Class Syllabus Mrs. Kathleen Emir 2015-2016 Email: Room 256 The Class: This Spanish course is designed to establish a firm foundation to the Spanish language. Students will be able to use all forms of language: reading, speaking, listening and writing. All upcoming assignments and assessments will be listed on our class webpage. The Rules: 1. Be Prepared Come to class on time with a notebook, pen and text book ready to work! No food or drinks allowed. No materials for other classes are permitted during Spanish class. 2. Be Respectful One person speaks at a time. Cell phones and Ipods are to be put away and out of sight. Phones will be confiscated if they are not put away after being asked once. 3. Participate Positive participation is expected and encouraged. You will raise your hand to make a contribution to class. The Consequences: Any rules which are not followed will result in the following sequence of actions: 1. Verbal warning 2. Teacher detention and parent contact 3. ROM The Extras: Seeking out extra help and a time to see me for makeup work after an absence is part of your responsibility as a student. **I am available during period 2, 6, and 7. I am also available by appointment afterschool. Please make an appointment with me to come in when you need extra practice or have missed an assessment. ** The Grading Guidelines: Tests/ Projects 40% - There will be one written test per marking period. ** Students will have 2 days per day absent to make up a test. After that, it becomes a 0** - There will be at least one project or alternate assessment per marking period ** All late projects, writing assignments, and authentic assessments will receive a 10% grade deduction per calendar day that the assignment is late.** Quizzes 30% There will be several quizzes in various forms each marking period. Quizzes may include listening, speaking and writing assessments. Expect pop quizzes. **Students will have 2 days per day absent to make up a quiz. After that, it becomes a 0** Classwork 20% Some of the oral, written, and listening assignments completed in class will be counted as a classwork grade. Some of these assignments will be graded on a check system based on the quality/correctness of the assignment. A zero will be given for any assignment not turned in. Additionally, you will receive a weekly class work grade. 1. (Participation) 2. (Class preparation) and 3. (Using the target language) will all be aspects of this weekly grade. You will lose points each day every time you do not fulfill any of these obligations. I will keep a log of the points you have/have lost each week and enter it as a grade at the end of the week. * If a student is not in class on the day a classwork assignment is due, s/he will have two days to turn in the assignment. On the third day after the absence, s/he can hand it in for 50% of the grade. After that, the classwork grade becomes a zero. Homework 10% Homework will sometimes be collected and graded for quality using this check system: check check check check check ++ (100) + (90) (80) – (70) - - (60) accurate mostly accurate somewhat accurate/inaccurate mostly inaccurate inaccurate * If a student is in class on the day a homework assignment is due but does not hand it in, s/he can hand it in the next day for 50% of the grade. After one day late, the homework grade becomes a zero. * If a student is not in class on the day a homework assignment is due, s/he will have two calendar days to turn in the assignment