September 7, 2012 FAM final

Faculty Assembly Meeting
September, 7 2012
Present – Carolyne Ali-Khan, Jon Antal, Stacy Boote, Jin-Suk Byun, Terry Cavanaugh, Richard Chant, Kim
Cheek, Jeff Cornett, Linda Dacks, Larry Daniel, Gigi David, Nick Eastham, Cassandra Etgeton, Elizabeth
Fullerton, Caroline Guardino, Katrina Hall, Wanda Hedrick, Jennifer Kane, John Kemppainen, Marsha
Lupi, Sophie Maxis, Catherine McMurria, Don Moores, Cathy O’Farrell, John Ouyang, Karen Patterson,
Maria Ramdas, Debbie Reed, Elinor Scheirer, Rebecca Schumacher, Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore, Sherry
Shaw, Lena Shaqareq, Nile Stanley, Christie Stevenson, Carolyn Stone, Michael Stultz, Susan Syverud,
Madalina Tanase, Claire Torres, Dawn Wessling, John White, Kathy Witsell, and Brian Zoellner.
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 12:35 pm. John White introduced himself as the new
president of Faculty Assembly.
Minutes – The minutes of the April 6, 2012, meeting were approved as submitted.
Announcements/Opportunities for Faculty
Dr. Daniel asked the chairs or directors to stand and recognize their new employees. Dr. O’Farrell
introduced Dale Eichhorn, Laura Langton, Melissa Omeechevarria, Diane Poidevant and current
employee Jean Leone, who was recently promoted to office manager. Dr. Ouyang introduced Kim Cheek
and Catherine McMurria. Jeff Cornett introduced Bess Wilson and Lisa Ross. Dr. Kane introduced Liz
Gregg and Jerry Johnson. Dr. Patterson introduced Dawn Wessling and Jon Antal.
Pat Hanford reminded faculty that the Dean’s Education Advisory Council encourages faculty to submit
grant proposals. The funding is a minimum of $3,000 in seed money for faculty initiatives. Contact Dr.
Lupi or Ms. Hanford for information or the application.
Marsha Lupi announced:
1) The October 12 Holocaust training and awareness session. Secondary education interns in
English and Social Studies must attend and will receive professional development credit for
attending the session. Seating is limited but interested faculty are welcome to attend. Contact
Dr. Lupi for more information.
2) Sails Scholarship applications are due February 15.
3) Faculty should be aware of the emergency plans within each suite and department. Chairs will
ensure that their faculty and staff are aware of lockdown procedures and “safe room” locations.
4) Dean’s Office is contributing approximately $500 for small projects; a notice will probably come
out in October. Faculty are encourage to apply.
5) Nick Eastham promoted the Student Resource Center and asked faculty to encourage their
students to utilize it. The Student Resource Center is also seeking used textbooks from faculty.
Karen Patterson announced that the Interpreting master’s degree proposal was approved at the last
Graduate Standards and Curriculum Committee meeting.
Madalina Tanase extended an invitation to the Florida Association of Teacher Educators (FATE) 2012
Annual Conference that is coming up on October 5 and 6 at COEHS. It is open to all students and faculty.
Jennifer Kane announced the Faculty Association’s approval of an online graduate certificate in Sport
John White suggested we push the next Faculty Assembly meeting to the following Friday (October 12th)
so it doesn’t interfere with the FATE conference here.
Faculty Association Committees –
Faculty Association positions are filled however there are a few openings on the University committees.
University Committees
Katie Monnin was approved as the Alternate to the University Appeals Committee; Kristi Sweeney was
approved for the At-Large Vacancy. Kim Cheek was approved to replace Shari Little on the Calendar
Committee Attendance - John White gave a reminder of the importance of attending college and
university committee meetings or providing notice that one cannot attend in advance. Committee chairs
have voiced concerns about the difficulty of obtaining a quorum for meetings.
Revised COEHS Bylaws
John White, President of the Executive Committee, announced that the revised bylaws were posted on
the COEHS website with another document outlining the changes and the rationale for those changes.
These documents can be found at the COEHS website under the Office of the Dean. White asked that
faculty review the bylaws carefully as they will be brought to a vote at the next faculty assembly. The
Executive Committee is hosting a “brown bag” lunch on Wednesday, September 19 in the model
classroom during which time the Committee would discuss the changes with interested faculty and seek
input and feedback on those changes.
Standing Committee Reports
Undergraduate Standards and Curriculum Committee - Cassandra Etgeton reported that the
committee’s last meeting was in April and that they finished up all of the standards and policies they
were supposed to address from last year and forwarded them on to the Executive Committee but are
held up until they finish the bylaws.
