Back to School Powerpoint for AEMP Parent Centers

Welcome Parents
Academic English Mastery Program
Back-to-School Parent Workshop
Mission Statement
AEMP Parent Information & Involvement Center
Mission of the AEMP Parent
Information/Involvement Center (PIC) is
to inform, educate, and empower
parents as partners in educating their
children and in creating a “CollegeGoing Culture” in the home and school.
Workshop Objectives
 Ensuring
your child has a successful school year
 Increase parents’ knowledge of LAUSD’s plan to
support the language proficiency of all students
through AEMP and aligning instruction to the
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
 Increase parents’ knowledge of strategies to
enhance student homework productivity which fosters
academic achievement.
Ways to Help Your Child
Have A Successful
School Year
Read to Your Child Everyday
Family Reading Time
Family Story Time
One half hour to 1 hour
when the
television and radio are turned off and
everyone in the family reads something
of their choice
Nightly Bedtime Stories
Become Involved:
Attend Meetings
Join Parent Councils
Meet Your Child’s Teacher
and Develop a Partnership
With the Teacher and With
The School Staff
Have Instructional (Teaching)
Conversations With Your Child
everything that goes on in your
home, on television, in your community,
etc. can be talked about with your child
to improve his/her understanding of
different subjects.
During Weekends Take Your Child
On Educational Trips and Activities
Los Angeles Zoo
Long Beach Aquarium
Visit A College Campus
Visit Cultural Sites
Get Magazine and Book
Club Subscriptions for your
Child as Gifts
Use Educational Board
Games, Videos and
Computer Software to Work
With Your Child
Monitor and Review
Your Child’s Homework
Each Night
What is homework?
Homework is….
of skills already taught in
to reinforce information that
students learned in class
Homework is helpful when…
assignments are meaningful, are
completed successfully and are returned to
students with constructive comments from the
Assignments have a specific purpose, come
with clear instructions, be fairly well matched
to a child's abilities and help to develop a
child's knowledge and skills.
Quick Tips for
Homework Success
Show that you value homework
a time for homework to be done
Make sure your child has the supplies
he/she may need (pencils, paper,etc.)
Provide a place for homework
Be flexible about the environment
Monitor Progress
what the assignments are and
when they are due
Notice if your child is completing
Read the comments given by the
teacher on returned work
Talk with the Teacher
with the teacher in the beginning of
the year to find out about their homework
a note to school when problems arise
(ex: child doesn't’t understand how to
complete the assignment)
Provide Guidance When Needed!
Make and Take Activity:
Creating Homework Corrals
Basic Supplies
Corral Boards
Pencils, Pens, Erasers
Crayons, Markers, Colored
Flashcards, Index Cards
Dictionary, Thesaurus
Additional Study Materials
Multiplication Tables Grid
List of Math Formulae
List of Frequently Misspelled Words
Hints for Writing and the Writing
Reading Comprehension Drills
Periodic Table of Elements
Test Taking Tips
"Education is the passport to
the future, for tomorrow
belongs to those who prepare
for it today"
Malcolm X
(El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)