ACITC Meeting Minutes September 14, 2007 Attending: Judith Barlow, Linda Khan, Sharon Ainsley, Jason Ball, Bill Gabrenya, Steven Lazarus, Dick Newman, Korhan Oyman, Kurt Winkelmann, Carol Shehadeh, Mary Bonhomme, Rhoda Baggs, Absent: Bill Allen The meeting was called to order at 3:06 pm. The committee introduced themselves as the new member of ACITC for this year and Dr. Korhan Oyman as the new chair of ACITC. Jason Ball and Mary Bonhomme will fulfill the obligation for the ADITC liaison as they both attend that meeting. Minutes for April 27, 2007 were approved with corrections made. Meeting time for the committee will be the second Friday of the month at 3:00 pm in the Dean’s Conference Room of the College of Engineering. Old Business It has been confirmed that Dr. Steven Lazarus will be the new ACITC committee chairman next year as indicated by the cycle of chairs. Committee Reports ADITC: Jason Ball Cookie Young is the new chair of the committee. ADITC is focused on University Alliance and the IT projects it is creating including document management, increase email server volume and PAWS to TRACKS. There was an LMS demo held last week with reviews of Desire to Learn, Angel and Blackboard Enterprise. Reviews included tracks integration, Banner population and capabilities. It was requested to compare the modules for what will actually be purchases as compared to what is being tested. Nelnet has been purchased as the eCommerce solution for third party payer. This will also serve as PCI compliance as processing credit cards will not be done on campus. IT: Dr. Newman Dr. Newman indicated he will be talking with the departments to get a feel for high capacity needs relating to SURA and FLR and promoting the capabilities of both. ITEC: Linda Khan The Library has scanned most of the Link collection as part of the Link Electronic Archive Project continues with funding from Marilyn Link, Dr. Andrew Clark and the Link Foundation. Dr. McCay has requested a list of the committee members. ACITC Meeting Minutes September 14, 2007 1 CTLE: Carol Shehadeh A guest speaker, Susie Henderson from Orange Group Projects will be on campus on October 4th. More details will follow. ACITC Subcommittee Formation: Minigrants: New committee members include Steve Lazarus, chair, Rhoda Baggs and Kurt Winkelmann Teaching and Learning: New committee members include Carol Shehadeh, Mary Bonhomme, Judy Barlow and Kurt Winkelmann Resources: New committee members include Bill Gabrenya, Jason Ball, Bill Allen and Linda Kahn. A vacant position in the science department will also participate in the subcommittee. New Business: It was suggested that a task force be formed to evaluate and recommend a citation software product. This has been forwarded to the Resource Committee for review and recommendation. Other Business: Thanks and appreciation was given to Linda Khan for serving as last year’s chairwoman of the committee. Meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm. Minutes prepared by Cindy Adams. ACITC Meeting Minutes September 14, 2007 2