Regular Meeting Minutes 10-28-15

ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
a. Meeting called to order at 1:04 pm
b. Roll Call
i. Present:
President Spence
Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine
Delegates: Nagtalon
ii. Absent:
c. President Spence welcomed all in attendance
d. Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Baugh
i. None
a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday October 7th, 2015
i. Without objection postponed until next week.
b. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday October 14th, 2015
Motion: To approve ASG Meeting Minutes from Wednesday October
14th, 2015 with corrections.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
a. Interview For Senate Position
i. None
b. Shared Governance Councils and Committees
i. None
a. Senate: We currently have six (6) Senate seats available.
b. Delegates: We currently have five (5) positions for delegates.
a. Delegate Edozie – Four Consecutive Absences
President Spence requests attendants to consider Article 8.
Disciplinary Action, for Delegate Edozie has been non-responsive to
communications sent inquiring his absence.
Vice President Prefontaine is to send a Notice to Delegate Edozie, with
copy to OSA communicating him of such Disciplinary Action and
requesting his reply. If he does not appear a Second Notification will
be sent requesting personal presentation. If he fails to appear a Final
Notice will be sent, and actions are to be taken.
a. Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
i. President Spence- Attended CSA Conference in San Jose with
Senators Baugh, Gutierrez, Contreras and Caldwell. Conference
was both for personal and group improvement.
Attended SSPC meeting. Senator Hinch. Paper work for SPPF is
due by November, continue working on the proposals.
Working on how to meet requirements for the different
Palomar and ASG need to make an effort to be much more
present in other areas. E.g. Camp Pendleton, High schools. Will
be looking further more into such topic.
ii. Vice President Prefontaine- Nothing to Report.
b. Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
i. Lazzaric Caldwell- Has attended debates and other ASG
meetings. Invitation to review assignments and other tasks in
order to get good scores.
Planning on going to the Clubs at least once, in order to show
support to them.
ii. Armando Contreras- Attended CSA. Had the chance to learn
about what other schools are doing at their ICC boards.
Learned how to be a better ICC representative.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
Attended Facilities Review Committee, they have advanced in
the ideas regarding no gendered restrooms. A small room has
been found for the Breastfeeding facilities, they are currently
adapting it.
Attended bookstore committee, went over a power point slide
presentation in which they stated prizes and how they had been
doing so far, sales reduced. Promote student marketing,
especially digital areas. Price matching for sold books on specific
sites. If a student bought the books with more money, the change
will be given with Store Credit.
iii. Thomas Hinch- SPPF money, there is no clear idea on what to
use the money for. Requests ideas to attendants.
Still working on the Twitter situation, the aim is to have it not
linked to Facebook.
iv. Zach Gutierrez- Attended Bookstore Committee with Senator
Attended Food Service Subcommittee in which they considered
four main points:
a. Pricing: Since it is a limited consumer based it has to have
high prices. They are trying to work on the high prices by
keeping the cost of labor down.
b. Options: Can’t increase options because of limited space. But
will try to keep stock of current products.
c. Safety & Health: Invested in external freezers due to the
heat wave.
d. Recycling: Requested help directly to Senator Gutierrez on
how could the student government help out with recycling?
Even though there recycling bins, the aim is to increase
Attended Accreditations Students Committee: Palomar is guided
by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
They are three different accrediting groups, one for High schools,
another for Universities and the other is for Community Colleges.
They have sent a task force to evaluate Palomar in order to
determine what is being done right and what is wrong. Six things
right and eight recommendations. The two main
recommendations were:
a. Adequate tutorial support for Distance Education Students.
b. Better support for the students at Camp Pendleton, and for
other San Marcos and Escondido sites.
College creates and environment that includes the participation
of all Employees, Governments, Committees, Task Force and Sub
v. Matthew Baugh- Concern regarding Attendance Sheet,
overviewing last week Senator Osterlund was 15 minutes short.
