Feb 13 2013 CLT

College Leadership Team
February 13, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, Linda Sciarratta, Jeff Cornett, John
Kemppainen, Jennifer Kane, John Ouyang, John White, Guest-Katie Chenard
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30am.
Minutes – The minutes were approved with minor revisions.
United Way Campaign – Katie Chenard, Chair United Way
The United Way Campaign is underway through the month of February. Katie discussed the United Way Campaign and
the different donation options and payment methods. Dr. White will send an email to COEHS faculty today to encourage
giving to the United Way Campaign.
Announcements –
Dr. Lupi reminded the chairs to submit their department’s student award winners for the spring commencement and
graduation reception to Patti by March 1.
Dr. Lupi announced the success of the first COEHS USPS meeting with Lois Dellar.
Dr. Lupi informed the chairs that Dr. Sophie Maxis and Dr. Madalina Tanase will lead the spring 2013 TLO to Plymouth,
England March 8 – March 27. Dr. Lupi will be leading the summer TLO to London; she will be taking 16 students, 13 of
which are undergraduates who applied for the SAIL scholarship. Also, John Kemppainen was approved for a TLO during
the fall 2013 semester and Dr. Salmon was approved for Spring 2014.
Dr. Kemppainen attended the International Council meeting. Dr. Kemppainen suggested that as we develop these
courses within our college for study abroad, we should address the general education committee to have these courses
count for cultural diversity credits.
Katrina Camaj’s last day with COEHS advising will be Thursday, February 14. Katrina is moving back to Orlando to live
with her family to go to school full time at the University of Central Florida.
Dr. Kemppainen’s trip to Belize - There is a signed 5-year MOU between UNF and the University of Belize. President
Fraser is looking forward to working with UNF. Dr. Daniel plans to assemble a work team of COEHS faculty to make a
visit down, and/or Skype, with the University of Belize team.
Dr. Torres shared that all the FEAPS matrices are in for all the programs. All the ESOL matrices for secondary education
programs are complete. Dr. Torres is working on the ESOL endorsed programs which have more ESOL components.
Starting Thursday, 2/14 Dr. Torres will start building the reading shelf. Hopefully by March everything will be available on
Dr. Torres, Dr. O’Farrell, and Dr. Daniel received a short time-line request. Dr. Daniel discussed the two versions of the
teacher education bills, the Foundation Florida Bill and the Department of Education Bill. The Department of Education
Bill has been introduced and assigned a number. The bill number is 42530 and you can find it on the State of Florida
Program Reviews for SACS (LD/CT)
An NCATE review was done which sufficed for the internal program review requirements. There are a few program
components to report on, for internal purposes, which will assure SACS that there is consistency in how every program
at the university is reviewed. Dr. Torres discussed the up-coming annual performance review for non-credited
programs. Dr. Daniel and Dr. Torres would like to be able to give Shawn Brayton a time frame for completion.
Admission Requirements for the College of Education (JK)
Dr. Kemppainen discussed admission requirements, compliance, and Florida state statutes. Also discussed were options
regarding courses and/or program tracks that would perform a meaningful purpose. Dr. Kane will talk to LSCSM faculty
to determine if there is a level of interest and if so, start with the permission to plan process. Dr. Daniel shared his
immediate concerns and the parameters in which COEHS should operate under. Dr. Daniel and Dr. Kemppainen will
schedule a time to meet with Dr. Coker.
Faculty Searches (LD)
Dr. Daniel gave an update on the two current faculty searches.
Update on Budget and Academic Affairs Discussions (LD)
Dr. Daniel gave an update on his recent meeting with Dr. Workman. Dr. Daniel brought all the gathered input from the
four departments for discussion during his meeting with Dr. Workman.
Dr. Daniel will continue to pursue conversations regarding graduate assistantship and scholarships. Dr. Daniel will seek
clarification and bring back to the CLT for further discussion.
Dr. Kemppainen is updating the COEHS catalog. The chairs will be receiving their specific department sections of the
catalog. Please review and return to Dr. Kemppainen to update for the new editing of the catalog.
Meeting adjourned at 11:45.