November 18, 2010

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
November 18, 2010
Babs Atane
Rocky Bonura
Julie Bourlier
Tom Brown
Tom Connolly
Janice Ely
Bob Gann
Jo Ann Higdon
 Bruce Hoerning
Reuben James
vac Andy Nasatir
Rachelle Sasser
Fred Sturner
vac Michael Trevis
 John Wagstaff
 Satish Warrier
Minutes: Minutes from November 11th meeting was approved.
 Jo Ann:
 Two person Accreditation Team will be here on November 22, 2010. One will be at
Compton part of the time.
 Auditors will be here on Monday
 Do all of the evaluation for permanent and new hires.
 Monies & account number for equipment list items will be ready for requisitioning in about
two weeks.
 Bond equipment over $200 or more needs to be tagged. Regular equipment the threshold
is still $500 or more.
 Board Meeting Item: Instead of listing CalWorks items separately. Now it can be one
board agenda item with different dates.
 Compton CBO has been selected.
 Discussion of FCMAT report.
Committee Reports/Division Issues:
 Rocky:
 Received the final report from forensics and will forward a copy to OSHA. District Manager will
review all information and will make a final report to ECC.
 Received letter from Fire Department regarding the annual hazards material Business Plan update
 Janice:
 All documents will be ready for the Auditors review on Monday.
 Thanks to Cheryl Shenefield for all the invaluable help she has been to the Accounting
 Bruce:
 Humanities building dry wall is up and by end of this week painting will be done.
 Carpet will come by the second week in December.
 By winter break all work should be done.
 HVAC position is open for recruitment.
 Babs:
 Reminder: equipment tag and inventory is an issue with the auditors.
 Meeting with be setup to discuss the Bond equipment recommendation with Facilities, ITS
and Purchasing.
 Satish:
 Registration will begin on Tuesday.
 Summer MIS reports for both campuses have been submitted.
 John:
 Continuing distribution of faculty laptops.
 Julie:
 Getting evaluations done.
 Working on Plan Builder.
 Bob:
 HMC and user group for the STEM center (which is located in the basement of the Natural
Science Building) will meet.
 Shop programming scametic design phase is completed and it needs to be reviewed by
 HMC has draft options on the PE complex. Would like Cabinet to review options before
going ahead.
 Tom B:
 Letter has not been received regarding the Humanities first floor issues.
 Paving project is underway. It will be done in sections so the impacts on the students are
kept at a minimal.
 Public Information office will be notifying the campus community when paving projects
 Tom C:
 Candidate for Accounting Tech II has been chosen.
 Compton screening interview – have chosen three final candidates for interview with
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.