January 1, 2001

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
May 8, 2001
__x_Rocky Bonura
_vac.Joyce Branch
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
____Donna Manno
____Andy Nasatir
__x_Lynnda Nelson
__x_Allene Quarles
_vac.Marcy Wade
Minutes: Under Janet Clarke, bullet # 2, it was noted that they are developing peer evaluations for
administrators. Also, under Allene Quarles, bullet #2, change March to May. The minutes of May 1
were approved.
Request Forms for PCs: Draft copies of two new forms (developed by Janet and Alex) were shared
with the group to get input/buy-in on the concept. Procedures will be written later. Vic will take the
drafts to Cabinet.
New PC Request Form
 This is a basic request for a new machine.
PC Upgrade/Replacement Forms
 They are using a new approach here in that the replacement may not necessarily be a new
machine. Technical Services will evaluate the situation and determine if a machine
recycled from one of the labs is better than the one you have and will meet your needs.
Janet worked with accounting to establish unique object codes for replacement.
 The college will move to centralizing the process and will no longer have the quarterly deadlines.
ITS will do the requisitions, and all purchases will go through either form #1 or #2. Instructional
machines will probably be replaced on a three-year cyclical basis.
 For some grants, the machines have to be returned to the grantors.
Time Reporting: Consistency is needed in applying leaves. Issues:
There was discussion as to who makes the determination about when to go to the 50%
subdifference situation. It was noted that the manager contacts the employee, and he/she
makes the decision. All sick leave needs to be exhausted first, then vacation can be used or half
vacation and half subdifference.
Another problem is employees who call in sick and then try to change it to vacation on their
timesheets. This is not acceptable, because vacation has to be pre-approved.
All managers must use the new time reporting system for casuals, non-certs and students. The
machines have already been installed in twelve locations. A deadline needs to be established
after which no old timesheets will be accepted. Bob requested a system modification allowing
automatic deduction for lunch period for hourly people who work eight hours. Alex will add
this request to other expected requests after the system is implemented.
Uniform ID cards are needed.
A demo of the time reporting system will probably be the topic of the Management Forum in
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Janice Ely:
 She attended a fraud workshop last week.
 The Fall Registration mailer has been finalized. They mailed 7,000 non-payment letters;
however, no drop payment deadline will be enforced. It was noted that the college needs to
have a process in place to prevent or block future registration and/or services for those who fail
to pay.
 Mike D’Amico:
 Rolling blackouts are expected.
 Thefts have been occurring on campus because employees leave doors and windows open
and/or unlocked. It was suggested that the college may need to start using keypads on doors.
 Janet Clarke:
 URM is still inventorying. Equipment will have two tags for a while, then the two systems will
be merged.
 Unaccepted POs (1000) are preventing closure of the books. Datatel is working on a batch
program to fix this problem.
 She is still working on the Purchasing Calendar. There will be changes in how P. O.s will be
done for the new Cafeteria setup.
 Allene Quarles:
 Copies of the Southern California CCD Consortium Workshop History were shared with the
group. Input was requested as to which of the 35 items people would like to see in the
upcoming year. She will also E-mail all other managers on campus for their input to give her
an idea as to whether the college should join again.
 According to a Liebert Cassidy workshop she attended on short-term employees, holidays must
be counted (per the presenter’s interpretation of the Ed Code). There was disagreement on this.
 Rocky Bonura:
 He is generally pleased with the results of the recent annual fire prevention inspection and the
health hazmat inspection.
 A number of employees participated in search and rescue training.
 His office will be holding a four-session course for managers and supervisors so that they will
know what their liabilities are.
 Signs have been posted in elevators re: what to do in a blackout.
 They have asked for an extension of the May 19 Rideshare Program due date.
 Pam Fees:
 The lunch for Tim Van Leer is today.
 She distributed a calendar of training classes offered by ABCD Academy.
 Alex Kelley:
 They are testing credit card processing with Web Advisor. He met with Bill Mulrooney on
publicizing Web Advisor more this time.
 High School registration starts in a few weeks. The statewide application is being challenged,
so it won’t be ready in time. They will be registering at the high schools via Web Advisor, and
counselors were given a training session on Web Advisor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.