August 13 2014 CLT

College Leadership Team
August 13, 2014
Present – Marsha Lupi, Jennifer Kane, Cathy O’Farrell, Candice Carter, John Kemppainen, Karen Patterson, Jeffrey
Cornett, John Venn
Call to order – The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
Minutes – The minutes were approved with minor corrections.
Leadership team discussion before Announcements
Dr. Kantner has been invited to the September 10th CLT meeting. Please think about any needs or issues you would like
to bring forward during his visit to the meeting. One of Dr. Kantner’s agenda items will be to clarify the conditions of
instructors working with an H-1B visa.
Dr. Lupi spoke with Provost Traynham about the online submission of ISQs. Clarification is needed regarding the option
to exclude ISQs with low response rates and options for exclusion of any ISQ submission.
Missing text book list: In an effort to reduce the missing text book list, send a note to Aroline Avery if you have courses
on the list that do not require text books.
CUEP – Dr. Lupi is working to define faculty associate positions. There is a meeting of the CUEP executive meeting on
August 14th. During the first faculty assembly meeting Dr. Lupi will be able to report on the status of the faculty
associate positions.
FYI – Dr. O’Farrell received a call from the state auditor’s office regarding the process used to clear individuals who work
with students during summer camps. Dr. O’Farrell will send the information she received to all department chairs.
Welcome Dr. Janson, Interim Department Chair, LSCSM.
Dr. Kemppainen – Wednesday, September 17, we will be hosting an open house on the first floor lobby of the COEHS.
Also included will be the offices of Veterans Affairs, On Campus Transition, Leadership Institute, and the Disability
Resource Center. The Bookstore, Financial Aid, and Enrollment Services may participate also. Dr. Lupi would like all
safety issues to be considered when configuring the set up.
Dr. Kane reported on a discussion from the Associate Dean’s meeting. Dr. Lupi and Dr. Kane will request an agenda item
at faculty assembly – The option to create honors in the major program.
Dr. Janson shared a discussion that was collectively born from the community engaged department regarding a
department wide faculty and possibly student engagement where a school would be adopted in DCPS. Dr. Janson and
Dr. Sweeney will continue conversations. As the process comes together, a model will be presented to the departments.
Search updates and recruitment resources
The search for the Early Childhood line is in process and the Sport Management search committee is set. Next week the
departments will be ready to report on their search updates after their department meetings. All faculties new to being
a member of a search committee will have to attend “Search Committee” training.
Professor in Residence Proposal (CO)
There are two openings for a professor in residents for this upcoming year for West Jacksonville Elementary and Kings
Trail Elementary. Dr. O’Farrell shared with the leadership team a draft proposal which includes a brief profile of each
school. Dr. Lupi suggested to offer an open session (lunch and learn), and have a professor in residence talk to
interested faculty. Dr. Lupi and Dr. O’Farrell will meet to discuss “next steps” since this will not start until the spring;
extend the proposal submission date.
Graduate Referrals (JPK)
Could a process be formulated to assure the quality of letters of recommendations for graduate referral? Dr. Kantner
will be a guest at the September 10 CLT meeting; the team discussed this as a possible agenda item?
Departments need to advise students to apply with admissions for their certificate and also apply for graduation. The
dean’s office will set-up a meeting to bring the program leaders together to educate students on the courses needed for
their certificate
NCTQ has requested to participate in our teacher education programs. This is an arduous task and Drs. Lupi, Kane, and
Possinger will find out more information on NCTQ response at the October 2014 FACTE. President Delaney generally
likes us to respond to their request.
Other Business
Chad Learch, Enrollment Services, would like to highlight one program from COEHS. Dr. Lupi will get more clarification
from Chad but suggests Elementary Education or Early Childhood, and possibly partnering with the Child Development
Center. Dr. Venn will meet with Dr. Hall and report back to Dr. Lupi.
Promotional materials will be offered as a gift during the Welcome Back BBQ. Remember part of the budget is the
departments will be able to purchase their own marketing materials.
September 25 is the first day of fall term plus the 1st day of internship seminar on campus beginning at 9:00am.
Albert Colom, Enrollment Services, will be attending the August 27 meeting.
Pat Hanford will be a guest at the August 27 meeting to update the team on the development side of COEHS.
Pat will also be hosting a meeting on September 8 for other Development Offices and Institutional Advancement. One of
the purposes is to highlight COEHS programs. Dr. O’Farrell will highlight the PDS schools, Dr. Lastrapes will highlight the
JTR program, and Dr. Webb will be highlighting the THRIVE program.
Meeting adjourned at 11:25am.