1 ASG Regular Meeting Minutes September 30, 2015 ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT REGULAR MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 1:06pm b. Roll Call i. Present: Chair: President Spence Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine Senators: Caldwell Contreras Hinch Gutierrez Baugh Aguilar Osterlund Delegates: Nagtalon Advisors: Kretchman Titus ii. Absent: Delegates: Edozie Witherspoon c. President Spence welcomed all in attendance d. Pledge of Allegiance led by Senator Baugh 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. There were none 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday September 23, 2015 i. Motion to approve with corrections (Prefontaine/Baugh/C/U) 4. BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS a. Interview For Senate Position i. Ryley Nelson Motion to approve Ryley Nelson (Osterlund/Baugh/C/U) Ryley Nelson approved as Senator and sworn in b. Shared Governance Councils and Committees ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 2 September 30, 2015 i. Region X- Senator Aguilar appointed without objection by President Spence. ii. Independent Citizens Oversight Committee- Senators Osterlund, and Baugh appointed to the application process without objection by President Spence iii. Scholarship Committee- Senator Hinch appointed without objection by President Spence 5. VACANCIES/RESIGNATIONS a. Senate: We currently have six (6) Senate seats available. Read as six. b. Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates. Read as four. 6. ABSENCES AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION a. None 7. OFFICIAL REPORTS a. Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. President Spence- Nothing to report. ii. Vice President Prefontaine- Board is getting better at time needed for reports. Reminded senators to use sign in sheet in senator office so that their hours are logged. Senators should also notify him if they will be missing their assigned office hours. b. Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Lazzaric Caldwell- Access requests for the ASG Google Drive have been sent out. Contains templates for committee agendas, office hour matrix, shared governance assignments, and contact list. ii. Armando Contreras- Will attend FRC tomorrow. Topics of discussion will include gender neutral bathrooms, and lactating rooms. iii. Thomas Hinch- Comet Celebration volunteer sheet will be circulated. Food orders have been completed for both days. iv. Zach Gutierrezv. Matthew Baugh- Participating in SEC work group focusing on group affairs. Working on project to bring veterans on campus and show them what the campus has to offer. Will be relinquishing seat on campus police committee and budget committee. vi. David Aguilar- ASG should be attending forums for the new college president and asking probing questions about enrollment management. vii. Stephanie Osterlund- Nothing to report viii. Ryley Nelson- Nothing to report ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 3 September 30, 2015 c. Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Michael Nagtalon- SPC meeting canceled due to presidential search. Senator Baugh will be attending October 1st SPC meeting in his stead. ii. Johnson Edozie- Not present iii. Adam Witherspoon- Not present. Has submitted written resignation to President Spence. d. Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each i. Lindsay Kretchman- Has been planning Comet Celebration with Senator Hinch. Comet Leadership Series will be taking place at 11am in LL-104. Will be meeting with President Spence and Vice President Prefontaine to discuss SPPF spending and finalize ASG retreat. Senators doing office hours should also try and get people registered to vote. Phone calls in the senator office should be answered professionaly. ii. Sherry Titus- Congratulated newly appointed Senator Nelson. Office hours should be posted soon. SU reconfiguration is coming up, SU-204 could possibly be used as larger office space. For committee meetings it would behoove ASG officers to know their facts. e. Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes i. ICC- Point allocation for events was discussed. Redistribution formula will be discussed next meeting. Allocation is good so far. ii. PPER- Appointments will be finalized later in the meeting. iii. LEAC- Will require an additional senator in order to formally meet. iv. CWA- Working on spreading the word for Comet Celebration. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Action/Discussion a) Updating of ASG Website: Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current. New deadline for agenda item requests has officially been changed from Wednesday at 6pm of the week prior to the meeting the item is intended to appear, to Thursday at 12pm of the week prior to the meeting the item is intended to appear. b) Update on CCCSAA Leadership Conference- All paperwork is turned in and signed for those attending. c) Update on SSCCC Fall General Assembly- Only rooms with king beds are available at the hotel. d) Update on ASG Retreat- Only rooms with king beds are available at the hotel. e) ASG Shirts- President Spence is still working on shirts and will provide the board with more information at the following meeting. Senator Baugh will also be working on this task. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 4 September 30, 2015 f) ASG Office Issues- From now on, any technical issues occurring in the ASG offices will be brought to Marilyn Lunde. g) ASG Name Tags/Lapel Pins- Senator Aguilar has not yet received a quote on lapel pins. Any name tags purchased will use magnetic backing to avoid ruining articles of clothing. 9. NEW BUSINESS Action/Discussion Permanent Point of Privilege granted to Senator Aguilar at 2:35pm. a) Monetary Request of $904.65 from Native American Student AllianceShovan Vatandoust represented the group. Group had already paid for food at California Indian Day event 09-24-15. Funds would be used to reimburse the group. i. Motion to move final decision to next meeting (Hinch/Caldwell/C/U) b) Request for Student Union Use: Unity in Diversity Event April 14, 2016- Presentation made by Jenny Vastola. Request for non-exclusive use of the Student Union for the entire day. i. Motion to approve use of Student Union request from 9am10pm April 14, 2016 (Osterlund/Gutierrez/C/U) Permanent Point of Privilege granted to Senator Baugh at 2:57pm. Motion to extend meeting until 3:30pm (Prefontaine/Contreras/C/U) ii. iii. Approval of Funds not to exceed $5,000 for ASG Retreat October 16th and 17th i. Motion to approve use of funds out of Fund 72 (Prefontaine/Caldwell/C/U) ASG Committee Appointments i. PPER- Without objection President Spence appointed Senators Baugh, Osterlund, and Gutierrez to the Policies, Procedures and Executive Review Committee. ii. LEAC- Without objection President Spence appointed Senators Aguilar, Baugh, and Nelson to the Legislative and External Affairs Committee. iii. CWA- Without objection President Spence appointed Senators Baugh and Gutierrez to the Campus Wide Activites Committee. 10. ADJOURNMENT ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 5 a. Meeting adjourned at 3:09pm September 30, 2015