June 18 CLT

College Leadership Team
June 18, 2014
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, John Venn,
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
Minutes – The minutes were approved with minor corrections.
Today’s CLT meeting is the last meeting for Dr. Daniel before he starts his new journey to the Citadel as Dean of
Education. Dr. Daniel shared that it has been a privilege to work with the CLT. Dr. Daniel is very pleased that Dr. Lupi
will be interim Dean and they will be in contact with each other as needed. Dr. Daniel will be asking department chairs
for information on annual reviews and will be getting that out quickly.
Dr. Lupi’s study abroad trip is June 19 through July 7. Acting Dean’s schedule as follows:
1st week – Dr. Patterson
2nd week – Dr. Kane
3rd week – Dr. Venn
Dr. Lupi looks forward to the next CLT meeting to share her ideas with the leadership team.
The team took the opportunity to reflect on the years they worked with Dr. Daniel.
After the annual evaluations are complete, please start working on your scholarship reports. The scholarship reports will
not be in until late August. Dr. Lupi suggested to stick to the National, State, and International for your scholarship
report agenda.
John Kantner attended the Associate Dean’s meeting to talk about research and start-up funds. Dr. Kantner made
several points looking at new ways to provide start-up funds and mainly this will be the STEM groups. Have multidisciplinary collaborators and centers so that the start-up funds can be spread out. Last year there was a budget of
800,000 for start-up funds and Dr. Kantner reminded that it is not written anywhere that start-up funds are needed at
this university. This is work in progress.
Eighteen months ago the COEHS was asked to cut from its Graduate Assistant scholarship and waiver money $118,000.
After an appeal to Dr. Workman we were able to reduce the budget in two stages. After a counter-proposal Dr.
Workman agreed to one more year to reduce in full. Dr. Lupi and Linda will bring to the CLT possible solutions. More
thought is needed with the leadership team on the distribution of the graduate assistants. Amanda Pascale is
developing what they call “graduate scholars program” more information will be available July 1 as to where graduate
students can apply for money to help through their data collection period and perhaps if they are presenting at
conferences. Dr. Traynham noted other programs at the university would shoot up if graduate assistantship monies
could be sought which could also increase the diversity of students. It was suggested to start strategizing to be
Bring back to the CLT thoughts on moving graduate assistants to graduate teaching assistants.
Welcome Back BBQ is on August 21st, 11:30 – 1:00, 1100A conference room. Patti to send a reminder
Office Space – Dr. Lupi asked all office managers how many empty offices are available in each suite. If you have offices
earmarked for emeritus faculty, they may have to be released for new faculty. Be aware if we grow projects we will have
to have office space.
Dr. Kemppainen asked if anything was stricken from the UNF budget. Dr. Daniel shared that we got everything we asked
for in COEHS budget except marketing materials. There will be more information on this later on the meeting agenda.
This Friday, July 20 is a Meet and Greet Breakfast for the new residents in the JTR program. The breakfast will be at
Hicks Hall.
Dr. Kane has been in conversation with the student athletic support personnel and they have a strong interest in offering
a 2000 level class to initially student athletes (college success class) Dr. Kane volunteered LSCSM to house this. The
course will be piloted next summer and mandated for all student athletes.
Enrollment Progress (LD)
The summer enrollment numbers look great. Congratulations COEHS!
Dr. Kemppainen raised the discussion about offering the Intro to Education course during the summer, and whether the
fingerprinting could be processed in a timely fashion for students to take the course. Fingerprinting is needed because
there is a clinical component to the course, but fingerprinting results do not get processed in time for students to
register if the course was offered during the summer semester. Dr. Kemppainen was inquiring for transfer students
and/or current UNF students who would like to become education majors. Dr. Lupi will call a meeting at the dean’s level
with Dr. Kemppainen to discuss “how to present” this to Dean Coker and Dr. Reedy.
There is a proposal that has been funded for the year for five new advisors across the university as a new initiative to
migrate sophomores to the colleges. A new version of this proposal came out regarding student/advisor ratios and
COEHS was not taken into consideration. Teacher education students need more advisement. Conversations will have to
continue with Dr. Coker.
Budget Update (LD)
Non-Recurring budget update - $28,000 for critical memberships (AACTE, NCATE etc… including CCIC accreditation
review costs)
Eight visiting lines – Cannot roll this forward at this time, but hopeful in the near future.
No Marketing budget was approved.
Other Business
Dr. Venn announced the Confucius Institute was approved and Dr. Ouyang will be returning to China soon to connect
more with them. There will be an on-going cohort of undergraduate Chinese exchange students.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.