Administrative Services Staff Meeting December 1, 2015 PRESENT: Babs Atane out Rocky Bonura Julie Bourlier Robert Bradshaw Robert Brobst Tom Brown Janice Ely Jo Ann Higdon Reuben James Arthur Leible Andy Nasatir Rachelle Sasser Michael Trevis William Warren III Minutes from November 17th was approved with a minor change. Jo Ann: 1. Tom - need a rough draft of the bond projects that will be upcoming which will use the Measure E 2012 bond monies. a. At the last area council meeting, it was mentioned that the lawnmowers were not working. I mentioned that there was money allocated for equipment. b. Need to move all of the IT equipment from the Warehouse. Tom said that it was to be donated. Speak with Rocky he has the paperwork. c. Is the underground tank been removed and area clean out? Bob and Tom said that the tank has been removed and all the necessary paperwork has been taken care of. Soil sample came back clean. 2. Babs/Janice - do you know if we have the draft financial statement yet? a. Have we looked into the 1096’s? Babs will get some guidance from LACOE for assistance. We need to at least file an extension now. 3. Art & Will - there is discussion to separate summer and fall registration. Art said if they can get a decision by end of December, they can be separated. a. Where are we on the SQL conversion? Art said they have three proposals back for the entire work from start to finish. Cost from $50,000 - $200,000. We are currently in the process of clean up. We will be going “live” around spring break. b. Where are we on the faculty laptop vs. tablet? Art said they have about hundred faculty responded. It is a 3 to1 for laptop. We will be sending a reminder email out this morning with a Thursday deadline. 4. Julie & Andy - please check with the Foundation regarding them having problems with reconciling their books on vouchers. Committee Reports/Division Issues: Art & Will: 1. Meeting with Linda Mobley to go over the purchasing process. 2. Wi-Fi study is back with a cost of approximately $2.3 million. Claudio is going over how long each phase will take to complete. 3. Help desk committee is under way. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Currently on the hiring panel for Compton Director of IT. Dr. Curry is restarting the Compton Accreditation Technology Committee. Will be expanding the ECC Tech Committee to include other members from across the campus. New Sr. Network Systems Administrator started work yesterday. MIS report work has started this week. Drop for non-payment is next Monday. Julie & Andy: 1. Since the minimum wage has increased, the bookstore is having difficulty getting applicants for Spring rush. 2. All books have been ordered and will arrive before the holiday break. Tom, Bob & Rob: 1. Meeting with Dean of Fine Arts to go over the prescient and the final meeting will be this Friday. 2. Stadium project is ongoing. 2. Bid is out for parking lot C. 3. Lot F is ongoing. 5. Currently there are eight interview panels in progress. 6. New carpenter was hired from in-house. 7. The smell from yesterday in the Art & Behavioral Science building was due to women’s faculty restroom toilet not working. Issue resolved. 8. Contract awarded and will go to December board for the roll-up door work. 9. Ceiling tile work for the Natural Science building will start soon. STEM ceiling tiles will be expensive due to their specialty work. 10. Prop 39 lighting bids are coming in. 13. Science building sensor is in, but won’t get any trending information until classes are in session again in January. 14. Demo done and now dirt is being moved for the parking structure and Student Services Bldg. 16. Student Services is back at DSA for comment review. 17. Gym is at DSA. Out of DSA in January and out to bid in February. Babs: 1. Audit went well except for the EPA board item that was not done last fiscal year. 2. Last week was Gary Turners last day. We have reassigned his work to others. 4. Auditors samples for GASB 68 were found to be accurate. Mike: 1. Campus report. 2. Need account number approval for camera work? 3. Edison will be shutting down our power tomorrow evening to Thursday morning. Tom said he will have extra generators for the PD. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 am.