August 10, 2004

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
August 10, 2004
_x_Rocky Bonura
_x_Mike D’Amico
___Janice Ely
_x_Pam Fees
_vac_Bob Gann
_x_Vic Hanson
___Alex Kelley
_x_Donna Manno
_x_David Miller
___Andy Nasatir
___Lynnda Nelson
_x_Allene Quarles
_x_Marcy Wade
___Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of August 3 were approved.
Budget: Cabinet will be meeting again today at 10:30 in an attempt to get final budget decisions
from the president. Without these decisions, providing the Board with a Final Budget by the
September deadline is impossible. The VPs are trying to get closure on the positions listed in the
August 5 memo (handout) and the Q-Builder plan. Noted:
 The president has rejected the candidates recommended by the search committee and
appointed Jim Schwartz as the temporary VP of Academic Affairs until June of 2005. It
is unknown at this time who will replace Jim in HSA.
 The VPs are trying to get the president to approve at least the first seven positions in each
VP area (the positions under General Fund unrestricted).
 Highlighting means the positions were funded in the Tentative Budget.
 Planned spending for augmentations and enhancements to the Tentative Budget is
currently over the limit and will need to be trimmed down. This could affect the number
of positions approved for filling.
 After the president makes his final decisions regarding the positions that will be filled, all
traces of the other positions will be eliminated (i.e. from organization charts and future
 Cabinet is looking at recommendations from PBC also.
 The Academic Scheduler position reports to the vice president.
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Marcy Wade: She sent an E-mail regarding the planned classification review. This is
just a currency review for jobs that haven’t been reviewed recently. They will be
interviewing managers to verify what employees are doing. If the changes are so
significant that they go out of class, further action will be necessary.
 Allene Quarles: The Liebert Cassidy workshop schedule will be sent out today. The first
one will be held on September 8 in Library 202, and managers are urged to attend.
 Mike D’Amico: They are holding final interviews for the officer position today.
 Donna Manno: Friday, August 27 is the mandatory Flex Day, and a representative is
scheduled to speak on the new accreditation standards. Based on recent campus events,
there are issues regarding where and when to hold the workshop sessions.
 Rocky Bonura: As a result of last week’s Management Forum, it was decided to have inservice training for administrative assistants on purchasing procedures. Donna would like
to be kept informed of all training for tracking purposes.
David Miller
 Problems with the Paramount Pictures project:
 He needs an account code for charging overtime (OT). Per Vic – Give Pam the
current account numbers for OT (and for the lawnmower) so she can put the
money in the accounts. It was also noted that supervisors do get overtime.
 Even this early in the project, things are out of control. Jim Schwartz won’t say
no to anything Paramount wants, and Facilities is being left out of the loop.
 Paramount wants to rip out the flagpole and put in new speakers; however, there
are legal regulations re: anything to do with the flag. There is also concern that
they will destroy the Stadium and not put it back together to comply with DSA
 Facilities is supposed to be in charge of making the final changes to the contract;
however, there is a question as to whether or not the contract on June Curtis’s
desk is the final version. Any changes need to be given to June.
 The title of the Board item on this project has been changed to Civic Center
 Mike will let David know when the meeting on this project will be held.
 They are starting the replacement of the fuel dispending pumps in the yard today.
This hazmat bond project is expected to take 5 to 7 weeks to complete.
 A meeting re: the cell contracts is still needed.
Pam Fees: The Accounting Office is trying to get books closed, and it didn’t help that the
system was down yesterday.
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.