February 6, 2001

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
February 6, 2001
conf_Rocky Bonura
__x_Joyce Branch
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
____Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
_vac_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
Minutes: The minutes of January 23 were approved.
Electricity Shortage: Legislation is being prepared to try to get companies excused from electricity
usage fines incurred before January 26. However, regular electricity rates have tripled and the shortage
is an ongoing problem; therefore, there is a need to begin and continue major conservation measures
on campus. This information needs to be prepared for the Board.
Annual Report: Copies of the Administrative Services Annual Reports were distributed.
Document Copying: It was noted that other offices on campus are finally coming on board re: double
sided copying and the elimination of unnecessary copies, and Administrative Services offices need to
continue to be the examples to follow. It was suggested that a double-sided copying feature should be
required on all future copier orders; however, it was noted that having the feature and using it are two
different things.
Administrative Services Web Site:
There was discussion as to what information re: Administrative Services should be on the Web
(internal and external) and how it should be presented. It was noted that ITS is currently working on
revisions to the external Web page. Suggestions/Comments:
 Put listings in alphabetical order. (Noted: The current plan is to go to four buttons in alpha order).
 Change Web information every 30-60 days. Otherwise users stop looking at it.
 What do the users (students, community, business) want to see on the site? The first orientation
should be to students (new and continuing), then to community and business.
 Items for the internal Web page (Infonet): The budget document, the Administrative Services
Annual Report, the Technology plan, the Facilities Plan, the Master Plan, Administrative Services
staff minutes, employment application forms, professional growth forms, VP office staff, key staff
members in each division, who to contact for specific problems, etc.
 Items for the external Web page: Board Policies (should go under president’s area) and
procedures, organization charts (with names), Administrative Services Annual Report, Final
Budget, the Technology Plan, the Facilities Plan, employment opportunities and applications, the
Master Plan, etc.
 Remove Human Resources from under the bargaining unit section. Under bargaining units, use the
group name (faculty, classified, police) rather than the union name, and use “agreement” rather
than “contract.”
 The site index includes everyone on the Web page.
Alex and his staff will prepare a draft of the revised internal and external formats and present it to the
group in two weeks. Give him input as to what you want in the sections on your areas.
Committee Reports/ Division Issues
 Donna Manno:
 Another FISH training was held on Friday. Issues that keep coming up in these sessions:
1. Employees feel they are not being heard and feel powerless to implement their visions due
to seemingly immovable obstacles. Items for consideration:
 Are they saying this because they aren’t being informed as to why things can or can’t be
done? Managers need to be trained as to how to be good managers, especially how to
communicate with. Good communication could solve some of the festering employee
problems currently plaguing the college.
 Is it because they don’t like the answers they are getting?
 Is it because they have not properly formulated their requests for service/action?
Research into a number of complaints re: lack of service/action have revealed that often
no formal requests/paperwork have been made for the service/action.
 There will be another New Staff Orientation tomorrow.
 They will also be training other areas on how to post to the Web, etc.
 Pam Fees:
 Two new employees will start on March 1.
 She will be on vacation from Thursday to Wednesday.
 Allene Quarles: She has signed AS managers up for the Liebert Cassidy workshops (flyers
distributed) in February and March in case they wish to attend (optional).
 Marcy Wade: She attended a valuable workshop on treatment of those with disabilities.
 Alex Kelley: He will be going to Oakland for the last review of statewide application. The college
should get $5,000 for participation in this project.
 Joyce Branch:
 She will be meeting with representatives from the College of the Desert, which is considering
purchasing the Datatel package.
 They have two new employees, and Teresa Wright’s position is in the process of being filled.
 They will be meeting with the Financial Aid Office to put together a training program.
 Janet Clarke:
 They just finished training 86 people during eight sessions of Datatel training. Pam, Josie
Cheung and Brenda Wilson assisted those present to understand the budget. This would be a
good segment for a Management Forum (25 minutes to a half hour).
 There is a small claims court hearing scheduled on a recent claim from a 1973 nursing student,
and she is working with Keenan to have them appear on our behalf.
 Maurice Elmore:
 The cherry trees being planted and will be mingled with the ornamental pear trees between the
Communications building and the Shop building.
 Three hiring panels have been concluded, they are in process for the Grounds Supervisor
position, and there are still four more positions to fill.
Meeting adjourned at 9:47 a.m.