Jan 30 2013 CLT

College Leadership Team
January 30, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, Linda Sciarratta, Jeff Cornett, John
Kemppainen, Jennifer Kane, John Ouyang, John White
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30am.
Minutes – The minutes were approved as submitted.
Announcements –
Dr. Lupi and Lois Dellar are working together to continue to keep our COEHS staff informed of departmental updates,
changes, news, etc… During the first meeting Janet will update staff on safety updates and the vulnerable people
Dr. Kemppainen announced he will have a conference call with Linda Paige and all representatives from SUS schools.
Florida Gulf Coast University has requested permission to include a non-teaching major in their pre-k primary CIP Code
number, calling it child and youth services. Dr. Kemppainen mentioned that several of us in COEHS have had discussions
about non-certification education degree/tracks. Future discussion is also needed in regards to students coming to
COEHS without their three pre-requisites. Dr. Daniel also shared his conversation with Dr. Cornelius about
undergraduate majors that are not focused on certification and, might flow nicely into the higher education leadership
masters. The above discussion (Florida Gulf Coast and other related scenarios) will be an agenda item for the next CLT
Dr. O’Farrell announced that Friday, February 1, is the deadline for submission of applications for fall internship.
Dr. Kemppainen will be leaving for the COBEC conference in Belize. Ruth Lopez and Lea Fernandes from the
International Center will be traveling with Dr. Kemppainen. They will be supporting UNF at a college fair in Belize. Dr.
Kemppainen will also further conversations about the joint master’s degree program with UNF. Dr. Daniel would like to
send a small delegation to Belize sometime in the next few months to meet with their delegation of faculty to discuss
this further.
Open House, 2/23/2013
Dr. Daniel will do the college presentation. Sandy Miller will attend with advisors and Dr. Ouyang or Dr. Stanley will be in
attendance. CLT chairs will check within their units for faculty members to represent their areas.
Invitation UNF Tradition
UNF is conducting focus groups on UNF traditions and desires COEHS participation. This will give COEHS an opportunity
to be part of a larger discussion of what really constitutes traditions here at UNF. Chairs will identify faculty/staff that
will be good representation for the college. Dr. Daniel will confirm how many faculty members will be needed to attend.
Mayor’s Education Summit, Feb 28 – March 1, 2013
The mayor is holding his education summit next month. Dr. Daniel asked if the chairs can verify if faculty would be able
to attend. Dr. Daniel will forward the memo to the CLT and follow up with specifics.
IPEP Peer Review Process – Dr. Torres
Last November every institution submitted their annual IPEP evaluation report. The FDOE has initiated a call for peer
reviewers and they need approximately 100 reviewers. They are setting up team leaders and every leader will have a
certain number of reviewers. Most of this will be done online, with phone calls, webinars etc… Training will begin within
a few weeks. Dr. Daniel feels this is a good learning opportunity and would like to see faculty take an interest in this
process. Dr. Torres said the only way to affect change is to be a part of the process. Dr. Torres will forward suggestions
and try to get a time frame for the state review process.
Jacksonville Teaching Fellows Program
Dr. Daniel and Dr. Lupi met with Daniela Simic to discuss a possible Jacksonville teaching fellows program. The goal is to
recruit non-education college graduates to become graduate students for a 14-15 month program. During the summer
recruits will be full time students and during the year they will be in apprenticeship roles which will be their clinical
work. UNF would take part in recruiting students, setting the curriculum in collaboration with the district, and jointly
planning the clinical experience and monitoring progress. The district would like to help UNF support this program.
Tenure and Promotion Seminar
The personnel committee is working on college specific seminars to help faculty prepare for promotion and tenure. Dr.
White feels it would be helpful to hold a series of promotion and tenure seminars to inform 3rd year faculty. The
Executive Committee would be more than happy to deliver power point presentations and supply handouts to hold
these informational seminars for junior faculty. Dr. Daniel suggested planning a workshop for the fall. The executive
and/ or personnel committees would be in the leadership role, but will have the chairs intimately involved in planning
and delivering the workshop. Dr. White and Dr. Daniel will continue dialogue to plan for a fall event in October or
Increasing Graduate Enrollment
Ideas for increasing graduate enrollment were discussed among the leadership team.
Enrollment Goals Progress
This is the most recent handout. Enrollment should stay at 95% for the year.
Dr. Cornett gave an update about general education.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45.