Graduate Standards and Curriculum Committee - Wanda Hedrick reported that the committee met this
summer so we could get the Interpreting master’s forwarded because Sherry Shaw has been working on
this for a long time. They set the first meeting on Thursday, September 13 at 10:30 to help people put
APC’s forward. Everyone understands the big rush to get them into the catalog. The APCs need to get
to Marsha before the Faculty Association deadline of October 16 at 5 p.m.
John White mentioned that there is a new list of Standing Committee members and the chairs of each
department were supposed to solicit members and pass those names forward to John White and
Deirdre Meehan. We want to have equal representation from each department across all the
Personnel Committee – John White reported that the committee did not meet but will meet in the
coming weeks.
Long Range Planning Committee - no report
Student Issues Committee – John Kemppainen reported the committee last met in April with issues
dealing with recruitment and retention and trying to develop strategies for students that don’t meet the
prerequisites for admission into the College. Marsha Lupi had asked Sandie Loach to write to students
taking Introduction to the Teaching Profession to remind them to take the General Knowledge Test
(requisite for entry into the College) and to attend to other admissions criteria. John Kemppainen
reiterated that this is a good pro-active approach but still has a concern that the transfer students are
still being misadvised by state and out of state colleges.
Technology Committee - no report
Executive Committee – Sue Syverud reported that the committee met on August 22. We have a new
Vice President, Caroline Guardino. At the next Faculty Assembly, Rick Buck and Joanne Campbell will be
with us next week to go over export control as it relates to international travels.
ESOL Advisory Committee – Jin-Suk Byun reported that Shari Little left to assume a new position out of
state. The committee hasn’t met since their last meeting and appreciate all the help with the ESOL
matrices since Shari Little left. They welcomed the new ESOL coordinator, Lena Shaqareq.
Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) – Larry Daniel said EPI has 72 new members in their cohort a
number enlarged in part because FSCJ EPI has suspended enrollment this year.
Accreditation Update – Claire Torres is planning on conducting a workshop to help the new faculty
understand the new ECATS system. We are also going to talk about all the other data we are collecting
and about how to use this data from the feedback the state gave us. Claire will invite everybody to that
workshop. Please make sure if you are making changes to a course with critical tasks in it, use the
matrices to make sure everything is in alignment. There will be a syllabi call out by the end of the month
and we will collect all the syllabi and upload them into our system portal.
Dean’s Report –
Center for Urban Education and Policy
 Currently seeking for Director of Urban Initiatives who will be the first employee of the Center.
 We are in the process of creating internal and external advisory boards for the Center.
 We will very soon announce a process for creating faculty affiliations with the Center.
 Purposes:
 Catalog all of COEHS’s key outreach and research initiatives in Urban Education under
one umbrella so that we can communicate more effectively about our work in urban
 Provide an affiliation of faculty with the Center to give greater visibility to their work.
 Leverage the talents and service commitments of our faculty so they can be even more
involved in addressing the needs and concerns of the educational community.
 Provide a framework for collaborative community conversations about education,
educational research, and public policy.
Follow-up to NCATE
 We received official notice from NCATE in April that UNF have received continuing accreditation
on our Professional Education Unit without conditions
 NCATE identified two areas for improvement: Better documentation of field experiences for our
advanced programs and development of a more formal mechanism for collaborating with our
Arts and Sciences faculty.
The Budget
 General Revenue in the Florida Treasury is basically flat; the Legislature provided no Public
Education Capital Outlay (PECO) funds in the 2012 session.
 Update on State Pension Lawsuit (3% monies) filed by the Florida Education Association and
four other state employee unions being heard by the Florida Supreme Court. Cost to state to
restore the funds would be $1.6 billion (most likely to be recouped at the local employer level).
 All SUS schools and Student Governments are “campaigning” with the Legislature to get higher
education more appropriately funded.
Faculty Searches
 Assistant Professor, Middle/Secondary Mathematics Education (FSE);
 Associate/Full Professor, Educational Leadership, and Doctoral Program Director (LSCSM).
 We are also currently searching for Director of Urban Initiatives (COEHS) and one full-time staff
position (OEFE).
 We are attempting to get approval to search for an Instructor of TESOL (CELT).
On a final note, Larry Daniel asked faculty if they were interested in a forum to discuss the three finalists
for the Duval County Superintendent search so we could give our feedback and he’ll have Mr. Fel Lee,
the Vice-Chairman of the Duval County School Board, come and meet with us. It was agreed.
Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 1:39 p.m.