Reminds that it is three hours minimum per week and that it
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
should be signed when going out. More recruiting outside is
required. Call to those who are spending too much time inside
Senator Nelson has not shown up on Senator Hours for last and
current week. It is a point to be considered further on.
Got in touch with the representative of the Veterans Work
Group, requested ideas to Senator Baugh and SVO on how to
better suit Camp Pendleton. They have not outreached smaller
groups towards San Clemente. Online Education is part of
enrollment, so they are trying to consider support for them as
well. Building a new Education Building.
vi.David Aguilar – November 6 at Palomar College, 1140 West
Mission Road, San Marcos, CA in the Howard Brubeck Theatre.
Palomar Community College District Governing Board two
finalists for the next Palomar College president will be speaking.
The first forum with Dr. Neault will be held at 9:30 a.m.; the
second forum with Dr. Anderson is slated for 10:45 a.m. Each
forum will last one hour, following a format that includes
introductory remarks made by the candidate, and a question and
answer period. The audience will be able to pose written
Exploring Darwin Conference on November 3 and 4. It is another
extra credit opportunity depending on the course taken during
the semester. Further information is on the Palomar College
Importance for getting involved with other Clubs and
Organizations. The aim is to know the members and contribute
as possible.
10/30/15 will attend the Region X Committee at Grossmont
College with President Spence.
Permanent Point of Privilege granted to Senator Aguilar at 2:00 p.m.
vii. Stephanie Osterlund – Requests to be part of CWA.
The automatic door in the women’s bathroom doesn’t work.
viii. Ryley Nelson – Not present.
c. Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each
i. Michael Nagtalon- SPC meeting. Common information
exchange was approved.
Environmental Report was done.
Smoking Policy was reviewed, on behalf of everyone across the
ii. Johnson Edozie- Not present.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
d. Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each
i. Lindsay Kretchman- Thanks people for attending sessions.
Request Reports.
a. Halloween to take place on 10/29/15 NASA is in charge.
There will be many events.
b. Attend Presidential Forms. There are two candidates. The
first forum with Dr. Neault will be held at 9:30 a.m.; the
second forum with Dr. Anderson is slated for 10:45 a.m. Dr.
Gregory Anderson, currently Vice President of Instruction
at Cañada College; and Dr. Lynn Neault, currently Vice
Chancellor of Student Services for the San Diego
Community College District.
c. SSPC meeting in which many aspects were considered:
 DRC Director interview is on 10/30/15
 The Articulation Officer contract has been signed,
but they are waiting to go on Board, it would start
on December 1
 There are two new staff aids in the DRC, starting
next week.
d. An offer for the Admission and Enrollment Coordinator will
be extended. It goes through HR and to the November
Board Meeting.
e. There is an extension for the position of Financial Director.
The next deadline is November 23.
f. Board Meeting Oct 27 about the Rancho Bernardo Center.
There is an environmental impact report, even though the
building is there. Community members in Rancho
Bernardo are concerned about Transportation and Parking
for students, lights from the buildings, potential of noise
having students’ activities.
g. Funding forms were discussed as well. Work with Sherry
to get a PRP.
h. Student equity plan and the disproportion in impact
groups. They are the same groups from last year, with a
slight differentiation in the numbers.
i. SSPC keep recruiting. To get Board club up. Before going
into ASG coming year’s elections.
j. Campus Police Committee meeting is on 10/29/15. Person
that has been designated should be prepared to attend.
k. The SU microwave is out, the ASG allocates money. Has
been requested as an agenda item for next week.
l. Will be out on vacation in the coming two weeks.
ii. Sherry Titus- Not present
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
e. Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes
i. ICC- Approved point allocations.
 Made a discussion about suspended Clubs, overviewed
 SVO recruitment for a travel they are planning to have in
November. Gave further details, but not entirely sure of
specific aspects on it.
