March 12, 2002

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
March 12, 2002
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
____Maurice Elmore
____Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
____Marcy Wade
Minutes: The minutes from March 5 were approved.
Evaluations: Rocky gave a presentation on injury claims at ECC. Noted:
 There was a downward trend in claims for the last three years (until 2001).
 As claims mature, the costs can almost double. It was noted that even if employees are let
go, the claim goes on.
 Slips and falls are one of the biggest problems, and he is working on identifying causes and
sites in order to reduce the number of occurrences.
 Students can claim workers’ compensation. This is a major overhead cost for student and
grant programs. Research is needed in this area.
 Workers’ compensation rates will be increasing dramatically.
 People and claims need to be managed. Rules and procedures need to be made and
 Although clerical evaluations are coming in with “Not Applicable” in the safety section, the
number of clerical injury claims indicates that safety is an issue that needs to be addressed
by this group.
Accreditation: The accreditation team will be on campus next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Due to the team visit, there will be no staff meeting next week.
Growth/Budget: The reporting discrepancies causing the inconsistency with the 12.3% FTES ratio
are still being researched. Possible causes: 1) students are being allowed to stay in classes even if
they are not enrolled, 2) positive attendance labs, and 3) coding errors in schedule development at
the division level. It was stressed that divisions need to take responsibility for the accuracy of their
sections of the class schedule, and statistical process control is critically needed.
The Admissions Office is looking into previous years also to see if the problems go back that far.
Once the research is concluded, it is possible that the college may exceed cap this year. Since ECC
doesn’t budget revenue for growth, this could mean more income this year and also a better base for
next year. However, the amount of money we receive from the state is contingent on how many
other colleges grow to their max.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Alex Kelley: They are formalizing training recommendations for Donna.
Allene Quarles: The Liebert Cassidy Workshop is tomorrow in Library 202. She will send
Donna copies of the training flyers she receives and Donna will publish a list.
Mike D’Amico: Arrest rates are up. There was an attempted break-in in accounting. There
will be a program next week on alcohol abuse.
Rocky Bonura: The SWACC inspection will conclude next Tuesday. Another group,
including the three vice presidents, completed the search and rescue training last week.
Bob Gann: He left College Council on Monday because he was told that his area of the
bond issue would not be discussed that day. Vic reported that the issue was discussed, and it
was decided that, in order to be the consultation group for the bond, College Council would
be expanded to include Bob Gann, Tom Lew and Barb Perez.
Donna Manno: The flyer for the March 26 Classified Professional Development Day will
go out this week. All events will take place in the Cafeteria. The AS Area Council meeting
scheduled for that day will be cancelled so that employees can attend this classified event.
Employees will need to attend the general session or the “cheese” workshop to get a lunch
ticket. April 4 is Customer Service training for managers, and April 3 is New Employee
Orientation. Should new employee orientation continue during the hiring freeze?
David Miller: When the SWACC Report is done, they want to give commendations for the
excellent work done in preparation for it.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.