Regular Meeting Minutes 03-02-16

ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
a. Meeting called to order at 1:10 pm
b. Roll Call
i. Present:
President Spence
Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine
ii. Absent:
c. President Spence welcomed all in attendance
d. Pledge of Allegiance led by Delegate Aguilar
a. Reporter Daniel Martin from The Telescope is currently writing an
article about ASG for the Impact Magazine, anyone interested in being
interviewed may reach him for such purpose.
a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday February 24th, 2016
Motion: Move to approve ASG Meeting Minutes with corrections from
February 24th, 2016.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
a. Updating of ASG Electronic Media: Will be continuously worked on
to ensure that information presented is accurate and current.
Currently it is updated with the exception of Minutes from February
17th and 24th.
Goals and Regulations are on the ASG Website. 184 Twitter followers
up to the day.
Next week at Escondido they will take an update picture of ASG
b. ASG Business Cards: Senator Gutierrez shares that they should be
received in the next couple of days. It is important to check mail box.
c. ASG Nametags: President Spence explains that these were approved
in Minutes from February 24th. If anyone is not satisfied with the
picture taken from the retreat, to tell him in order to take a new
d. ASG Polos: President Spence explains that he has not been able to get
information on such matter. The contact provided by Advisor Titus,
was the same. He requests someone to be in charge of this. Senator
Mayorga is now in charge of finding the Polos.
a. Diversity Day Event Debrief: Senator Hinch explains that the event
went fine. He would have appreciated the attendance of more ASG
members, as well as to get more ICC clubs into participating. Not all
activities were done for there were not enough people to run them.
President Spence thanks Senator Hinch for his work.
b. Faculty Professional Achievement Tea: President Spence explains
that they requested Student Union for May 5th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
It is to hold Distinguish Faculty Ceremony.
Advisor Titus mentions that this is in case of bad weather.
Motion: Move to approve faculty request of Student Union nonexclusive use for May 5th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., in case of bad
c. Student Success and Equity Event: President Spence explains that
they are no longer requesting the Student Union. It is the event with
Dolores Huerta to take place on March 8th, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. it
will now be at the Howard Brubeck Theater. Those interested may
request their free tickets.
d. Monetary Request – Up to $600 for ASG 2016-2017 Elections. To
be used on advertisement and other materials for facilitating
elections throughout the entire cycle. From ASG reserves.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
President Spence explains that this request is for the Forum. There
will be some Telescope advertisement and food. If not all the money is
used it will go back to the ASG funds.
Motion: Move to approve up to $600 for ASG 2016-2017 Elections. To
be used on advertisement and other materials for facilitating elections
throughout the entire cycle. From ASG reserves.
e. Monetary Request – Up to $600 for ASG Presidential Elections
Year Event. To be used on materials and advertisement for the
event. From ASG reserves.
Senator Velazquez explains that she has already met with Advisor
Kretchman about the band and food to give during the time of the
event. The idea is to have students into registering to vote while at the
event. Food options include hamburgers and hot dogs. The difference
in price is not much. The approved date of the event is April 5th.
Advisor Titus explains that it is important to have a phrase that is
appealing and motivates people into voting.
Senator Velazquez states that she is requesting $3000 to have the ASG
Voter Registration event. Money that is not used will go back to the
ASG reserve.
Motion: Move to approve up to $3000 for ASG Presidential Elections
Year Event. To be used on materials and advertisement for the event.
From ASG reserves.
a. Interview For Senate Position - None
b. Interview for Delegate Position - None
c. Shared Governance Councils and Committees –
i. Shared Governance Rundown
Senator Caldwell, Vice President Prefontaine and Senator
Wildschut have some difficulties with their assigned
Senator Wildschut will be attending ICOC as a visitor, and bring
such information to the board.
Senator Hinch explains that he wants to get off Scholarship
Delegate Nagtalon states that he wants to drop off SPC and
Budget Committee.
Budget Committee gets together on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from
2:00 to 3:00 p.m.
Scholarship Committee gets together just once a year.
President Spence explains that this topic will be considered
further more next week, when all Senators are present.
Temporary point of privilege granted to Advisor Kretchman at 2:02 p.m.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
Advisor Kretchman joins the meeting at 2:03 p.m.
a. Senate: We currently have six (6) Senate seats available.
b. Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates.
a. None
a. Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
i. President Spence
Consider the interview with Daze Castillo from the Telescope,
Aramark food services contract.
Website consider how it can be permanently improved.
Presence of ASG members at events could be better. It is
important to keep working on that.
About the article from the Telescope, there are some aspects
which should be addressed directly. Consider those aspects
mentioned which may be improved, and keep working on
Next week is the event at Mira Costa with Dr. West. Those
interested in attending may still get tickets.
ii. Vice President Prefontaine
About the Telescope News, consider those aspects which may
be improved and work on them.
Keep working on the website.
