Administrative Services Staff Meeting August 19, 2003 PRESENT: __N_Rocky Bonura __x__Janet Clarke __x_Mike D’Amico __x_Maurice Elmore __D_Janice Ely __x_Pam Fees __x_Bob Gann __x_Vic Hanson __x_Alex Kelley __x_Donna Manno __N_David Miller ____Andy Nasatir ____Lynnda Nelson __N_Allene Quarles __N_Marcy Wade Minutes: The minutes of August 5 and 12 were approved. Budget: ECC is close to publishing its final budget, which must be printed and published by August 28th. It contains a reserve of approximately 7.4% for next year due to the myriad of uncertainty surrounding the State budget. The outcome of the California recall election expected this year could also affect community college budgets, and there could be midyear cuts in 2003-04. Also, the concurrent enrollment issue is still not resolved. Pam will attend the September 3 budget workshop hosted by the Chancellor’s Office. Frozen positions will be published in the back of the budget book because although they will remain as approved positions, the money will now be removed from the budget until the financial situation improves. More research into staff benefits is needed, including the overspending in medical. For 2003-04 it’s almost $2 million less than the 2002-03 final budget. It was noted, however, that last year’s budget was underfunded. Approximately $2.3 million worth of unavoidable increased costs in areas like PERS, social security, medical increases, workers’ comp, liability insurance, etc. need to be funded. There will be a management meeting tomorrow, and the president will address the PBC on Thursday. Bond There was much discussion and review of bond equipment items by the Board at its recent meeting. Bill Beverly requested a copy of the equipment list. ITS got three of its five items. The voice mail system and servers still need to be purchased. Before the next Board meeting, more research is needed on Bob’s list of equipment that was purchased in April (355 Dell computers for an academic lab, etc.) and slated for reimbursement via bond funds. The coding needs to be changed from Fine Arts to ITS/Facilities. Also, there was once discussion about using instructional funds for this. The percentage of technology vs. equipment is approximately $20 million (approximately $12 for replacement technology by the old definitions). The CDC Resolution from SCA will be in next month’s agenda. A budget presentation will be made to the Academic Senate on September 16. Strategic Goals: A handout listing the seven strategic goals the Planning Team agreed on were shared with the group. Another planning session, led by Pat Caldwell, will be held this afternoon at 1 p.m. Each area is expected to prioritize the seven goals by the first week in September. After a round of weighted voting, numbers 3, 5 and 6 emerged as the top three for Administrative Services. This needs to be shared with the Area Council also. Committee Reports/Division Issues Donna Manno: Classified staff are requested to go to the Flex Day BBQ at 11:30. Maurice Elmore: The track completely renovated, the gym floors are done, and they have started the installation of bleachers in the North Gym. Mike D’Amico They sent a registered letter to the “cat lady” ordering her to cease and desist on the feeding of animals on campus. They need to identify her partner and send the same letter. The parents of the girl in the wheel chair will be billed for the damage she did to the brick wall. This is not the first time she has damaged school property. A Vietnamese international student was kidnapped after taking a cab to the college when the International Student Office failed to meet her at the airport. Janet Clarke Regarding the equipment list that went to the Board last night, it would be helpful to get coordination from the various academic areas on these purchases. Consolidation of like items into group orders could save the college money. She will prepare a list of commodity groups for the September 9 meeting. It was suggested that a purchasing calendar providing installation timeframes suitable for Administrative Services should be prepared. Bidding time, Board approval and delivery all need to be planned and coordinated for the upcoming furniture order for the Natural Science complex. Another issue is what to do with the old furniture after it is replaced by new furniture. This is an item for the Deans’ Council. Alex Kelley He needs a decision on when the second cycle of computer replacement will take place. Vic needs to get together with Cabinet. Vic will also discuss the criteria for issuing faculty replacement laptops with Cabinet. Alex is to participate also. It was suggested that a written agreement from faculty stating that they will use the computers for grades, no shows, etc. should be mandatory before the college issues any new ones. This would save much manual work for Admissions and Records. Donna Manno made a case for providing a choice of either desktop or laptop. In response to the lack of infrastructure and ergonomically sound environments for desktops in many areas, it was suggested that, as new buildings are designed, these issues should be part of the planning. They are working on the voice mail bid. Information on the server is still being researched, so it may not make the September Board. He will be on vacation the third week of September. Ruth Sanchez: Board items for the September meeting will be due Monday, August 25th. Pam Fees The Associated Students are interested in supporting the student fee with banners in the cashiers’ area. Meeting adjourned at 10:33 a.m. staf819