March 9, 2004

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
March 9, 2004
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
____Maurice Elmore
____Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
____Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of March 2 were approved with the following changes:
Change “lobbying” to “recommending”; delete “slash and burn” section.
Automated Time Reporting for Employees: The differences between absence accounting (noting
only deviations from a regular schedule) vs. the timekeeper system (clocking in only the hours
worked) were discussed. The current timekeeping system for employees is archaic, cumbersome
and labor intensive. With a vacancy in the timekeeping position in Facilities, some ways to
automate or streamline this function have been discussed. The elimination of some or all of the
excessive paperwork involved is also desired. One suggestion was to keep track of absences on
the computer (via administrative assistants) and print off the final version at end of month. The
employee and supervisor could then sign this version. Another suggestion was to use electronic
signatures and make the whole process electronic (since electronic signatures are now legal). If
the college decides to go this way, any problems that arose would be worked out. Alex will
have someone do preliminary specs and bring them back to the group. He will also look into the
use of electronic signatures.
Health Benefits Proposals: Three proposals (from Aetna, Blue Cross and Pacific Care) were
received. SISC sent a letter saying they are not prepared to give a proposal until April or May,
which is after the deadline. The broker engaged by the committee (Dickerson) has the proposals
and will respond by the 23rd. The contract states that the committee’s function is to review
relevant information and make a health benefits plan recommendation.
Budget Update
 Pam discussed the anticipated affects of the bond measures that passed:
 Prop 55 – The funds we get from this measure this year are for the first phase
(planning) of the Learning Resource Center (LRC). Money for the entire project will
be provided; however, it will be spread over several years.
 Props 57 and 58 – These measures don’t really solve the state’s financial problems,
but they will allow the state to pay its bills for now. There is still the probability of
big budget cuts.
 How finances will be coming into the state as revenue is still unknown. Several key dates
in April (like property taxes deadlines, etc.) will need to happen first.
 The proposal by four-year colleges to only accept transfers from two-year schools could
impact ECC.
 There will probably be an increase in the $18 registration fee.
 It was suggested that some ECC budget workshops should be scheduled.
Regarding frozen positions, it was noted that the president wants more information on faculty
retirements and resignations before making any decisions. The target of 340 faculty for 2004
will require four replacements. The review of frozen positions will probably be around the 22nd
of the month. In response to Donna’s question about the possibility of hiring temporary staff
to provide training in April, May and June, Vic asked for a cost estimate.
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Bob Gann
 When the time nears for the Humanities building to be demolished, the AFT and the
Staff and Student Diversity Office will need to be notified and their office spaces
relocated. Janet Clarke will check on the terms of the contract.
 They have been contacted by AT&T re: locating their equipment on campus. Janet
has the contracts of other two other such requests on her desk. Since these are
revenue-generating propositions, Vic instructed that they should be taken to the Board
for concept approval with the fair value left open. As long as the college maintains
control, the logistics can be negotiated and worked out later.
 Donna Manno
 Nursing students in the Madden Collection have their study area in the basement of
the Library and some are complaining about noise from the Innovation Center during
classes. Bob noted that there will be a space for the Madden Collection in the new
Health Services building.
 She wants to get on the VP meeting agenda to discuss distribution of the initial 50
Omni Update licenses (not including faculty licenses, which are separate). Alex
noted that some faculty have very complicated web sites that were created by the Web
Interns. ITS can’t support them, and Omni won’t be able to help them either due to
the complicated nature of the sites.
 She is not getting much response on the training for the budget piece of Q-builder;
consequently, she will resend the dates of the training.
 Allene Quarles: Please attend the Liebert Cassidy workshop on the 18th if you signed up.
 Mike D’Amico
 They are dealing with many “under the influence cases”, and twelve discipline cases
have already been assigned to Hortense Cooper.
 The Red Bus lines from Hollywood are causing problems in front of the Credit Union
 Nadine is retiring August 1, 2004.
 Alex Kelley: There is a way to recover deleted items. He will demo for Janet.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.