Administrative Services Staff Meeting June 11, 2002 PRESENT: __x_Rocky Bonura __x_Janet Clarke __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Maurice Elmore __x_Janice Ely __x_Pam Fees __x__Bob Gann __x_Vic Hanson __x_Alex Kelley __x_Donna Manno __x_David Miller ____Andy Nasatir ____Lynnda Nelson __x_Allene Quarles __x_Marcy Wade __x_Satish Warrier Minutes: The minutes of June 4 were approved. Bond: Vic received the results of the bond survey and will forward them to AS managers. Noted: For the $394 million figure, 32 % would vote yes and 32% said probably. There was more support for the state bond than for the local bond. An interpretation of the survey results will also be provided by the surveyors. A mailer to the community has been drafted. The campaign committee will also send out information. The college can only send out informational items – it can’t advocate. State Budget: It was noted that after the CCLC’s conference committee review of the state budget, they rejected the LAO’s recommendations to the budget. College Budget: The April 12 deadline for getting the budget on the Infonet was missed. It was noted that the rollover budget is the beginning balance from the previous year, plus or minus transfers. Vacant Positions: The Vice Presidents are preparing a schedule to provide order to the filling of vacant positions when the hiring freeze is lifted and relieve some of the burden this will place on HR. A draft was shared with the group for informational purposes and to get input on priorities. The draft will still be discussed more at Cabinet. Noted: These are only the positions that were frozen. No priority ranking under each category is inferred. SCA has new and vacant positions to fill, and these will be included after their requests are reviewed. The network position needs to be discussed at Cabinet. As new positions come up, each will be looked at in context with all the others. This draft could be revised several times. The Schedule Technician is a new position. The clerical position in Math is a budgeted position but not currently filled. There is a need to have a fund for Colleague training for new people (especially managers) and it should be mandatory. The Planetarium Manager is a supervisory position. Regarding the criteria used to determine the priorities, it was noted that the main concern was positions that impact the college most. Committee Reports/Division Issues: Rocky Bonura: An inspection of facilities relating to indoor air quality in the Student Services Center was conducted, and air sampling started yesterday. ECC’s AQMD plan was approved. Alex Kelley: Since the note Jeff Dimsdale sent about security issues didn’t give any specific information, he will need to follow up on. DS 3 lines, which are 42 times faster than the T1 lines, will be installed in the basement of the Administration building in the next 90 days. This should increase capacity greatly. Some heavy equipment work will be necessary. Maurice Elmore: General Motors will loan 7 or 8 electric carts to the college – probably in September. Rocky noted that comprehensive training on how to operate them is needed. Another tile setter is now working on the restroom project, and it is hoped that work will be completed this week. Site work for the portable classrooms continues (they are due the week of June 17th). Phase 2 on the construction schedule should start September 3. They are looking for ways to identify Economic Development inventory items for tagging. Whose responsibility is it? Vic suggested a meeting with Maurice, Janice and John Means to resolve the issue. The weekend custodians only work during the regular school year; however, adjustments to this schedule can be made. Only one part-time temporary person is working on the weekends. No one works on Friday because the campus is closed. They have discovered that money is built into some events for overtime custodial services. Allene Quarles: Marcy is working with the AFT re: the CDC teachers. They will attend the ACRO conference from Tuesday to Friday of next week. Satish Warrier: Web services are scheduled to be up on the 18th, and kiosks should be up by tomorrow afternoon. Janice Ely: Staff reported hearing a raccoon in the ceiling last night. Mike D’Amico: $25,000 worth of graffiti damage was etched into the Bookstore glass. Janet Clarke: Proposals for student, athletic and catastrophic on-campus insurance (district-paid) are out. Interviews for construction manager were conducted last week, and a decision was made. Colleague training for new users was conducted yesterday. Minolta will be recommend to the Board for copiers. Lois will coordinate with the divisions. The new digital technology will be less expensive than the old analog technology. David Miller: There is a problem with the Instructional Services area sending work orders to Facilities for work that should be done by their own Audio Visual department. Why does the Board need to approve Professional Growth application deadlines? This adds another 30 days to the process. Vic will discuss this with Allene. The MCS vending area is still locked. South Coast Construction cut the lines to Humanities and will be back charged for the damages the college had to correct. Bob Gann: Two roofing projects (Math/Computer Science and PE) are going to the Board. They should be done in August. Some shift changes had to be made for customer service training, and the union is claiming that the notification of a shift change was only implied; therefore, they are requesting overtime pay. Donna Manno: Send her the program sheets by Thursday (this will be agenda item for next week). She won’t be able to get to the meeting until 8:45 a.m. Meeting adjourned at 9:54 a.m. staf611