May 6 2015

College Leadership Team
May 6, 2015
Present – Marsha Lupi, Megan Possinger, Linda Sciarratta, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, John Kemppainen, Jeff
Cornett, John Venn,
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
Minutes- The April 22 and May 6 minutes were approved with minor edits.
The Scholar convocation went really well and the decision to have the graduation reception after commencement was a
wonderful idea. It was well attended. Both events were well planned and presented.
Dr. Lupi is happy to report that COEHS has hired to date seven new faculty.
Institutional Advancement and COEHS are still having struggles with the Director of Development position. New
recruiting methods are being sought by Ann McCullen, Institutional Advancement. Dr. Lupi will keep the Leadership
team up to date on the DOD position.
No news on the budget at this time.
As a follow up to a meeting with Dr. Colom, a chart was shared with the leadership team. Discussion revolved around
summer enrollment FTE percentages. Dr. Possinger stated that the goals Dr. Colom had identified for COEHS are
reflected in the actual FTE percentages.
Summer Enrollments – MHL
The leadership team reviewed the summer enrollments for the COEHS. Moving forward the leadership team will work
on strategic planning of summer courses and enrollments. What will students want to take and what will faculty want to
teach? These discussions will need to continue. Dr. Cornett will lead the effort to discuss the possibility of one of the
pre-requisite courses being taught next summer.
Fall Internship Enrollments – MHL
The fall interns have been registering earlier. Advising has been completing student files and contacting the students to
tell them they can enroll in fall internship. This approach has made a big impact in the number of students enrolling for
the fall semester.
Degree Progression and major Change Policy Draft – JV
Dr. Venn is on a small committee in the Provost Office. The provost office is promoting this policy. COEHS should
provide extra support for a junior who might want to change their major late. Also, more incentives for full time
students to follow the road map. More discussion at a future meeting.
Reminder – Dr. Lupi shared the 2015 FATE funk Scholar Awards and the Mary L. Collins Outstanding Teacher Educator
Award. The deadline has been extended to May 29th. Please encourage awareness of these awards.
Dr. Kemppainen and Dr. Possinger will be on a conference call at the request of South Florida to agree upon a waiver of
the three lower level pre-requisites. UNF will not oppose what South Florida wants to do but further discussions will be
needed with all the SUS schools and state colleges. Further discussion is needed for COEHS/UNF regarding general
knowledge testing and the three pre-requisite classes for incoming students.
Dean Lupi asked the Chairs to send her 3-5 top successful things you did in your department this year. Dr. Lupi will be
working on the Dean’s Annual Evaluation which will reflect what COEHS has done this past year.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am