Vice President, if there is anyone that does not have one of
their ASG Committees filled, he is currently having a conflict
with his schedule.
b. Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
i. Lazzaric Caldwell- Absent
ii. Armando ContrerasAttended last week the FRC Committee. There is a discussion
about faculty and staff differentiated bathrooms. He will take
ideas to share on such matter. Students have said that they feel
uncomfortable that faculty members want to have their own
bathrooms, when everyone has the same rights.
Advisor Titus states that it is important to keep in mind that
everyone should be considered with the same standards. The
aim is to treat people fairly and evenly.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
Delegate Aguilar, there are three aspects to be considered: a.
No more back deals, b. Gender neutral bathrooms, and c.
Exclusive Faculty and Staff bathrooms.
Advisor Kretchman states that if exclusive faculty and staff
bathrooms are approved at one place, there will be others
requesting the same.
Delegate Aguilar reminds people that Palomar College Mission
Statement is to provide a safe environment.
President Spence requests straw votes on the following:
a. ASG members in favor of gender neutral signage: 6 in favor, 1
abstain (Senator Gutierrez)
b. ASG members in favor of faculty and staff exclusive
bathrooms: = in favor, 6 opposed, 1 abstain (Senator Gutierrez)
Permanent point of privilege granted to Delegate Aguilar at 2:20 p.m.
iii. Thomas Hinch- Will take back responsibility for the Super
Smash Bro Tournament, for the Tech Club is no longer in
charge of the event.
iv. Zach GutierrezAccreditation Committee will meet on March 18th. Business
cards should be in the mail boxes soon.
v. Chris Hopp
Attended Student Success Equity Council on Friday. They are
working on the online degree audit program. They are looking
to go to an electronic format. The idea is for students to see
what is going on.
Equity week kickoff to take place next Monday.
Will meet with Carol Bruton from Curriculum Committee today
from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
vi. Nedy Velasquez –
Had the first meeting with Advisor Kretchman for the Voter
Registration event.
Also attended her 1st faculty Senate meeting, in which they
considered how to make faculty more diverse.
Expanding the Prop30 initiative.
vii. Cesar Mayorga – Did not attend SSEC meeting last week.
Attended Diversity Day.
Will have SSPC meeting next Wednesday.
viii. Laura Wildschut - Absent
c. Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
i. Michael Nagtalon- SPC was doing a review over Mission
President Spence explains that this will be considered further
on and asks Delegate to request an agenda item.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
South center concerns people about the traffic. The interest is
to know how to develop the use of space of south center.
ii. David Aguilar – Absent at the time of the report
iii. Eric Noriega – Attended Diversity event, it was fun and
d. Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each
i. Lindsay Kretchmana. Election Committee must get together weekly in order to
get things working. Consider better advertisement for the
event. Use it to get candidates to apply.
b. Thanks Senator Hinch for running the Diversity Day Event.
Reminds people that when signing up for an event it is
important to attend, this allows a successful event. Very few
ASG members did attend this event.
c. Thanks Senator Velazquez for taking the time into setting
the voter registration event.
ii. Sherry Titus- reminds attendants about the following:
a. About the article from the Telescope, do not take things
personally. Consider the points on which you can take
corrections. It does not have any references to a source, or
any quotes. When things are being done correctly there is no
need to be worried. Ask for evidence. Is there a reporter
sitting throughout meetings.
b. Keep track of the events to which you are Chair of, as well
as Committees you are in charge of. Bullet them in your CV
consider date and year. These give you experience.
c. Keep work on the webpage. It is looking really good.
d. Suggests that Delegate Aguilar initiates discussion
regarding lapel pins from the President’s office.
e. Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes
Meeting came to an end before considering such reports.
i. ICC- Kickback event off Campus was brought by NASA. Next
week it will be discussed further through, once details have
been considered.
Clubs are considering marketing ideas, what they can do to get
more people to know about them.
Reflection Room was discussed, most ICC members have a
positive view about it. It will be brought as an agenda item to
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2016
Upcoming Smoking Policy will be shared.
Students’ elections talk is to be done next week, in order to see
if anyone is interested.
ii. PPER- No meeting was set this week. He will be off Campus on
Thursday and Friday.
iii. LEAC- There is confusion between students going to DC and
what it is to talk about. He will bring this to ASG to get a vote
on those talking points.
He will talk to Senator Lazzaric and get talking points assigned.
That way people may research and consider the pros and cons,
and figure out preparing.
Permanent point of privilege granted to Senator Hopp at 2:50p.m.
iv. CWA- Twitter and Facebook are means to engage students. If
anyone wants to be added to have access, please allow Senator
Hinch to know.
There are better ways to get informed besides the Telescope,
so it is important to start considering such means.
The committee is only meeting when necessary.
v. Elections – Posters for elections will be printed out.
Share them in classes.
It is also important to get an article on the Telescope.
Candidates meeting to take place on Tuesday 8th room SU203.
Mainly get information to all classes.
a. This item has not been used before. For the time there is none.
11. ADJOURNMENT : 2:55 p.m.