ACademic Information Technology Committee (ACITC) Meeting Minutes, October 13, 2006 Recorded by: William Allen In Attendance: Sharon Ainsley, William Allen, Mary Bonhomme, Linda Khan, Eric Kledzik (for Jason Ball), Richard Newman, Carol Shehadeh, Charlotte Young, Kurt Winkelmann. The meeting was called to order at 3:10 pm Agenda items: 1. The minutes from the September 7th meeting were approved by the committee. 2. Committee Reports: ADITC – (Mary Bonhomme, Charlotte Young) The committee is reviewing priorities for IT funding and working with Development to acquire funding for specific projects (donations to support multi-media upgrades for specific classrooms, departments or programs) and seeks assistance in writing case statements. Carol Shehadeh and Sharon Ainsley volunteered to assist. The Teaching and Learning committee had an opening for a chair and Mary Bonhomme volunteered to fill that position. Banner 7 and Web for Faculty were rolled out the week of Oct. 9 with few visible changes for faculty using the web interface, more for those who use Banner directly. ITEC – (Linda Khan) This committee was also discussing priorities, renewal of software licenses and infrastructure upgrades for the 2007 budget year. Dick Newman discussed equipment replacement cycles and the distribution of computers to remote University College sites. IT – (Richard Newman) Dick Newman remarked that the exit interview with the ABET review team included very positive comments regarding IT support for faculty. The IT committee is focusing on budget issues and establishing priorities for the maximum utilization of IT staff. The remote disaster recovery facility in Atlanta is up and running, currently providing email and web redundancy. Plans are made to acquire additional machines for Banner and University business operations. iTunes University is on-line and faculty have begun to contribute. The IT committee intends to seek more faculty input on potential uses of iTunes U. Mary Bonhomme commented on the need for clarification of the policies regarding intellectual property rights for contributions to ITunes U by adjunct and University College faculty and Dick Newman stated that those policies are under review. Dick Newman and Eric Kledzik discussed improvements in the security of campus computer systems, including active scanning for vulnerabilities and automated updates for security patches. Mary Bonhomme asked about extending those features to remote University College sites, but Eric responded that active scanning and updates is problematic for sites located on government facilities. Other subcommittees: Korhan Oyman (Mini-grants committee) will begin preparations for requesting mini-grant proposals. The Resources committee did not report. The Teaching and Learning committee did not report. The next ACITC meeting was scheduled for Friday November 17th a 3pm. 3. A discussion on the Web Advisory Committee Dick Newman proposed that the Web Advisory Committee (WAC) be re-formed as a subcommittee of both the ADITC and ACITC committees with co-chairs (one from each parent committee). The WAC would serve as the advisory committee for both ADITC and ACITC and act as the content manager for University home pages and other designated web pages. Dick will draft a proposal for the next meeting and will suggest that the WAC deal with policies regarding advertising and ecommerce for groups such as WFIT and Athletics. 4. IT Policies Dick Newman and Eric Kledzik presented proposals for new or revised IT policies and sought comments from ACITC members. Policy 1001 revised Acceptable Use policies. Policy 1002 “outlines the policy that must be followed when contacting law enforcement with regards to a computer or network related crime.” The intent of this policy was to place restrictions on the release of information to protect privacy and the University’s liability. However, several committee members expressed concerns about the penalties specified in the policy and asked that additional information be provided to assure that faculty and staff would understand the intent and implications of the policy. Policy 1003 covers policies and guidelines for the transmission and use of sensitive information. Policy 1004 covers policies and guidelines for the securing of sensitive information, which was intended to include grades, financial information and other private data. The committee agreed to review the policies and provide comments. 6. Project priority lists Committee members ranked faculty priorities as a group and agreed to review and comment on all categories by email before the next meeting. Agreed-upon priorities included multi-media upgrades in classrooms and the Hartley room and Blackboard upgrades. Items 5 and 7-9 (see the attached agenda) were postponed until the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 pm. ACITC Meeting - October 13, 2006 1. Approval of the minutes from the September 7, 2006 meeting. 2. Committee Reports: · ADITC (Cookie or Mary) · ITEC (Linda) · IT (Dick or Jason) Subcommittees: · Minigrants (Korhan) · Resources (Bill) · Teaching and Learning – Needs new chair; Korhan is chair of Minigrants Committee. 3. Web Advisory Committee – status on revised mission statement and charter (Sharon). 4. IT Policies – issues and discussion on the four new IT policies distributed by Jason. 5. ACITC Retreat – action items from the 2005 retreat (Judy). 6. Project priority list - status of online list (Dick Newman); Committee comments and suggestions. 7. ACITC Charter – recommended changes to charter. 8. Committee make-up – include liaisons to Quality of Life Committee and Staff Advisory Committee? (Linda) 9. Appropriate use of FACforum and FITforum –guidelines and penalties for repeated violations. 10. Other topics/announcements? Adjourn