Administrative Services Staff Meeting July 10, 2001

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
July 10, 2001
_x_ Rocky Bonura
_x_ Joyce Branch
_x_ Janet Clarke
_x_ Mike D’Amico
Maurice Elmore
Janice Ely
Pam Fees
Bob Gann
Vic Hanson
Alex Kelley
Donna Manno
Andy Nasatir
__ Lynnda Nelson
_x_ Allene Quarles
_x_ Marcy Wade
The meeting opened at 8 a.m.
Pamela Fees:
 The Timekeeper System is in place. A couple of people have notified us of problems. We will learn
about more problems when payroll is prepared. Everyone with a part-time, hourly, or non-cert should
be reporting time in this manner.
 Donna Manno’s area and the Bookstore have no equipment in place. If it is not in place, payroll may
accept a hard copy, but someone from the division must to a terminal and input past days on the system.
If additional machines are needed, advise ITS. Swipe card requires separate machine. It cannot be
connected to an existing computer.
 The County system was down for a few days due to telephone line corrections. Payments and payrolls
go through the County. We used the Lawndale system several times and Alex was very helpful during
some hectic days.
 Closing is going well, and staff is trying to hit July 31 date for having books closed.
 Registration payments seem to be coming in more timely. Advising students of the 7-day limit for
payments appears to be working.
 The Inglewood fire station is now ECC property. Most activity involves Maurice getting utilities set
up, working on getting contacts for cleaning service, pest control, trash, questions on landscaping. He
has done a walkthrough with fire captain, and the soil sampling passed for escrow. The property is
adjacent to other Inglewood City properties.
 Memos were sent to managers asking for updates on appendix portion of the budget book for 2001-02.
Confirming projections shown in the tentative budget are being done.
 The BDC met June 21, did not meet July 5 because there is no budget from the Governor, and the next
meeting is July 19.
Janet Clarke: Has been on vacation
Donna Manno:
 CQIN is coming up, it will be held in Dallas this year and in Seattle next year.
 Staff Development has moved into new quarters in the lower level of the Library. They had an air
conditioning leak in one room and part of the ceiling fell. Furniture is set up but files containing
paperwork are not available until the repairs are completed.
 In answer to questions about a new position in her area, they are trying to get it updated to a training
position and are working with H.R. for a new job description. She wants to do FISH with managers
and supervisors on a Friday in September. After that, she plans to revisit large staff areas for staff to
come up with training ideas.
 The next new hire orientation may be in mid-August, a date has not been set.
 Donna asked Rocky about the availability of large flashlights in the event of a blackout.
Joyce Branch:
 Web advisor usage seems to have increased in students registering and paying for classes. Very few for
summer but increased for fall. Once get through fall semester, may want to consider setting up credit
card payments kiosk near telephones. Also going to have application to register on the web. Bill
Mulrooney needs to publicize this. We have completed two weeks of registration for fall returning
students and this will go on until July 26. New students’ telephone registration will start about the 30 th.
 Some time in August will have 2-3 days of walk-in for new students.
Allene Quarles: No report , she is working on HR procedures.
Maurice Elmore: New swing shift custodial shift with Easter and Cary from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., also have a
weekend shift. Receiving positive comments.
Mike D’Amico:
 Two Police officers are resigning and replacements are being considered.
 Also filled 2 positions for Facilities. The Area Council met and discussion focused primarily on the
2002-03 compressed calendar. There is a need to look at the impact on HR, year-round registration,
and the cashiers area. This is going to the Board in July.
 If AFT negotiations are not completed by September or October, the calendar will not be changed. The
4-day work week next summer will continue for at least 2002 Summer, faculty opposes this 4-day
 It was requested to bring Fall 2002 forward but, after discussion with Datatel, we will run into big
problems in bringing forward during registration. We can bring it forward on a weekend when
registration not affected. At this point, end of July will bring forward everything. Divisions must have
all sections in place for Fall 2002.
Rocky Bonura:
 Fire prevention inspection was done with some abatement issues. We passed the Hazmat hazardous
materials inspection.
 There are problems with AQMD approval of the ride share plan which might impact the status of the
ride share program.
 Facilities has the information re the location of the electrical grids where ECC is located. The Child
Development Center is exempt. Police Department will be made exempt, they are on separate meters.
Bob Gann:
 Regarding the Hawthorne site, Community Advancement has been slow to turn over cabling plan to
ITS. Because cabling must be done before painting and carpeting, the August 1 deadline is in jeopardy.
As of last month the furniture had not been ordered and that is a one-month delivery time.
 Facilities has not been able to get a list of those moving and the items to move. Arvid and his
Administrative Assistant, Arlene, are on vacation. Setting up meeting next week with Arvid to work
out problems.
 Ongoing servicing of the Hawthorne and Inglewood sites will be done through service contracts with
outside vendors.
 For the budget review requests, Nadine and Pat changed the due date to August 1 from July 22.
 The hydronic water project, heating and cooling, is proceeding.
 Facilities will move Don Treat’s area to the Cafeteria East Lounge for approximately 6-8 weeks while
remodeling is being done. The windows of the East Lounge will be covered with paper. New start date
for the remodel is approximately some time in August.
 Parking lot L will be recoated in the first two weeks in August (south of Redondo Beach, west portion).
 Leo Middleton is being relocated to H19 (the former Staff Development area). Bob and Leo will walk
through to see what is needed. The Curriculum area will expand into Leo’s vacated area.
Marcy Wade:
 First day of negotiations on Monday, July 9, went well. It has been brought up that no one from
Facilities is on the team.
 There are sunshine agreements going on the July Board agenda for reopeners with faculty because of
State contributions to part-time faculty issues.
 There are reports that Blue Cross will no longer receive bonuses for keeping costs down, but rather they
will receive payments based on customer satisfaction and quality of care.
 If a Timekeeper information page is submitted with an address that is different from current records for
the casual/hourly employee, the most recent address submitted should be used. This information goes
to Job Placement, not to Human Resources.
Meeting closed at 9:15 a.m.