
j. Master Plan
i. Waiting for template from System Office.
2. Future Projects
a. Fine Arts Building
i. On hold (will remain on agenda)
b. Student Center Upper Lounge
i. On hold until summer 2016 (will remain on agenda)
ii. Guest suite in McCoy
1. On hold (will remain on agenda)
c. Circle Hall- Entry (interior)
i. On hold
a. Working on Convocation- working to move it to Graichen so we can have more people
b. 9/29 is going to be extremely busy with event setups, etc.
a. Department Training – Professional Development
i. On hold.
ii. Card access in Rhoades
1. Ron and Jessica will meet with Joey to come up with a game plan to get
this finished.
a. Nothing to report- all proposed SOWs are currently on hold.
Building Services
Power House
a. None.