ACITC - Meeting Minutes - 03-16-2007.doc

ACITC Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2007
Attending: Jason Ball, Mary Bonhomme, Bill Gabrenya, Linda Khan, Korhan Oyman, Carol
Shehadeh, Kurt Winkelmann. Absent: Sharon Ainsley, Bill Allen, Judith Barlow, Steven
Lazarus, Dick Newman, Cookie Young.
Meeting was called to order at 3 pm.
Minutes for February 16, 2007 were approved as distributed.
Date for April meeting will be Friday, April 27, 3-4:30pm in the Dean’s Conference Room.
Committee Reports
IT: Jason Ball.
 IT has been busy with facility-related issues.
 Planned TRACKS upgrade is under way. TRACKS was last upgraded in 2001.
 Continuing with the conversion of PAWS ID number and PIN to TRACKS. Students can
check grades online, and with student’s permission, parents can do so also.
 SPAM server should be in place by next week.
 Working with University Alliance with a ready date of January 08; Bisk will donate startup
money; a new Banner server will be funded with UA funds.
 Help Desk will be starting extended hours on June 11: until midnight, some Saturday and
Sunday hours, walk-in until 9:30 at nights.
 Promotions: Oscar William is head of all support centers, labs, licensing, and Jennifer
Charron is in charge of instructor workstations. If no one is there, IT problem calls go to
ADITC and ITEC did not meet this month.
Minigrants: Korhan Oyman
All the reviewers except one have reviewed the mini-grant proposals and turned in their scores.
Since the team would like to announce the winners soon, this reviewer will be contacted
personally. If there is still no action, another reviewer will be chosen. One of the applicants,
Matthew Normand, may be leaving. Linda will contact him to see if he is going to formally
withdraw his application. The committee will meet to decide on final outcomes before the next
Resources: Bill Gabrenya
Discussion continued on the revision of the current ACITC Charter.
 Leave “vision” in the sentence “Contributes to long-term conceptual planning, goal-setting
and vision for the development of information technology at the University”. A comment
was made that members are both technically and academically oriented and can contribute
significantly to the vision of IT.
 Change Jason’s title to Assistant Vice President for Information Technology.
Voting members: Add University Webmaster and a representative from University (full-time
faculty member).
Mary as Assistant Provost for Online Learning will serve in an advisory role.
Representative from CTLE will also serve in an advisory role.
5. New Business
Linda Khan said that there have been many faculty inquiries about purchasing university-wide
bibliographic citation software (such as RefWorks, Endnote). She wanted to know if IT would
be willing to purchase a university-wide license. Jason Ball recommended that it would be best
to get a task force together to review/evaluate all available citation products, and then
recommend the best product to the committee. Mary Bonhomme noted that the DL/SEGS
students and faculty numbers should be taken into consideration. Jason added the following
criteria: product is highly portable, preferably web-based, easy to use and install, and most
efficient for everyone.
Teaching and Learning: Carol Shehadeh
This committee has not met and has no report at this time.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 pm
Next meeting: Friday, April 27, 3-4:30 pm in the Dean’s Conference Room, Olin Engineering.
Minutes prepared by Linda Khan.