August 13, 2002

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
August 13, 2002
____Rocky Bonura
_x__Janet Clarke
_vac_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
____Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
_vac_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
____Satish Warrier
Minutes: Corrections to the minutes of August 6:
Under Alex Kelley, condense to read “The president wants the pcs available for first day for
school.” The minutes were then approved.
Keys: There was discussion on the lack of control of keys, especially grand masters. Research
into possible solutions is needed. It was suggested that sensitive areas could be taken off the grand
master list, and electronic keys and keypads, which are able to record visitors, could be used for
these areas.
Annual Reports: It was noted that Q-builder doesn’t lend itself to any type of investigative
assessment, and the president has not bought into the recommendation to transition to the Q-Builder
format. Discussion followed on what the accreditation committee would consider an acceptable
format for program review for Administrative Services. A process was started several years ago
when a retreat was held and a survey was done; however, there was no follow up and now only
annual reports are done. Comments:
 The purpose of program review is to look at what is being done and see how it can be
improved; however, improvements can’t be made with all the restrictions (hiring, budgetary,
etc.) currently placed on managers.
 There is no one in the Research Office to do surveys.
 There is still no state budget. The Public Hearing for ECC’s budget is September 9. Pam is
working on finalizing the budget book.
 A handout on statewide summary information was shared with the group. It was noted that
the significant increase in the number of colleges making cap will mean less state funding
for each. For ECC, the State only funded 67% this year.
 ECC should meet cap this coming year and still have close to 600 to carry forward into next
 Continuation of the high school program, which gave the college 450 FTES this summer,
may be in danger due to a statement issued from general counsel Ralph Black. This would
affect all colleges.
 The County is closing its books on Friday, and ECC still needs to make some refinement
transactions; however, we are experiencing difficulty getting into the county system.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Alex Kelley: They are still experiencing disk problems on the HP system, and it is down
right now while they try to recreate the files. The problems started around the same time as
the power outage and mostly affect the Colleague system. The Infonet is not affected except
for budget information, which comes from the HP system.
Allene Quarles: In spite of Maurice’s best efforts (including spraying all flower beds
around the Administration Building and every cage in the building’s basement) the flea
problem continues. Personnel who went into the Administration Building basement for files
came back infested. It was noted that the underlying problem is those people who are
leaving food on campus to draw animals, who in turn bring their fleas, etc.
Maurice Elmore:
 Four lecture classrooms in the portable buildings have been completed, and they have
been turned over to the Natural Science division. They are focusing on making sure all
portable classrooms are ready for the first day of school. The dean and her staff will
remain where they are until abatement starts in October. Cabinet will do a walkthrough
on the 26th.
 Work on resurfacing the tennis courts is also in progress.
David Miller:
 They are working on roofing the Men’s PE and MCS buildings and air conditioning for
the business building. They met with Irv Drew to determine usage of the MCS building
during the roofing; however, no mention was made of the 150 international students
coming in for a test today. Also noted: What about ITS?
 Deli #2 won’t be done for first day for school.
Marcy Wade:
 They are preparing to open two positions (Dean of Math and Director of
 She will be sending notification of Liebert Cassidy Whitmore and LA County
workshops. Arrangements to have them telecast on campus can be made if enough
people are interested.
 She needs to meet with Vic to push through the remaining HR policies.
 Starting next week, she will be on vacation until September 6.
Pam Fees: The memo on payroll warrants was distributed to managers.
Janet Clarke:
 She and Andy met with the ECC Credit Union re: their proposal to take over the ATM
machines when the Wells Fargo contract ends on June 30th of next year. Advantages:
Members would get free access and even non-members would pay less in transaction
fees than Wells Fargo currently charges. Also, the Credit Union is willing provide the
smaller cash machines the Bookstore would like to offer in the convenience stores, but
Wells Fargo is not because the stores are not open 24 hours a day. The Credit Union
needs to know the college’s decision by September in order to gear up for the change.
Also noted: Washington Mutual doesn’t charge anyone a transaction fee.
 Regarding the document from Ray Giles on the bankruptcy of Enron, it was noted that
Bob responded “yes” to paying the fee and “yes” to staying part of the consortium.
Donna Manno:
 Flex Day is August 30. Lunch will be from 11:30 to 1:30. Encourage staff to go at 11:30
because faculty will be in the Cafeteria at 12:30.
 They will do a monthly calendar of training available.
 Staff Development has no money for conferences this year, and the Management
Professional Growth policy is still working its way through College Council.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m.