July 31 2013 CLT

College Leadership Team
July 31, 2013
Present – Larry Daniel, Marsha Lupi, Claribel Torres, Linda Sciarratta, John Kemppainen, Jennifer Kane, Karen Patterson,
Jeffrey Cornett, John Venn, John White, Guests: Dr. Jim Penrod and Dr. Mary Rose
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35 am.
Strategic Planning for the Center for Urban Education and Policy – Jim Penrod and Mary Rose
Work is in progress with a strategic planning team on the development of the strategic plan. The goal to complete the
strategic plan is the end of the calendar year. Dr. Jim Penrod, CUEP strategic planning consultant, is seeking input and
advisement on how to best engage faculty in the process of strategic planning. The first two meetings have been held
with a team of 21. The team helped define five core issues: Resource management, partnerships, internal engagement,
defining urban education, and measuring outcomes.
One of the key areas is gathering information from key stake holders and setting up focus groups with community
members, parents, teachers, students, high level administrators and other organizations serving children. Dr. Penrod
asked the CLT for their advisement and input on the internal faculty engagement process. What is the faculty
prospective on the role of the Center serving as a bridge between the college and the community resources already in
What are the CLT’s thoughts on the primary research focus areas that make the most sense for this type of center for
urban education and policy that will drive the relationship of UNF and the community to a new level?
Engage faculty with: focus groups, structured conversations, surveys sent to faculty in similarity to structured questions,
and individual meetings with key individuals CUEP would like to engage.
Feedback/ideas from the CLT:
 Involve academic advisors in these discussions. School to college transition. Urban research areas around
transition areas.
 Dr. Torres has information and data that can support faculty in terms of retention issues, employment, and the
quality of teachers in the field.
 Give faculty a history as to what has already occurred with the center. Currently, the strategic plan is a working
mission and vision statement.
 Focus groups would be the best method to gain collective wisdom from everyone and it will allow maximum
information gained in a short period of time. Recruit all levels of faculty from junior to senior faculty. Branch out
focus groups by departments or have an open call?
 Identify faculty needs. This has to emerge from faculty driven initiative, activity and commitment. Faculty need
to see a concrete return on investment. This is a bridge building process.
 Develop a list of today’s discussion as well as develop a list from community partners.
 Identify topics - relevant media related or faculty interests. Have a “go to list” for students.
 Support an initiative that connect to the university, is urban based, and supports faculty research.
 Leverage external funds to build work at PDS schools to an excellent level.
To sum up the discussion topics: Interest in focus group type structures with focus around departmental groupings
of faculty to maximize input. Coordinate with department chairs on how to approach faculty; provide an outline and
dates to engage as many faculty as possible. Dr. Penrod is looking at conducting focus groups in September.
RE: June 26 and July 17 minutes
Minutes were accepted in form. Dr. Daniel would like to share the July 17 minutes with the Times Union – the chairs
concurred. Please give any corrections, for both sets of minutes, to Patti by the Friday, August 2.
Discuss a possible Meet and Greet with the Dean’s Advisory Council.
Welcome Back BBQ is on August 22 @ 11:30 – 1:00.
The summer graduation reception will be on August 2 @ 11:00 – 12:00 in the lobby outside the dean’s office.
Dr. Lupi thanked everyone for their annual scholarship reports and she will be sending everyone a copy next week.
Graduate School Open House, September 10. Dr. Daniel will officially make sure we have promotion representation.
Dr. Kemppainen reported on the first report that came out regarding fall semester enrollments. Dr. Daniel would like
to look at enrollment numbers during the August 14 CLT meeting.
Progress on FDOE Timeline
The site visit will be November 17 – 19. Team members have been assigned for on-site and off-site visits.
The schedule for the visit includes:
Sunday, November 17 @ 4:30 – 600 - a poster session and reception – The tentative showcase list is School
Counseling, Elementary Education, Exceptional Student Education, Social Studies, and Science.
Throughout the entire visit we have to show how we are responding to Standard 3, which is the continuous
improvement standard.
Monday, November 18, will be focused on meeting with faculty and program leaders. Dr. Torres will finalize the
schedule. All faculty will be invited but chairs will identify key players. Monday will start at 8:00 with the first faculty
meeting at 10:35. The open meeting with student candidates will focus around the impact of student learning.
Dr. Torres/Dean’s Office Deadlines:
August 2 - Submit first draft of the program report. Dr. Torres suggests faculty to look in the college portal.
Sept 15 – Need narrative for every program, every matrix, any documentation for the IPEP, and any needed syllabi.
October 16 – 31 off site reviewers will evaluate our documents. A report with finding will be sent back by Nov. 1.
Nov 1 – 17 our opportunity to address any weak areas.
Graduate School Issues (Jennifer Kane and John Kemppainen)
Jennifer Kane and John Kemppainen discussed the new procedure the graduate school has in sending admission
letters to new graduate students. Dr. Kemppainen suggested developing a template for each COEHS department.
Lois Dellar will send a letter to new students electronically on letterhead providing information about who their
faculty advisor is and suggested courses they should register for. Dr. Daniel will start conversations with other dean’s
to see if these are common concerns across campus. Explore modifying processes or better defining existing
processes. Dr. Daniel asked Dr. Kane if she would take the lead on developing the concerns about the graduate
school processes and provide Dr. Daniel with a final list after COEHS input. Dr. Daniel will contact Drs. Traynham and
Gonzalez to share COEHS graduate enrollment concerns regarding the timeliness of processing graduate student
background checks. The group also discussed the quality of graduate student recommendation letters.
Clinical Education in the COEHS
A working draft was distributed and reviewed by the CLT for information purpose only. The document will be made
public once in its final form. Further discussion of clinical education will be an agenda item at the next CLT meeting
of August 14.
Meeting adjourned 11:47.