U.S. History II Course Overview Mrs. Minze – Room E-11 Overall Perspective: This curriculum covers topics in U.S. History from the industrial period of America of the 1800’s through the U.S. involvement in Vietnam in the 1960-70’s. This course will also explore the role of the United States as part of the global community in that same time period. Students will acquire research oriented, critical thinking, and social skills to facilitate historical problem solving and factual interpretation. Students will compare and contrast primary source materials to fully understand historical perspective. Requirements: During each unit to be covered, students will be expected to complete long and short term assignments. These may include written papers and oral presentations for the topics assigned. Students are expected to submit all assignments on time. When given a reading assignment with a discussion to follow, students will be graded orally on preparedness and understanding of the material. Students must also keep a notebook of class notes that will be randomly checked by the instructor. The 5 Simple Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Be On Time Keep an Open Mind Discipline: Shore Regional has a well documented discipline code, and it will be followed explicitly in class. Please see the school handbook for guidance. As upper classmen at Shore, it is expected that students will conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times. Grading: Assignments will be graded in a point system. At the end of each marking period, the percentage of points granted, out of all possible points earned, will be averaged in the following manner. Tests: Quizzes: 40% 25% Homework: 20% Classwork: 15% Tests: Tests will primarily be in essay and open-ended question format. They may also include Document Based Questions (aka DBQ’s). In addition, a number of projects and papers may be assigned throughout the year. These larger projects and papers will be counted as part of the overall test grade. Therefore, the average of all scores received on tests, major projects, and papers throughout the marking period will make up 40% of the student’s overall marking period grade. Quizzes: Quizzes will vary in format. Most quizzes will be announced, though there may be a few pop-quizzes here and there. Smaller papers and essays will also be averaged in to the overall quiz average. The average of these smaller papers and quizzes will equal 25% of the student’s overall marking period grade. Homework: Homework will be assigned throughout the week, and may include short response papers, internet research, current events, reading packets, etc. The average of all homework scores will equal 20% of the students overall marking period grade. Classwork: Much of the classwork assigned will vary in format and be collected and graded. Class preparation will also be a component to the classwork grade. If a student is unprepared for class (e.g. shows up late, does not have textbook, notebook, pen, etc.), a zero will be averaged in to their classwork grade. The average of the scores of all classwork assignments will equal 15% of the student’s overall marking period grade. *A Note on Late Work: I do not accept late work. Be responsible, and get your assignments in on time. Please do not wait until the night before to be sure your computer is up and running, and that your printer has ink. The one and only exception of accepting late work is for absences. Students returning after missing class are to check their assigned class folder for any handouts/worksheets. They may also check the class website to view assignments. Students will have the same number of days that they were absent to make up their work. For example- if a student misses 1 day of class, they have 1 day to make up any missed assignments. If as student misses 2 days- they have 2 days to make up their assignments…and so on. In addition- if a student is absent on the due date of a major project or paper assignment, that project or paper assignment should be turned in on the day of their return. If it is not turned in on the day they return, it is late. Grading Breakdown: 100-92: A 91-84: B Contact Information: 83-77: C 76-70: D 69-below: F Ellen Minze Email: eminze@shoreregional.org Phone: 732-222-9300 ext. 4810 Please complete this page and return no later than Monday, Sept. 8th. I have read and understand the above syllabus. I have addressed any questions or concerns I have about the rules and grading breakdown with Mrs. Minze. ________________________________________________________________ Student Name (Printed) ______________________________________________ Student Signature ____________ Date I have reviewed the above syllabus with my child. I understand that I can contact Mrs. Minze at any time via phone or email to address any concerns I have about my child throughout the year. ________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Printed) ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________ Date To be completed by Parent/Guardian: I prefer to be contacted by: ______ (phone) ______ (email) Email Address:________________________________________________ (Please print clearly)