Members Present: Support Staff Present: Mauricio Gonzalez, Scott Hochwald, Matt Brockelman

Space Committee Meeting
January 4, 2012
Members Present:
Shari Shuman, Pierre Allaire, Tom Serwatka, Newton Jackson,
Mauricio Gonzalez, Scott Hochwald, Matt Brockelman
Support Staff Present:
Dan Endicott, Deb Kaye, Everett Malcolm, Zak Ovadia,
Mary Mory, Elizabeth Jones, Carlo Fassi, Jeff Michelman
Project Timelines
- Short term programming for Buildings 50, 3 and 4 is complete.
- The site for the Sanctuary and Meditation Center will be landscaped for events.
Student Wellness and Sports Education
- Currently in progress.
- The project is currently scheduled for completion in May 2012. A meeting with be held
on Thursday with the project executives.
Biological Sciences Building
- Final work is being completed. Substantial completion and occupancy is scheduled for
February 1.
- The Space Committee toured the building today.
Education Building: DRC, OCT, Veterans Services and Leadership Institute Offices
- The project has been completed and users have moved in. Art work is currently being
- Placement of the cameras in testing rooms needs to be changed.
- There will be a Dedication Ceremony on March 2 at 11:00 am.
Science & Engineering Remedial Work
- Scaffolding is being removed. Fixing the roof is the last work being completed.
- There are currently no issues and the project should be completed by the end of January.
Dining Facility
- Currently no issues.
- The frame is up. The 3rd and 4th floor design is currently in progress and will be presented
to the President.
- The building is scheduled to be completed by August, 2012.
NE Connector Road/Lot 34
- No issues. Construction should be complete in May, 2012.
Confucius Institute
- Dr. Jeff Michelman was in attendance to discuss the proposed Confucius Institute. He
explained the need for a space which would include 4 offices and one common area.
Space would be needed for one staff person and multiple graduate assistants. The
timeframe would be 2013.
- The space originally allocated was in Building 10 but the space would not be appropriate
for the needs of the institute. They would like a space that is central to the University.
- There are currently discussions with OneJax to become an institute of the University.
OneJax is an interfaith organization that promotes respect and understanding among
people of different religions, races, cultures and beliefs. Space in UNF Hall is currently
under consideration.