Administrative Services Staff Meeting February 11, 2003 PRESENT:

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
February 11, 2003
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
_x__Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
__x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of January 14 were approved.
State of the College Address: There will be three performances of the State of the College
Address on Thursday. Staff members are being asked to attend either the 12 noon or the 2 p.m.
Customer Service Survey: Donna distributed sample copies of the customer service survey she
worked with Joe Georges to automate. As a result of their efforts, the survey results can be
tallied automatically. It was suggested that the survey could be posted to the web page for
student input (external customers). The potential problem with more than one person per
computer trying to take the survey will be researched. The survey needs to be administered in
March, and it should satisfy the accreditation requirement.
Budget Update: ECC is at the $4 million mark on budget cuts and updates are continuing. Final
information still hasn’t been received from the state, which missed its deadline three weeks ago.
Cabinet has been reviewing casual, student and temporary classified positions for exceptions to
the end of February cut-off. The draft Board agenda was reviewed yesterday, and some
extensions (to June 30) were granted. These non-cert temporary positions include one for Fiscal
Services/Janice Ely, four for Human Resources/Allene Quarles, two for ITS (Alex/Satish), one
for Staff Development/Donna Manno, and one for Campus Police/Mike D’Amico. It was
stressed that temporary employees are not laid off – they are simply told their services are no
longer required. It is important to give them a reasonable amount of notice. Employees need to
be paid; consequently, since hours worked between February 20 and 28 wouldn’t be paid until
April 10, supplemental checks may be necessary.
Casual positions don’t need to be reviewed by the Board; however, due to a new process,
requests for new casual positions will need to go through Pat Caldwell’s office, and the current
ones will need to be re-approved through the process also. It was suggested that changes like this
should be put on scrolling information for 30 days to notify people and then somewhere on the
Infonet permanently, perhaps as a committee? Vic will discuss the need for a Web Developer
with Pat Caldwell.
Copies of the February 7 memo regarding positions exempted from the hiring freeze were shared
with the group. It was noted that some areas haven’t exercised their right to fill positions. The
question as to whether anything above 20 hours becomes OT for 50% employees will be
Bond: The bond rating should come in by the end of this week. ECC is hoping for a AA rating
to be insured to a AAA rating.
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Bob Gann:
 He will attend a CCLC workshop on how to proceed with the electricity consortium.
The current contract expires in June, and Edison is proposing to reduce its rates. It
was noted that $12 million of bond money is devoted to energy reduction.
 Four contracts regarding continuing work on the Master Plan and implementing bond
projects will be going to the Board.
 The first in a series of Facilities Master Plan meetings with various divisions will be
held today in the Alondra Room with Humanities. The meeting with Administrative
Services should take place at the next Area Council meeting.
 Janice Ely: They are working on implementing the People Soft system, which will go
live July 1. Testing needs to be done by May 31.
 Allene Quarles: Notifications went out to those who applied for classification reviews for
2001. She will meet with supervisors and managers regarding duties to be removed as a
result of this classification review.
 Marcy Wade: She is involved with labor relations issues, disciplinary processes, etc.
 Satish Warrier: Update on two major projects (the County project and SEVIS):
 There are problems with the County project because they keep changing the specs.
 The federal government changed the SEVIS deadline to February 15 because it wasn’t
ready to receive the information.
 David Miller: Construction on the perimeter road has begun. Bids for the science
complex close on Thursday, and work is scheduled to begin April 1.
 Janet Clarke: The pre-meeting on the Hickman case will be on the 24th. They are also
working on the transition to the People Soft system.
 Alex Kelley
 The AS Quarterly meeting is this Thursday.
 Representatives from the Chancellor’s Office are here today re: statewide electronic
transfer of grades.
 They have been reviewing the PC bid.
 They are looking at replacing the voice mail system and looking at a new ACD
(automatic call director) system.
 Ways to cut excessive costs of mass mailings are being researched.
 Major security problems are being caused by the key system not being kept up.
 Due to sabotage and theft in the office, they implemented a new card (plus pin
number) operated security system last week. Cards can only be assigned to an
individual, not an office; consequently, each custodian needs to have his/her own card
for the system to work. Leaving doors left propped open for those without keys
defeats the whole system. Everyone needs to be brought up to speed on how the
system operates. It was noted that this system could be expanded campus wide and
could include ID cards. The science complex will have conduit for possible future
installation of such a system; however, no funds are available for this now.
 Rocky Bonura: They are suspending the Rideshare Program luncheons to save money.
 Donna Manno: Information on future classes was sent electronically.
 Maurice Elmore: They are looking into the possibility of using the timekeeping system to
capture electronically data they are already capturing manually.
 Vic Hanson: The delis are open.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.