August 21, 2001

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
August 21, 2001
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Joyce Branch
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
____Maurice Elmore
____Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
Minutes: The minutes of August 14 were approved.
Budget Management: Vic explained why the budget will be so tight this year and will probably be
tighter next year.
1. No new block grant funds will be received this year. This is a reduction of almost $1.8 million.
2. There was a reduction in the base allocation for scheduled maintenance projects that the college
has received for 20 years. Six approved projects totaling approximately $2 million (with state
contracts already executed) won’t be funded by the state; consequently, local funding will be
needed to complete them.
3. On-going funding for instructional equipment, library materials and technology (approximately
$750,000) was cut.
4. COLA is not calculated on the entire revenue budget of $77.5 million. It is only calculated on
what the college is entitled to receive under the base revenue calculation, which is
approximately $61 million.
5. Property and liability insurance increased 60% from $300,000 to $487,000. Stock market
fluctuations have had an impact on insurance companies.
6. Legislation passed to increase STRS benefits. This could cost the college an additional
$350,000 to $450,000 a year for which it will get no additional money.
7. Health benefit costs are up.
8. The effort to have more visibility in the community via mailing of brochures, etc. has resulted in
additional costs for preparation, printing and postage.
9. Overspending in the areas of student help and non-cert temps needs to be addressed.
Also noted:
 There is a movement afoot to restore the items the governor cut from the budget; however, if
that happens, the college will need to have matching funds ready.
 The reserves need to be maintained at the required level.
 The augmentation needs submitted won’t be funded.
 Two aspects of the Natural Science building renovation need to be considered:
1. the cost to relocate existing programs during construction
2. the need to have funds for furniture and equipment when the building is completed
This information needs to be communicated clearly to all managers, and they need to manage their
budgets very carefully. He is working on a budget memo to the president and will share it with
managers also. Budget information should be included in status reports.
Hawthorne Building: Centinela Valley High School will reportedly provide a written offer in a day
or two. They need to be given a deadline, because ECC’s plans are on hold until this occurs.
Registration: There has been an increase in payment via the Web and credit cards. The desire for
parking permits seems to motivate students to come in and pay. Lack of publicity for this option
keeps the Web registration numbers from being even higher.
Discussion followed regarding why ECC appears to be stagnating while other colleges are growing.
There does not appear to be a mechanism in place to determine why this is happening. Comments:
 All the college’s energies are directed at getting students here. Once we get them here, we
ignore issues that turn them off.
 The Registration Committee is ineffective. It was noted that if the minutes of meetings from
a year ago were to be reviewed, they would show discussion of the same recurring problems.
 Faculty members are very reluctant to accept change of any kind, and some have poor
attitudes towards students.
 Students are clamoring for more of the remedial classes, but tenured faculty members tend to
want to teach only the higher level classes.
It was noted that although they are still trying to process the numbers for the summer program, so
far only 211 have been reported, which is down from last year.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Allene Quarles: The CRC meeting for choosing a consultant has been rescheduled to the 29th.
The packets for the service awards will be delivered to the division offices.
Bob Gann: The boiler in the Cafeteria failed last week, so no steam is available. The
approximate replacement cost is $12,000, and the lead time is 4 – 6 weeks. Janet will check if
insurance will pay for it. If so, they could bring in a temporary replacement. Night trenching
starts tonight.
Donna Manno: The Welcome Back reception will be next week. It was noted that the letter
seemed to welcome faculty back, and staff seemed like an afterthought. The FISH camp dates
are on hold. Change minutes under Staff Development to read: “Staff Development has
received approval to upgrade the vacant Computer Lab Specialist I position to a newly
established Trainer/Instructional Specialist position. This new position needs to be reviewed by
ECCE and submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval. The target date for submission to
the Board is September”.
Alex Kelley: Issues: 1) How should funding for the replacement of a long-term employee off
on medical leave be handled? 2) The detailed analysis on the compressed calendar that needs
to be done for next fall is not being done.
Pam Fees: Budget and registration are keeping them busy. They will have their Division
Council meeting immediately following this meeting.
Mike D’Amico: The president has ordered all intercampus parking permits suspended pending
a meeting with Rocky and Mike.
Marcy Wade: They have extended their office hours to assist part-timer employees with the
processing of their paperwork.
Meeting adjourned at 10:28 a.m.