Miss Bateman`s Global Leadership 9 Curriculum

Mrs. Rudroff (formerly Miss Bateman)
Global Leadership 9
Course Overview
The English curriculum for the Global Leadership Program is designed to provide a
survey of world literature from the beginning of the written word to present day
contemporary literature. The first year of the course (ninth grade) surveys early literary and
religious texts, such as The Old Testament and The Epic of Gilgamesh, through the English
Renaissance with Romeo and Juliet. Through discussion, written literary analysis, tests/quizzes
and presentations, the first year of the course focuses on defining the following: What does
it mean to be civilized? What causes civilizations to survive/thrive versus decline/die out?
What makes a Utopia? Is such a state possible? Finally, we will end the year with a focus on
defining our vision for a perfect world. Students will participate in several interdisciplinary
activities including projects, presentations, museum tours, lectures, and cultural (especially
Russian) bazaars.
Curriculum Outline
The Norton Anthology of World Literature, Editions A, B and C
Childhood’s End, Arthur C. Clarke
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare.
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
Troy, Rated R (2004)
Romeo and Juliet, Rated PG-13 (1996); Rated G (1968)
Kingdom of Heaven, Rated R (2005)
One 1 ½” 3-ring binder with lined paper and five tab dividers
Two folders with pockets and center clasps (any color)
One highlighter (any color)
One zipper pouch for pens/pencils
Two colored pens for essay revisions (red or green preferably)
One box of tissues
$5 for the Folger edition of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Please turn the
money in by the end of September. Bring cash or make a check payable to Hamburg
High School. Used copies will be available for $3 on a first come, first serve basis.
Classroom Expectations
1. Respect yourself, others, and school property.
2. Bring all materials to class every day (books, paper, binder, pens).
3. Stay on task during class, and complete all homework assignments on time.
Cheating will NOT be tolerated!
4. Be on time to class, be seated when the bell rings, and check the board for any
prompts. Raise your hand if you have any questions.
5. Do not write on the desks.
6. Take care of drinking fountain and bathroom needs before class. Planner passes
will only be signed for emergencies.
If any of the above expectations are not met, then the following events will take place:
1. Verbal warning.
2. Parent contact.
3. Detention after school.
4. A parent-teacher-student conference is held or an SST meeting is scheduled.
5. Administration involvement.
Grading Policy
Tests/Quizzes/Projects 40%
Written Assignments 30%
Homework 30%
* Students will have a mid-term exam in January and final exam in June. *
Late Work Policy
Completing assignments is YOUR responsibility. Assignments must be handed in at
the beginning of class on the day they are due in order to be eligible to receive full credit.
Late homework will only be accepted for half credit by the end of the day the same
day that it was initially due.
Major assignments that are late (essays/projects) are subject to a daily percentage
deduction. This figure is contingent on the assignment and the time frame in which the
assignment is due.
*Exception includes legal absences.
Tardy/Absence Policy
If you are late to class once, you will receive a verbal warning. If you are late more
than once, you will be written up.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain the work that you missed. To first
obtain your missed work, please consult your classroom folder. Then, if you have any
questions about your missed work, we can discuss it after class. If you know you are going to
be absent (for example, music lesson, appointment, vacation), please notify me in advance so
I can provide you with your missing work. Do not wait until after your scheduled absence to
request missed work.
If you are absent for an in-class essay, test, or quiz, an appropriate time to make up
the material will be discussed between the student and teacher.
As major writing assignments and projects will always be assigned well in advance,
they are due the day you return barring any serious extenuating circumstances.
Parents/Guardians: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or
concerns. I can be reached best by email: lrudroff@hamburgschools.org, and also by phone:
646-3301, after 3 p.m. You may also visit my website to view an up-to-date class calendar as
well as weekly classroom and homework assignments. To visit the website, please log onto
the school website at www.hamburgschools.org. Next to Select a School scroll down to
high school, click on staff and click on Rudroff, Liza.
Students: please review this syllabus with your parents/guardians, sign and detach the slip
below, and return this by Tuesday, September 7th.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, _________________________________, have read my Global Leadership 9 syllabus
with my parents/guardians and understand the course expectations and requirements.
Student Signature: _______________________
Print Name: ___________________
Student Email (please print): ________________________________________________
Parent Signature: ________________________
Print Name: ___________________
Parent Phone: ______________
Best time to call: _______________
Parent Email (please print): _________________________________________________