March 11 2015

College Leadership Team
March 11, 2015
Present – Marsha Lupi, Jennifer Kane, Megan Possinger, Linda Sciarratta, Cathy O’Farrell, Karen Patterson, John
Kemppainen, Jeff Cornett, Chris Janson, John Venn, Dan Dinsmore
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
Minutes- The minutes were approved as written.
Jamie Harsell-Chavez, Administrative Secretary for Advising, has accepted an advisor position at FSCJ April 1st. Jamie is
graduating with her Masters’ Degree in Higher Education.
Dr. Lupi met with the Dean of Arts and Science at St. Johns River College to discuss partnership opportunities.
Clinical Faculty, Linda Dacks, Maria Ramdas, Allen Wilder, and Sharon Joca will be retiring at the end of the spring
The MOU with St. Augustine High School and the teacher’s academy will be expiring this year. The new MOU will be
rolled over with a new focus.
The Jacksonville Residency Program currently has 12 approved candidates for cohort 2. JTR will continue recruitment
efforts in hopes of increasing that number.
The Ronald McDonald House meeting was Monday, March 9. There are three action items to work towards: A
recommended book list to have at the RMH, establish a student club that will produce voluntary readers for the children
at RMH, and Dr. Katrina Hall will be working with her class on age and grade appropriate materials for the RMH.
Monday’s college core meeting outcome was to work on the goal of addressing programs with excess hours. There will
be individual meetings between key faculty to continue work on this. In the future a retreat will be planned to look at
college core and competencies to review the content for COEHS students and classes.
Representatives from COEHS have been meeting with music education faculty to discuss ways to make changes to their
programs of study. The department is integrating Field 1 and Field 2 hours into existing courses, and infusing classroom
management and assessment into developing courses. Before being approved the music faculty will be submitting drafts
of the course syllabi to Megan. Megan will continue to work with them.
Spring 2015 Scholar Convocation – JJK
Please remind your faculty to share student names with Patti Robbins in preparation for the Spring Convocation and
Award Ceremony on April 30th.
Marketing and Projected numbers – JJK MHL
Enrollment Services is collecting data to find quantitative ways to track the number of applications and students who are
admitted into the college and how many of those students actually enroll. Marketing efforts will gravitate around this
group of students to provide strategic communications to them. Cathy Cole will be working on this communication
piece. Dr. Colom will be sharing strategies when he visits with COEHS department chairs.
Search Update – MHL
TESOL position is in the closing stage.
The committee recommended a candidate for the Assistant Professor of Education Foundations.
Early Childhood is still open and new applications are coming in.
Recurring and Non-Recurring Budgets – MHL and LS
COEHS Department Chairs discussed their departments faculty needs. The budget is due on Monday, March 16, 2015.
Other Business
Dr. Dinsmore brought forward as an information item the Dean’s Search. Do any changes need to be made going
forward? Dr. Chant and Dr. Patterson had a few recommendations to be made. The plan is to discuss during Executive
Committee and extend discussion during Faculty Assembly to bring forward to the Provost Office.
Dr. Nick Eastham’s Mom passes away. Nick will be leaving for New Mexico tomorrow. Dr. Lupi will clear with Nick before
giving his address to anyone who wants to send a card.
Dr. Dinsmore and Dr. Jansen will set up a meeting with Dr. Kantner to discuss IRB practices.
Dr. Possinger received information from the state which enumerated the total scores for the general knowledge test and
the professional education test. The information gives the test scores between 2013/2014. Dr. Possinger hopes to find
the results of the 2015 GK testing and will send this information to you by the end of the spring semester.
FACTE Conference Sunday through Tuesday, March 15 – 17.
Meeting adjourned at 11:15am