8th Grade World History Class Procedures

8th Grade American History
Mrs. Gravuer: jgravuer@btsd.us
Curriculum/Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of American
History beginning with the Civil War and continuing the whole way up through
the impact and life of citizens during the Progressive Era. They will be able to
explain the many connections between the past, present, and future.
Assignments and Skills: There will be many different types of assignments
provided to students this year in class such as, daily warm-ups, summaries of
main topics, quizzes, review questions, etc. There are several assignments that
are required by all 8th grade Social Studies students across the district. Those
assignments include:
A 2-3 page research paper including a thesis statement, internal
citations, and a bibliography
A technology based project such as a power point, Prezi, Glog, or
some other interactive project.
A creative writing piece
A 1-2 page informative essay
I also require my students to read at least 1 historical fiction book of their
choice and complete an assignment to demonstrate their understanding
of what they have read.
Skills that will be taught/reviewed include but are not limited to: note-taking
using Cornell notes, summarizing and restating in your own words, research skills,
analyzing primary and secondary source documents, reading non-fiction text,
highlighting important information, etc.
Start of Class: Students are expected to enter respectfully and to have all
materials out and ready. Students should immediately begin working on the
warm-up for the day. Please make sure you sharpen your pencils at the
beginning of class.
Leaving Class: Students must ask permission before leaving class. They must have
their monthly pass signed in order to leave the classroom. Only one student at a
time may leave.
End of Class: Class is dismissed at the teacher’s instruction. Please do not gather
up your materials or assume you are finished until directed by the teacher.
Students are expected to clean up the floor and desk area around them and
return all supplies to the proper places.
Classroom Rules: Students are encouraged to always try their best. Students
should come to class prepared and on time. This includes bringing supplies to
class, making sure your tablet is charged, and work is ready to be turned in at
the beginning of class. Students should treat each other, faculty, and staff with
respect. Students should not touch another person’s belongings. Bullying will not
be tolerated.
Classroom Consequences: Verbal Warning, isolation from class, contact with
parent, writing assignment, or office referral.
Classroom Materials: Students will need a MEAD spiral bound notebook of at
least 100 pages. This is for their interactive notebook. You need sharpened
pencils and pens for class. I am also asking that students have a pack of colored
pencils and glue sticks for class as well. Students are expected to complete their
work in either pencil or traditional blue/black pens. Your tablet is to be charged
and brought to class daily once distributed.
Absenteeism: It is the student’s responsibility to get the work they missed and to
make it up. Students have as many days as they are absent to make up work.
Handing In Assignments: ALL work must include the student’s full name at the top
of the paper. Points will be lost if there is no name on the paper. All work is to be
done neatly, completely, and turned in on time. Students will lose points for late
work and if the work has already been reviewed in class, they will receive no
points. There will be several very large assignments, such as a research paper;
these assignments will have deadlines and work will not be accepted past the
Homework: Homework is designed as a practice of taught/required skills that are
necessary to increase understanding of the current concept being taught. The
majority of homework assignments are worth 10 points unless otherwise stated. If
nightly homework is not assigned, it is usually because they should be working on
a larger assignment at home. Homework is not accepted late unless you are
absent the day it is due.
Teacher Contact Information: Please feel free to contact me at school at 215945-4940 or by e-mail at jgravuer@btsd.us with school related questions. E-mail is
honestly the best method of communication because I can usually get back to
you quicker than via phone. I am available for extra help for students as
Student Signature: __________________________________________
Parent Signature: ___________________________________________