February 25 2015

College Leadership Team
February 25, 2015
Present – Marsha Lupi, Jennifer Kane, Megan Possinger, Linda Sciarratta, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, John
Kemppainen, Jeff Cornett, Chris Janson, John Venn, Dan Dinsmore
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
Minutes- The minutes were approved as written.
Happy Birthday Dr. Kane!!
The Ronald McDonald House meeting is February 25 at 2:30.
BOG metrics meetings with President Delaney are being held every two weeks.
Dan Dinsmore report on Faculty Assembly:
 The personnel committee will be sharing ideas with the DEAC members
 Long Range Planning Committee – Dr. Sweeney will be working with the committee on a narrative for the
strategic plan.
 Search Committee for the Dean’s position – Dr. Chant will meet with former search committee faculty members
to address ideas to bring to the provost regarding the makeup of the search committee.
 Today is National Adjunct Walk Out Day! Today is a day to think about our adjuncts, their hard work and low
New testing in the schools – Dr. Lupi suggests involving COEHS faculty and clinical faculty in a discussion to find ways to
provide insight to the schools on the new school testing (FSA). Dr. Dinsmore was suggested to make this a discussion
item during faculty assembly.
Dr. Kemppainen and Dr. Possinger shared conversations regarding FTCE rule changes, updates, pass rates, and
recommendations. They will look into tracking students, online tutorials, and preparing content knowledge to pass this
test. Dr. Lupi will send something out about federal regulations.
Fire Marshall Report – The projectors will have to be re-wired. The exposed wires are not within the fire marshal code.
Usage of Foundations and Development Funds – MHL & LS
The CLT discussed the usage of foundation and development funds. Discussions have to be made by the departments
how to disburse funding and development monies.
APC Changes and work flow - JJK
Faculty Assembly and the Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum Committee (lead by Dr. Sophie Maxis) will be
working on documents to help new faculty through the process.
Update on Field Courses – JJK
There will be no changes to the fall schedule. All sections of field courses will stay listed under Education and Human
Text Book Update – JJK
Follett has set criteria to have textbook adoptions early. Students can buy back only if textbook has been adopted.
Faculty Assembly and Executive Committee
Invite Albert Colum and Cathy Cole to show them COEHS marketing tool wish list.
Faculty Sick Leave
Dr. Lupi reminded department chairs of faculty sick leave rules.
If a faculty member does not show up for a class with a valid explanation; he/she may be docked for that time.
Travel Authorizations before trip
Dr. Lupi to send reminders to departments to have approved TA’s before trip begins. Dr. Dinsmore will make an
announcement at Faculty Assembly and Department Chairs will handle on a one on one basis in their departments.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15am