
Academic Information Technology Committee (ACITC)
Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2009
Attending: Steven Lazarus (COE), Korhan Oyman, (COA), Marcus Hohlmann (COS), Linda Khan
(Library), Angus Rahamut (for Rhoda Baggs, UC), Jason Ball (IT), Thomas Harrell (COP), Richard
Newman, Mary Bonhomme (APOL), Kurt Winkelman (COS), Carol Shehadeh (COP), Judy Barlow
Meeting was called to order at 3:31 pm.
Minutes for November 21, 2008 were approved as distributed.
Chair Report
Lazarus is continuing to work on the Minigrant “Statement of Benefit” -- an appeal for an increase in
grant funding. Kurt W. volunteered a testimonial at the end of this meeting and I have received some
background data from Marcus Hohlman at the end of the November meeting that he is incorporating into
the statement. Steven also sent out an email to Ken Stackpoole (cc’d the ACITC) with a list of
approximately eleven fundraising ideas that were discussed at the November ACITC meeting. A followup meeting with Ken has been requested. Steven also made a personal plea to his fellow ACITC members
in terms of getting folks to the Faculty Showcase event.
Committee Reports/Events
Minigrant Committee
Kurt Winkelman indicated that he has sent out emails to various lists in an effort to increase turnout at the
Faculty Showcase event on 5 February. Groups receiving emails include past recipients and new faculty
(from a list identified by Julie Shankle/Mary Bonhomme). Kurt mentioned that he needed to send an
invite to students as well.
Resource Committee
Marcus Hohlman indicated that he ran up against the end of the semester in terms of completing the
“survey” of Beowulf users. The committee is putting the finishing touches on the survey and have
identified a list of users. Dick Newman volunteered some ideas and Marcus asked that he email them.
Marcus mentioned that he would like to include a “wish list” component to the questionnaire if possible.
Faculty Showcase
Mary B. and Julie S. have been coordinating the Kurt W. with respect to the Faculty Showcase event.
Mary handed out an event pamphlet to be reviewed by Kurt and Steven. Feedback on the pamphlet was
requested. Mary indicated that there will be technology demonstrations at the event as well including:
ANGEL, RefWorks, Smarthinking, and UA LMS.
ITEC & IT – Jason Ball
Jason mentioned that the first 2.5 weeks of January had the highest call volume on record! He indicated
that there were 1600 calls with many (20-30%) coming from the Applied Behavioral Analysis folks.
Apparently the ABA folks are big users of various on-line technologies. Jason also mentioned that a
number of calls were dropped (~30%) and that a number of the calls were account management related
and tended to come from international students. Jason needs a recommend for an email advisory
committed member from the Chair.
Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2009
Additional topics discussed include the rollout of the CMS (Content Management System). It was noted
that this does not include the issues of web page upgrades. Linda Kahn had suggested a library person for
the web advisory committee – but Jason indicated that he would prefer a less tech-oriented person –
perhaps someone more on the “typical user” side.
The issue of do’s and don’t’s re: the internet (e.g., downloads) came up briefly. Apparently, more faculty
and staff are called up on this than one would think. Steven offered to put a link at the ACITC site to an
online list of rules that are posted elsewhere on FIT’s web pages. This may be an area that the ACITC can
help educate our colleagues. Jason indicated that there may be some mandatory training at some point to
deal with this.
ADITC – Dr. Bonhomme
The ANGEL survey was wrapped up in December 2008 and the results composited. Mary B. indicated
that there were really no immediately pressing items that couldn’t wait until after the holidays. The
committee will reconvene at the end of January 2009 to discuss the results. Interestingly, 49% of the
respondents were adjuncts! U. College had 11 respondents.
There is a planned BANNER upgrade this year (2009).
Dick Newman asked Mary about a UA update. She indicated that there were apx. 10,000 “enrollments”
(not 10 K students!). It’s UA’s 1 year anniversary. Kurt W. asked how many FTE’s did the 10K
represent. Mary reported about 400 UA students were in the MBA program. Dick N. followed up with a
question about whether the UA had reached saturation or whether or not there would be new courses
added (Mary indicated that there would be new courses). Dick also brought the issue of the COE Co-OP
program and its potential impact on the UA and on-line learning.
Other Business
Jason B. asked the ACITC Resource Committee to look at campus computer labs. Generally, there are
‘extra’ funds that are used each year to upgrade labs (at least those that are open to all students). This
year’s $ are pretty much locked up (going to Biology computer labs) – however new monies become
available in May. The Chair will wait for a document from Jason that identifies campus labs and then will
approach the Resource Committee to make recommendations for next years pot.
There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned at 4:23 pm.
Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2009