 Club highlights, Gender and Women Studies and Michael
are to take charge and make the decoration and promote
recruitment. It is in the ICC Club’s agenda. Report due next
 Handed out point allocation sheets and each Club’s points
were explained.
 ICC Chairperson for the end of the year. Meeting to
overview year work, and consider further work in the ICC.
GeoScience representative was allocated.
ii. PPER- No report
iii. LEAC- Next meeting November 20, they will consider the
Smoking Policy.
iv. CWA- No clear idea on what to ask for the SPPF money.
a) Updating of ASG Electronic Media: Michael Nagtalon is working to get
ASG and ICC minutes and agenda’s scanned.
Malik did not provide an item to the agenda to include points 8c and
causing some confusion. After discussion allowed Kim Hartwell to
briefly discuss for she had not an action item.
b) Giving Tuesday Presentation, Tuesday December 1st.
Kim Hartwell from the Palomar College Foundation, talks about the
Scholarship and Annual Funding Plan, which offers assistance for
students in different ways: Textbook assistance, Emergency Funds.
They usually give $5,000 each year.
December 1, Giving Tuesday Campaign. The foundation is reaching
out to community to come together for one common purpose: to
celebrate generosity and to give. Everything comes back to students.
Request help from ASG for help with the Fund Bank from 9:00 to 3:00
p.m. on December 1; to attend the Ice cream social 2:00 to 4:00; to
consider if students should be involved for they have not reached such
community and if so, which way would they recommend?
Consider in a next agenda on the different requests.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
c) Presentation from Muslim Student Union
Student representative had to leave. Will be included in next week’s
d) Update on ASG Shirts: Still working on the issue.
e) Palomar College Smoking Policy: There are no official fines
considered. The topic is being considered in much more analysis with the
full version.
Senator Hinch reads results on a nine people survey.
f) Update on SSCCC Fall General Assembly: A ticket in the boxes should
have been sent to attendants.
g) Stock the Bank event Wednesday, November 4: Reminder on the
event to take place from 9:00 to 12:00. Take donations and keep count on
donations brought by Clubs. Complete a sign up list. Seeking for the ASG
to compete and donate items as well.
ICC is earning points for items donated, not cash.
h) Veteran`s Day Event Tuesday, November 10.
10:00 a.m. in front of the Flagpole. Nominations for the student veteran
of the year have been done, as well as speakers. It is important for ASG to
have representation. Volunteers to help with the setup at 6:00 a.m. Send
an email to notify. They will report to Student Veterans Office.
Senator Baugh explains that it will be considered as well as Community
Service for those who volunteer.
i) Fall Diversity Event Chair, Wednesday, November 18.
Open floor for nomination for Chairperson for the Fall Diversity Event:
Senator Baugh nominates himself
Vice President nominates Senator Hinch. He declines
Permanent Point of Privilege granted to Senator Gutierrez at 2:50 p.m.
Closed the floor for nomination.
Vote: 3 favor (Osterlund, Prefontaine, Baugh)
President Spence appoints Senator Baugh as the Fall Diversity Event
Chair. Must get together with Advisor Krethchman.
Motion to extend meeting to 3:10
j) ASG Senator Office Printer
Senator Baugh present difficulty with copies for ASG or ICC
Senator Caldwell states the bad use given to printers in a past.
Though students have access to 10 prints per day, if needed to do for ICC
meeting may limit own personal use.
To be considered in further analysis.
ASG Regular Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2015
Permanent Point of Privilege granted to Senator Osterlund at 3:00 p.m.
k) ASG Senator Office Access
Possibility of getting temporary access to President Spence’s office.
l) Student Union Request EOPS for EOPS Holiday event Friday,
December 11, 2015.
Informed that they would not be able to come for the meeting.
1. ASG Monetary Allocation for DeStress Fest
2015/Thursday, December 10th /11 – 1 p.m./SU Quad
not to extend $500
Postponed for next week.
a. Meeting adjourned at 3:01 p.m.