Sept 25 2013 CLT

College Leadership Team
September 25, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, Linda Sciarratta, Cathy O’Farrell, John Kemppainen, Jennifer Kane,
Karen Patterson, John Venn, Jeff Cornett, Candice Carter, Guest – John Yancey, Enrollment Services
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30 am.
John Yancey, Enrollment Services – John Yancey discussed the challenges UNF faces while recruiting students and
transfer students. Mr. Yancey also discussed the challenges UNF faces with student retention. Enrollment service is also
working on recruitment communications. Mr. Yancey shared that he can generate a report on a weekly, bi-weekly, or
monthly basis that can be shared with department chairs to show a list of UNF applicants and their majors. Dr.
Kemppainen will follow up with enrollment services regarding these communications. The National Student Clearing
House can provide tracking to see students who have graduated, or left UNF to attend other universities.
Approval of Minutes – The minutes were approved with minor corrections.
Announcements –
Welcome Dr. Candice Carter, Chair, Executive Committee
Dr. O’Farrell shared the internship figures with a total of 155 students for spring 2014. (CELT – 97 students, FSE – 35
students, EDIE – 21 students, Music – 2 students)
Dr. Kane announced that a graduate course will be offered through LSCSM – LGBTQ in Education, EDF6XXX, will be most
appropriate for school counseling and higher education students. This will be an experimental course housed in the
LSCSM department.
Dr. Lupi –
APC Committee, Dr. Schumacher will be the new college representative for the university APC Committee.
FACTE Conference - If you are going to FACTE please contact Deirdre Meehan to make sure all paperwork is complete.
Holiday Party 2013- FYI – Wine and Cheese Party won the poll taken at the Welcome Back BBQ. A save the date will be
sent out soon.
On October 18, 2013 we will be hosting a workshop “Strengthening Future Teachers Ability to Be Effective and
Supportive Teachers of Students from Military Families” This will be professional development for the student interns.
Students and their supervisors will be attending. Dr. Lupi shared that this is partnered with the Military Veteran’s
Resource Center, Mayport, and NAS Jax. Dr. Lupi also will be developing a one-credit elective course which will be more
in-depth for a selection of students. This grant is privately funded by two of our DEAC members.
EAB update – Dr. Kemppainen (Education Advisory Board)
During the spring and summer we did an EAB pilot project within COEHS using elementary education. On August 1st the
pilot project went live with all majors. Dr. Kemppainen shared the positives and negatives of the program. COEHS
advisors have shown “good faith effort” in using the system. Dr. Daniel will express Dr. Kemppainen/CLT concerns to Dr.
Upcoming Discussion with FSCJDr. Daniel talked about matriculation issues that will be discussed during the upcoming visit with FSCJ.
FDOE Review
Dr. Torres just returned from a national panel, reviewing the surveys the institutions make for AACTE every year. Part of
the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation’s (CAEP) new efforts is to track student job placements,
student success, and student loan default rates.
In terms of the State, all documentation has been submitted for offsite review. The reviewers will have access to an
accreditation portal. Dr. Torres shared that the reports are looking good and is optimistic COEHS has given them
everything they need. FYI – Have syllabi ready aligned with the matrices, and samples of student work to show
Clinical Education Work plan/RFP Process
There will be two open meetings to gather input from COEHS faculty – Wednesday, 9/25 @ 2pm and Thursday, 9/26 @
Dr. Carter – Faculty Assembly
Dr. Samant will attend faculty assembly briefly to discuss the search he is chairing. Dr. Sam Kimball will also attend to
discuss changes to general education curriculum. Dr. Kimball will share his power point and detail skills and
competencies. The power point will also include a strategy for how to handle transfer students coming to UNF.
Update on conversations with the Provost and Dr. Coleman
Dr. Daniel updated the CLT on issues regarding the large number of visiting faculty across campus.
Dr. Daniel and Dr. Lupi are looking at data for the amount of person hours devoted to instruction and how much FTE is
yielded to that. The deans are being asked to give a response. Dr. Daniel and Dr. Lupi will be looking at data that was
Dr. Daniel contacted Pam Stewart, Commissioner of Education, regarding initiating a conversation about the state
agreement with the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The state needs to look at renewing
that agreement. Dr. Daniel may ask faculty to get involved with this effort.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25am.