Administrative Services Staff Meeting September 9, 2003 PRESENT: __x_Rocky Bonura __x_Janet Clarke __x_Mike D’Amico ____Maurice Elmore ____Janice Ely __x_Pam Fees __x_Bob Gann __x_Vic Hanson ____Alex Kelley __x_Donna Manno __x_David Miller ____Andy Nasatir ____Lynnda Nelson __x_Allene Quarles __x_Marcy Wade Minutes: Change let to led at the top of page 2. The minutes of August 19 were then approved. Budget: Copies of the 2003-04 Final Budget, which was adopted at last night’s Board meeting, were shared with the group. The public hearing only lasted ten minutes, and there were no questions or criticism. This indicates that the budgeting process works pretty well. Noted: There is a 7.8% reserve. This is not the final version of the budget. There will still be some changes, so E-mail Pam if anything needs to be corrected. The concurrent enrollment issue is still not resolved, so $2 million has been set aside in the budget for a possible assessment. There is much controversy about how Chancellor’s Office is handling the assessment, so there could be lawsuits. With this budget, it is felt that ECC is well positioned to handle even the possibility of mid year budget cuts. Planning Status: Donna will attend the VP meeting tomorrow re: the list of issues that need to be addressed before she can move forward with the planning component. The new (supposedly more user friendly) version of Q-builder needs to be installed. Q-builder needs to be updated with the new goals developed at the Planning Summit. She needs technical support from ITS. She has asked Steve Fasteau to do three training sessions. President’s Priorities/Status Report: The president’s five priorities (not in priority order) are: 1. Optimize FTES 2. No layoffs 3. Maintain balanced budget 4. Implement Measure E 5. Focus on planning The president wants the monthly status reports to focus on what is planned for the future rather than on accomplishments. E-mail Vic with items that need to be identified in the AS status report by the third week of September for inclusion in his report at the end of this month. Committee Appointments: Committees appointments need to be firmed up. The president can make appointments to the PBC, the Insurance Benefits Committee and College Council. Office Hours/Signage/Flex Schedules: The president is interested in whether any offices are closed during the week and whether anyone is on a flex schedule. No AS offices are closed on Friday, and it was noted that there aren’t many students here on Fridays. Too many signs with conflicting messages that create confusion are another issue. This appears to be caused by lack of communication and coordination in various offices. For example, some offices have signs saying they are closed when they are actually open. The Counseling Office’s demand to Facilities to immediately provide four colors of floor tape when they didn’t even have a clear idea what they were going to do with it is another case in point. The demand for the tape was apparently generated by the confusion the president observed during a recent walk through of that office. Measure “E” Equipment: Janet Clarke shared draft copies of the 2003-04 Purchasing Schedule for Measure “E” Equipment. The schedule takes items from the Measure “E” equipment list that went to the Board in August and clusters them in commodity types. Routine purchases can be submitted any time between September 10 and March 5. Draft copies of the Bid Schedule for Measure “E” Equipment (which covers items on pages 3 – 6 in the first document) were also shared with the group. Buyers and pre-assigned bid numbers have been assigned, and delivery dates are a guesstimate of 30 days. The plan is to have a new bid rolling every two weeks, and if they don’t get a requisition on time, the order will be moved down the list. There will be an opportunity for Facilities to review those that will involve them. Contact both divisions and buyers if there are support issues with any items. The final draft document shared with the group was the Schedule of Due Dates for Measure “E” requisitions. The group agreed that all three documents were very well organized and easy to understand. Vic will share these documents with Nadine Hata and Pat Caldwell tomorrow and then Janet will meet with each division to review the Measure “E” Purchasing and Bid Schedules before implementing them. The vice presidents should be fleshing out exactly what they will be ordering. Also, people should be advised about the penalty for missing the deadlines. At Vic’s request, Janet will add another column for actual costs and keep it updated. This will track needed information for the Citizens’ Oversight Committee and the Board. She will also include how to do a bond requisition in the Colleague training. Noted: Rocky wants to piggyback onto the order for Item #29. A 10% cushion was built in. Committee Reports/Division Issues Marcy Wade They have extended their evening hours through September for part-time faculty. As a result of the security breaches in the Student Services building over the holiday weekend, they are working on developing procedures to get back keys and block computer access for those on extended leave. ECCE negotiations are going well. Recruitment activity is extremely limited. Lateral transfer or internal recruitments will be posted as opportunities. The Assistant Director of ITS position will be open for about six weeks, and the two lead custodians will be filled internally. New Liebert Cassidy workshops are coming up. It was suggested that a better room is needed for the video conferencing. Bob Gann: They are starting design work on the next phase of the water main replacement program, which will involve intermittent closures from Redondo Beach Boulevard to Manhattan Beach Boulevard. Mike D’Amico There was a breach of security in the Counseling Office which was committed with a set of communal office keys. There has been a string of robberies (including an ECC instructor) in the areas surrounding the campus. A kidnapping is in progress near Facilities. Donna Manno: Annette Owens is leaving, so training will need to be on hold. Pam Fees: The auditors will be here in two shifts in September and October. The posting of the Final Budget to the Infonet will be delayed to allow for incorporation of new information from the Chancellor’s Office. Rocky Bonura: Communication is the key. He had a good meeting with Mary Semeraro and her group. They are very willing to work with the college and they came up with a plan to work together on the cat issue. They will continue to trap, neuter and return cats, and they also find homes for kittens. They may be getting a handle on the rat problem. He wants to move the files from the basement to Admin. 210. They had a good meeting last Friday re: contract language and will have a follow-up meeting today. Janet Clarke The CW Driver item was pulled from the Board agenda last night. Bill Beverly will probably require a greater level of detail. The handout on identity theft from the Management Forum was very good, and she communicated the information to her staff. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. staf99