1 ASG Regular Meeting Minutes September 23, 2015 ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 1:03pm b. Roll Call i. Present: Chair: President Spence Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine Senators: Caldwell Contreras Hinch Gutierrez Baugh Aguilar Delegates: Nagtalon Advisors: Kretchman Titus ii. Absent: Delegates: Edozie Witherspoon c. President Spence welcomed everyone in attendance d. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Senator Aguilar 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. There were none 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday September 16, 2015 i. Motion to approve with corrections (Hinch/Aguilar/C/U) 4. BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS a. Interview For Senate Position i. Stephanie Osterlund Motion to approve Stephanie Osterlund as Senator (Contreras/Baugh/C/U) Stephanie Osterlund approved as Senator and sworn in ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 2 September 23, 2015 b. Shared Governance Councils and Committees i. Student Success and Equity Council- Senator Caldwell appointed without objection by President Spence 5. VACANCIES/RESIGNATIONS a. Senate: We currently have seven (7) Senate seats available. Read as seven. b. Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates. Read as four. 6. ABSENCES AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION a. Senator Zach Gutierrez: Absence during Regular ASG Meeting 09-02-15 i. Motion to excuse absence (Baugh/Aguilar/C/U) 7. OFFICIAL REPORTS a. Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. President Spence- Attended SSPC meeting. Enrollment and SSPC membership were discussed. ii. Vice President Prefontaine- Office hour signature sheets were distributed. Another email will be sent out including. b. Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Lazzaric Caldwell ii. Armando Contreras iii. Thomas Hinch iv. Zach Gutierrez v. Matthew Baugh vi. David Aguilar c. Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Michael Nagtalon ii. Johnson Edozie iii. Adam Witherspoon d. Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each i. Lindsay Kretchman ii. Sherry Titus e. Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes i. ICCii. PPERiii. LEACiv. CWA8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Action/Discussion i. Updating of ASG Website: Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current. ii. Update on CCCSAA Leadership Conference ASG Regular Meeting Minutes iii. iv. 3 September 23, 2015 Update on SSCCC Fall General Assembly Update on ASG Retreat 9. NEW BUSINESS Action/Discussion i. Presentation from Native American Alliance ii. Presentation on Heads Up America iii. ASG Shirts iv. ASG Office Issues v. Appointment of Financial Liaison vi. ASG Name Tags vii. Request for Student Union Use: Diversity Day April 14 10. ASG PROCESSES AND COMMUNICATIONS a. Discussion on ASG Budgets i. Financial Liaison ii. Student Rep Fee Report iii. Travel Requirements iv. Monetary Requests b. Strategic Plan Priority Funding: Resource Allocation and Expenditure Update 11. ADJOURNMENT