Administrative Services Staff Meeting June 18, 2002 PRESENT:

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
June 18, 2002
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
_x__Pam Fees
_x__Bob Gann
_x__Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
____Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
____Marcy Wade
__x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of June 11 were approved.
Bond: Mike Maas will make a presentation to the Board re: the bond and Katherine Lew will
update them with information on and analysis of the latest poll. The current plan is to use the $394
million figure. A handout will be provided at tomorrow’s management meeting.
Modular Buildings: All of the trenching for underground utilities for the Natural Science modular
buildings has already been completed and paved over and the units are scheduled to be brought in
this week. In response to Nadine Hata’s complaints to the president regarding the number of phone
lines to be provided to these units, it was reported that it was Joy Albert’s decision six months ago
to have only one line go to the stock room and no data (a cost reduction measure to allow the
modular units to be placed in Lot D per the desire of the Natural Science faculty).
In the spirit of trying to accommodate the revised wishes of Academic Affairs, it was suggested that
cell phones could be purchased for use during the construction period for a fraction of what it would
cost in time and dollars to halt the process, dig up the ground again and put in more lines. Also, in
an effort to assist Academic Affairs in trying to resolve their faculty issues, it was suggested that
instructors who insist that they need data lines could be accommodated by scheduling them in any of
the classrooms throughout the campus that could provide this feature. The president has decided
that the Natural Science remodel is no longer under the auspices of Academic Affairs, and that the
success (or failure) of the entire Natural Science remodeling project is now the responsibility of
Administrative Services.
It was also reported that when Facilities tried to proceed with the gutting of the Natural Science
basement in order to prepare it as a temporary facility for the Natural Sciences division office, they
were told that the dean is no longer planning to move there. Vic directed Facilities to proceed as
planned unless they get something to the contrary - in writing - from the vice president.
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Janice Ely: College Council will get the position prioritizing memo for information only.
Payroll is still working on retro payment for part-time faculty and casual workers and she is
meeting with those concerned re: cafeteria back wages.
 Pam Fees: They are working on closing the books, and people are complying with the
posted year end closing dates on the Infonet.
 Bob Gann: A handout on current projects was shared with the group. Noted:
 The finish date is the anticipated Board approval date of completed work. Also, the start
date goes back to include the design and planning stages.
 Some expenditures could be recouped if the bond passes and the Board approves retro
money from the bond.
 There will be no data cabling to the Child Development Center.
 The recycled water project was delayed due to the necessity of getting approval from the
city of Torrance.
Alex Kelley:
 At a recent registration meeting, it was suggested that the best place to distribute
registration information would be in front of the bookstore, since everyone has to go
through there.
 Web registration will be expanded when they can hire another Web Developer. Vic
noted that, due to the great demand, this needs to be a top priority.
Allene Quarles: They are still trying to meet with the classified review consultant, who first
had a death in the family and is now on vacation. Since she has no backup, they are now
looking at meeting on July 11.
Maurice Elmore:
 The premiere restrooms will be ready for Vic’s inspection today or tomorrow.
 They surplused an old vehicle to get the new Toro for the gardener.
 They are on time with Phase 1 of the Natural Science remodel project. The contractors
have finished the underground utilities, paving, etc., and the modular units should be in
this week. It is anticipated that Phase 2 should be completed by August.
 They have been pleased with the work done by West Star Construction and have put
them under contract for other work.
 The problem with openings in the buildings caused by outside contactors needs to be
addressed. The college has been written up by the fire department for penetration of the
fire wall. It was noted that ITS has two non-certs (former Pac Bell employees) working
to resolve these problems.
Satish Warrier:
 They are still waiting for Anne Garten to provide the schedule of classes and the
catalog for the Infonet. They finally got the wording from her yesterday, but they
still need the actual files.
 The kiosks have been back up since last Wednesday. The issue re: password vs. pin
number has been resolved; however, they don’t know if Bill Mulrooney has
communicated this information.
Janet Clarke: The final interviews for the construction manager are scheduled for Monday.
Mike D’Amico: Three major felony arrests of non-students took place on campus recently.
David Miller: Deli #2 is still locked because the contractors still owe us documents.
Donna Manno: A draft handout on the training programs submitted for 2002-2003 was
shared with the group. It will also be shared with the CQIN group at their next meeting.
 Incentives need to be offered to get employees to attend these programs. They
should be required. An M.O.U. may be needed. Staff Development will track
 In response to a suggestion that managers would need to enforce attendance at
training sessions, it was noted that they would need access to the database showing
who has taken what in order to manage it properly
 The other two areas not doing any training.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.