October 22 2014 CLT

College Leadership Team
October 22, 2014
Present – Marsha Lupi, Jennifer Kane, Linda Sciarratta, Megan Possinger, Cathy O’Farrell, John Kemppainen, Jeffrey
Cornett, Chris Janson, Candice Carter, Karen Patterson, John Venn, Guest – Pat Hanford
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
Minutes – The minutes were approved as written.
Leadership team updates
Dr. O’Farrell gave an update on the status of the Spring Interns.
Dr. Janice Seabrooks-Blackmore will be representing COEHS on the IRB Committee.
Professor in Residence application – The leadership team will begin looking at new models and different ways to
approach this process. Further discussion during the next CLT meeting.
Rule 6A Approval of Teacher Preparation Program (MHL) – Handout was provided
Voting for the rules will be during this legislature session. Dr. Lupi will contact Gloria Pelaez if faculty has comments;
Gloria is in charge of that aspect of the FACTE committee structure.
Florida certification costs for faculty (MHL)
Faculty will be responsible for re-certification if they are out supervising in the schools. Professional development money
can be used to pay for certification. The Dean’s Office will continue to reimburse faculty for fingerprinting. Dr. Kane
asked the department chairs to research how many faculty are not current; Drs. Possinger and Kemppainen will research
Florida Certification updates and bring back to the leadership team.
The NCTQ is simplified for COEHS; President Delaney requires COEHS to do the reporting. Drs. Kane and Possinger will
oversee the gathering of COEHS files and documentation.
Faculty Associates (J. Kane)
Dr. Kane updated the CLT on the faculty associate applications. The deadline has been extended through October 31st. A
rubric will be generated to help the selection process.
Pat Hanford – UNF Foundation Scholarships & Fellowships
Pat Hanford, Director of Development talked about Scholarships and Fellowships that are funded privately through the
UNF Foundation, how scholarships work at UNF and the impact they have at the departmental level. The 2015-16
scholarship/fellowship applications period just opened; January 23, 2015 is the application deadline. Pat gave
department chairs a December 1st deadline if they would like to see any changes to the scholarship/fellowship selection
committee. Dr. Lupi and Pat will further discuss ways to promote scholarships and fellowships to COEHS students.
Proposed new protocol for assessment and data tracking (MSP)
I-Web Folio is a mechanism through which all indicators, assignments, rubrics and data tracking is in one spot. Dr.
Possinger and Judy Miller ran an exemplar report which was submitted to Eileen McDaniel. Ms. McDaniel felt from her
vantage point that the method was acceptable. The goal is to streamline to make user friendly for faculty going through
the process. Megan and Judy will work on this over the spring and have consolidated as much as possible to launch in
the fall.
Strategic Plans – Updates (MHL)
Deadline to submit is November 1st. Please share with Dr. Lupi any department strategic plan specifics (processes
and/or thoughts) by November 10.
Dean’s Search (CC)
The search committee is checking references for three finalists who are scheduled to interview in November.
NOTE: Share with the Dean’s search candidates- Strategic Plan specifics.
Faculty Search Updates
Department Chairs gave an update on their faculty searches.
Check COEHS Website and update periodically (MHL)
Dr. Lupi reminded the leadership team to keep their department websites updated.
Other Business/Reminders
Submit your department recruitment materials request to Linda as soon as possible.
Dr. Schramm Possinger will meet with program leaders before the strategic plans are due. She would like to go over the
indicators. The strategic plans will be submitted to Eileen McDaniel for review.
Dr. Kemppainen and Dr. Kane attended a meeting at the President’s office to discuss the state matrices and how each
college can contribute to improve outcomes.
Other Business
Dr. Lupi discussed department chair attendance to AACTE next year…02/27 – 03/01, 2015 in Atlanta.
Dr. Janson shared that the student health clinic created a policy for Ebola on October 5, 2014. Dr. Janson will share this
information with COEHS faculty.
PeDro Cohen is leading an effort that is involving the City and FSCJ to apply for Jacksonville to become a federal
designation Promise Zone. Dr. Janson will report back to the leadership team information sought from the meetings he
attends regarding this effort.
Meeting adjourned at 10:55am