Welcome to DREAM Team Language Arts

Mrs. Hannan
2015 – 2016
Demonstrate respect for yourself, others, and your environment
Responsible for behavior, materials, and homework
Expect the best from yourself
Accept differences in others
Maximum effort and cooperation
Required Daily: book, pencils, pens, highlighter, binder with notebook paper,
spiral, homework folder, and agenda.
The binder is going to become our “textbook”. Anything that is 3-hole punched
will go in a specific section of the binder. We will often refer back to things we
put in the binder throughout the school year.
Labels for 5 binder tabs: Info, Word Cells, Reading, Writing, Unit
 Use the timer on the smartboard to determine our starting time.
 Update your agenda.
 Read and consider our daily goal or purpose for learning.
 Have your Language Arts materials ready to go, put everything else under
your chair.
Most Language Arts homework is to read. We recommend at least 20 minutes
five times per week for a total of 100 minutes per week. You will be asked to
respond in writing a few times each week.
All assignments given should be written in your agenda. Unless otherwise noted,
assignments are due the following day. You may log-on to Mrs. Hannan’s page on
the Mayfield Schools website at www.mayfieldschools.org to check daily
assignments. Whenever possible, a copy of the assignment will be attached.
Grades are based on class work, homework, projects, and tests/quizzes. You
and/or your parents can check your current grade at any time by accessing
Infinite Campus from your home computer.
We have a very extensive library in our classroom. Please treat these books
with great care. You may sign out any book, but you are completely responsible
for it while it is in your possession. You will need to replace OR pay $6 for any
lost or damaged book from our classroom library.
Student Signature ____________________________________________
Parent Signature ______________________________________________