May 8 2013 CLT

College Leadership Team
May 8, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, Linda Sciarratta, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, Jeff Cornett,
Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, John Ouyang, John White
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:30am.
Minutes – The minutes from the April 24 meeting were approved.
Dr. Daniel attended his first individual meeting with Provost Traynham on May 7 in which he shared information about
COEHS programs and other points of interest going on within the college.
Dr. Lupi thanked everyone for the spring scholar convocation event which went very well and was well represented.
Mary Rose sent public conversation invites for the May 21 panel presentation on the Value Added Model, which will be
at the University Center. Kathy Hebda will be explaining the state logistics of implementing the model. The
superintendent will talk about local implementation and the local plan that was approved by the state. This event will be
co-sponsored with the Jacksonville Public Education Fund.
Dr. Daniel also discussed possible opportunities to work with JPEF. CUEP and JPEF have started formal conversations
about how to work together and/or how to support initiatives CUEP or JPEF may have.
Dr. Torres will be attending a workshop on May 17 at Rollins College in Orlando to discuss the actual state standards
COEHS will be assessed when FDOE visits. Dr. Torres asked chairs to use the existing standards right now; when she gets
the new standards she will crosswalk those and identify areas that need work. Dr. Torres suggested faculty looking at
the evaluation data together. Dr. Torres and Dr. Daniel will review evaluation, retention and summary data. Dr. Torres
will have, completed by next week, retention numbers for each program.
Dr. Kane shared that two sports management students lost their lives in the past two weeks. Dr. Lupi asked Dr. Kane to
keep her informed regarding donations to the families.
Search Plans
Dr. Daniel would like to move forward to post positions to OASys as soon as possible. Dr. Daniel asked chairs to get their
search committees together and plan to interview during the fall semester. See Deirdre if you would like to use an old
template in OASys, or if you have any questions or concerns on how to use the hiring system.
Update on Budget
It looks very positive to move forward with all non-recurring budget requests. Visiting positions, accreditation, adjunct
budget enhancement etc… The dean asked the chairs to hold out on making further contracts for visiting faculty until
President Delaney gets the final budget report from the Governor.
Issues to bring to Provost Traynham
Dr. Daniel would like to bring forward parameters for assigning work to graduate assistants for COEHS. Dr. Daniel asked
the chairs to notify him of any issues of immediate concern you would like to have addressed with the Provost.
Summer Enrollment (handout provided)
The CLT discussed summer enrollment goals and targets. Dr. Daniel asked Dr. Kemppainen to provide an estimate of
how many students and/or how much FTE is accounted for by state employees registering for classes.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30.