March 6, 2001

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
March 6, 2001
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Joyce Branch
__x_Janet Clarke
____Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
____Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
Minutes: The minutes of February 13 were approved.
Alternative Calendars: Three open forums will be held today and tomorrow re: calendar alternatives.
Area Council/Division Councils: Members of reestablished Administrative Services Area Council
have been notified via memo (handout) and the first meeting is March 27.
Committee Minutes on Infonet: There have been some claims that some who wanted to take the
posting classes were not allowed to due to a student and/or non permanent staff member status. Joyce
will check on this; however, it was noted that access decisions were made based on security issues.
Preliminary Budget 2001-02: Copies of the 2001-02 Preliminary Budget were shared with the group.
 It went to the BDC last week. Assumptions are outlined on first page. Increases are shaded on
pages 3, 4 and 5 and 6.
 It is later than usual due to the effort to link budget with planning; however, this has allowed them
to include more items like the new AFT and POA calculations for the new contracts and
information from the governor’s January budget. This could change in the May revise.
 Funds for utilities have been increased by $400,000. The settling of the classified contract will also
have a major impact on the budget.
 The issue of centralized money for computers needs to be addressed. A decision also needs to be
made re: the difference between what constitutes equipment and what constitutes supplies.
 Block grants have not been put on the income side in this budget.
 The reserve for contingencies is only 2% and needs to be closer to 5%.
 Any requests for augmentations to rollover budgets need to be included in a unit action plan.
 Alex stated that the Technology Plan and the Facilities Plan should suffice for their action plans.
Vic agreed.
Board Policies: A number of policies are slowly getting through College Council. All of Chapter 2
and half of Chapter 3 should be going to the Board in March.
Community Advancement/Hawthorne Site:
There now seems to be acceptance by Community
Advancement staff members to move to the Hawthorne building (the old CMTC building). The other
Hawthorne building has been sold. It was noted that the college could easily spend more on the
modification than the building is worth. Those interested in the meeting to take place re: this move
will be contacted with the date and time.
Assignment of AA Representatives: The difficulty in getting AA reps for hiring committees was
discussed. Problems include overuse of the few people who are trained and the lack of training of
others. If an AA representative is not available, that is not a reason to hold up a panel. The hiring
procedure needs to be revisited, and this could be an issue for area council to address.
Process Review/Admissions & Cashiering: CACT has been contacted to do a review of the function of
this consolidation. If they do a good job, we may use them in other processes like recruitment, capital
outlay, attendance accounting, fixed assets, etc.
Transition from CSEA to CCE: Although ECC has not received official notice from the new union
yet, Marcy met with Skip Seizer (CCE), who will assist with labor relation issues that come up. It
could take CCE two months or more to get their Executive Board together. Groundwork needs to be
laid and a memo of understanding needs to be created. Since a whole new contract will be created
from scratch, Vic stressed the importance of managers to give Marcy concerns and issues for the new
contract. This will be the agenda for the next meeting.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Bob Gann - The only problem with bike racks in the past was the advertising. They are working
on placing bike racks in areas where bikes are commonly parked now. Vic suggested bringing this
issue to College Council.
 Donna Manno
 There will be three workshops re: alternative calendars.
 Classified Professional Development Day will be April 10 (during spring break). There will be
a keynote address and workshops all day, including the FISH video after lunch. Managers
need to be supportive about classified attendance at this function.
 Joyce Branch: She is finished with the combined class list.
 Alex Kelley: The fall calendar will have a major impact on administrative services because they
are starting classes on Saturday. This creates problems re: when they can process rosters, etc.?
 Vic Hanson - Can Joyce produce a report re: the issue of whether or not faculty are holding the
required number of office hours? It was noted that the deans should have this information.
 Janet Clarke: Query builder training needs to get scheduled. Also, to add a committee to the
Infonet, send the information to Vic.
 Pam Fees: The first division council will be held today at 10:30 a.m. Delores will post the minutes.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.