
Tustin High School
Special Education Department
Directed Study Syllabus 2015-2016
Mr. Joey LaBarbera
Phone/Voicemail: (714) 730-7414 ext. 138
The resource class is designed to assist the mainstream student in
succeeding in the regular education curriculum. This translates into helping
students complete homework assignments and teaching them the organization
and study skills needed to succeed in high school and beyond. Each student’s
Individual Education Plan (IEP) is closely followed and is designed to meet the
needs of each student according to his or her identified disability or disabilities.
In addition to completing their core curriculum assignments, students must
complete a weekly progress report.
Students in the RSP program are required to follow the attendance policy
of Tustin High School. Numerous unverified absences/truancies may result in a
failure grade due to the many possible missed assignments. Students with five
or more tardies will be given a three-hour block detention. The THS dress code
will be enforced in the RSP classroom. Inappropriate school attire will not be
tolerated. The no cell phone, iPod and/or headphone policy will be strictly
enforced, resulting in the confiscation of such items. If students continually defy
authority or display disruptive behavior, a suspension, with a parent meeting,
may be imposed.
A weekly grading sheet is used as a grading device in the Directed
Studies classroom. Each student receives daily points based on their completion
of the class expectations. Occasional weekly assignments will also be
completed and graded. Every two weeks, each student will be given a summary
of their current grades and assignments in all classes downloaded from Parent
Portal. Students are expected to have parents review and sign the Progress
Report, which is to be returned the following Monday for full credit.
Students receive points based on the five P’s:
1. Punctuality (coming to class on time and being seated, ready to work,
when the tardy bell rings)
2. Politeness (acting appropriately and speaking kindly to other students and
3. Prepared (bringing all necessary materials to class including textbooks,
paper, pencils, pens, backpacks, etc.)
4. Positive behavior (trying one’s best to succeed and complete assignments
without negative behavior and attitude)
5. Progress Reports (students are to complete Progress Reports, get parent
signature & return it on Monday)
Grades are broken down into the following categories:
1. Work Habits – Students will display proper work habits to the best of their
2. Daily Assignments – Students will complete work daily on class
assignments and projects to the best of their ability.
3. Attendance – Students will be on time to class and avoid missing school
for reasons other than severe illness. Missing numerous days of
instruction is extremely detrimental to one’s education and success in
4. Progress Reports – Students will get a progress report bi-weekly to take it
home for his/her parent to review, sign and return Monday to Mr.
LaBarbera for full credit.
1. Be on time with your homework agenda out before the tardy bell rings.
2. Bring all necessary materials (pens, pencils, paper, etc.) textbooks and
homework to Directed Studies.
3. Start your homework or start reading your AR book without being told.
4. Raise your hand to ask questions or to talk.
5. Stay on task with your homework or class work for the entire period (Work
from “Bell to Bell”).
6. No food, gum or drinks (water bottles are permitted) are allowed in the
classroom except for special occasions.
7. Return any borrowed materials at the end of the period.
8. Wait in your seat until a teacher, NOT THE BELL, dismisses the class.
9. Be honest, positive and work to the best of your ability everyday!!!
Please help us help your child succeed in high school. Remember the old
adage, “It takes a village to raise a child”. It is so important to be actively
involved in your child’s education for them to be successful. We cannot
successfully do it alone. Please follow the checklist for success below to help
insure that your student has a successful school year.
Recommendations for Success
1. Make sure your child arrives to school on time each day.
2. Recommended Supplies for Success*:
 A sturdy, large backpack
 One large, 3-ring binder
 Subject dividers to organize different subjects
 Plenty of 3-Hole notebook paper (NOT spiral bound paper)
 At least 5 pens (blue and black ink only)
 At least 5 pencils (mechanical or standard wood #2 pencils)
 Extra erasers
 Pack of colored pencils (for projects, etc.)
 White out, calculator, an inch/metric ruler (optional)
3. Help your student stay organized. Check weekly (or daily) to be sure their
notebook and backpack is in order.
4. Check their homework agenda nightly for homework assignments and
teacher notes or to correspond with teachers in writing.
5. Help your child with their homework at home and designate a consistent
time and place for homework to be completed. There is NO such thing as
“No Homework” and there is never enough time in Directed Studies to do
all of their homework. There are always books to be read for accelerated
reader or for long-term assignments, etc.
6. Read with your child any opportunity you get – reading is the key to
*The Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public
education to you free of charge. Your right to a free education is for all
school/educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and whether you
get a grade for the activity or class. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free
public education means that we cannot require you or your family to purchase
materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, nor can we require
you or your family to pay security deposits for access, participation, materials, or
equipment. Under certain circumstances, students involved in extracurricular
programs, clubs and/or sports may be required to attend fundraising events held by
the program, sport or club just as you may be required to attend any other event put
on by that program, club or sport. However, you will not be required to raise funds as
a condition of participation.
Remember, Directed Studies is here to help you do your best in school!
Take advantage of what is offered and help yourself get the most out of your high
school years. We are always willing to help you to succeed, just as long as you
do your part and put forth your best effort.
The Tiller Family is a “Team” that produces graduates who:
T Think critically across the curriculum through:
Integrating WICOR strategies
creating and developing high quality products
analyzing multiple sources
E Effectively Communicate
using a wide range of media and technology
by taking personal, social, and civic responsibility
fostering positive interactions with our diverse population
A Advance Literacy:
while innovating, discovering, and taking risks
through synthesis and analysis of a rigorous curriculum
by exploring cultural, scientific, global, and visual competencies
M Manage time and resources effectively by:
prioritizing, planning, and achieving results
using real-world tools
balancing physical and mental fitness
Tustin High School
Directed Studies / Resource Program (RSP), Mr. LaBarbera
My child ___________________________________________________
and I ________________________________________________ have read the
stated policies and objectives of Mr. LaBarbera’s Resource Program (RSP) at
Tustin High School. By signing below, we acknowledge that we have read and
discussed these policies together and understand each one. We also
acknowledge the fact that to succeed, effort must be put forth.
Student’s Signature ___________________________________ Date _______
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________ Date _______